Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 518, Enemy Alliance (1St Update)

Afterwards, Gao Shun looked at Bai Qi and Zhang Liang and asked, "What should we do with those prisoners?"

"Kill!" Bai Qi said without hesitation.

After hearing this, all the generals felt a little upset in their hearts for some unknown reason. Their marshal was a bit ruthless.

"Yes." Gao Shun replied immediately.

Gao Shun is such a person. He doesn't think too much about the marshal's orders. Since he ordered to kill, he will just kill himself.

There were nearly 30,000 enemies captured this time. Gao Shun asked them to dig holes and bury all the dead enemies.

When the enemies were almost buried, Gao Shun ordered them to be clicked and thrown into the pit they dug themselves.

After seeing Gao Shun's actions, many generals, for some reason, became a little afraid of Gao Shun, who was usually silent and serious, but never sloppy in his actions.

Zhang Liangke was always keeping an eye on the situation in the enemy's territory, but found that there was no movement in the enemy's territory alliance, and he didn't know if the other party didn't know that his 200,000 people had been destroyed again.

Enemy Territory Alliance.

The Torsis Ryder family is an established force in the Beautiful Country. Not only is it the top force in the country, it is also considered the top force in the entire Canglan Continent.

One of the territories that clashed with Zhou Yan this time was a member of the Ryder family, named Torsis Ryder Os.

Among the Ryder family, this person can only be regarded as a lord who relies on the glory of the family for development, and is not considered a top lord.

Even so, his territory is not comparable to that of ordinary people. There are at least one or two heroes of Apex Level quality. Unfortunately, one of them was killed by Zhou Yan, although Zhou Yan did not know about it yet.

This time, Aos got up on the bed with the beautiful woman hugging him as usual, and then waited for news about the soldiers under his command.

But he soon noticed something strange, because time passed and his generals did not send him any news.

Soon, the alliance forces headed by Torsis Ryder Os also discovered that something was wrong, and quickly sent flying eagles and other flying monsters to investigate the situation.

When they saw dead bodies all over the ground and no one among their forces, they were horrified to find that their 200,000 reinforcements had been wiped out again.


Torsis Leder Os was so angry that he overturned the table, smashed all kinds of precious things to pieces, and finally grabbed a trembling blonde beauty and pressed her head down.

Then, with an explosion, the anger subsided a little.

"Call me the other lords." Aos said quickly.

A dozen lords soon arrived in Aos's territory. They came all the way to Aos's castle and then came to the conference room.

The atmosphere was very bad, and every lord looked very ugly.

Each of their territories suffered heavy casualties. Taken together, more than 400,000 coalition troops died.

Especially the territory of Aos had the most casualties, because he also sent the most people, a hundred thousand troops. It can be said that the losses were heavy, which made him heartbroken.

The men and horses they lost had no resurrection ability, and all the soul coins, spirit coins, equipment, and skills consumed on the soldiers were simply immeasurable.

This time has greatly damaged the vitality of the alliance.

Aos was sitting on the main seat. Seeing that everyone looked very unhappy, he also said, "Everyone must know the result of our sending soldiers there this time. The whole army was wiped out, the whole army was wiped out!"

Every lord was very sad. They had lost a large amount of spiritual coins, so they were naturally distressed.

It would be nothing if it caused a devastating blow to the enemy. The key point was that the enemy's territory was not even seen and they were directly defeated outside. All the more than 400,000 troops were defeated by the enemy.

This kind of shame is really difficult for them to bear, and every lord has a look of sadness on their face.

"I don't know what the leader of the Oss Alliance is thinking. Is it possible to invite the elders of your family to seek justice? As long as you, the Ryder family, take action, I believe the enemy will not be able to stay alive for long."

One of the lords quickly suggested this, and the other lords immediately agreed and expressed their support.

When Aos heard this, he cursed a bunch of bastards in his heart!

In the Ryder family, he is just a member of several generations who has been eating and drinking. The other brothers and sisters do not look down on him at all, and even despise him.

Oss can only be so majestic in front of these people. How can the Ryder family go out to seek justice for him? They don't even dare to let the family know about it.

Otherwise, it will make Os, who already doesn't have much face, lose even more face.

In the eyes of people like them, face is very important. Once they lose face, they will suffer more serious ridicule. This makes Os, who is used to being aloof, even more uncomfortable than killing him.

But Aos couldn't show it in front of these people. Instead, he had to look like he was thinking, not to mention how uncomfortable they were.

However, the more Ao Si thought about it, the angrier he became. Finally, he slammed the table and said angrily: "You can't handle such a small thing. What do you do for food? I helped you so much in the past and developed your territory so much." It’s powerful, but now it’s just a small territory, and people from my family are still being sent out, are you all trash?”

When the other lords heard this, they immediately criticized it. They were actually blamed for this?

If you hadn't insisted on provoking others, and organized waves of troops, they would have lost nothing at all. They would have been lying on the bed happily hugging the little beauty.

But they don't say that.

After all, there is such a stupid guy with a lot of money who is willing to help them develop their territory, and they will not let such a rich man go.

"The leader of the Oss Alliance is absolutely right, but we are no longer able to form another army. The ones we sent before were all the elites of our army, but they all failed. If we send ordinary soldiers, they will probably be defeated by the other side." People were wiped out."

On this point, every lord did not lie. All the elites in their territory were indeed dead. These soldiers were the strongest soldiers in their territory, and they had been there since the establishment of the territory.

It's a pity that this time, they were all wiped out, completely wiped out, not a single one was left.

Although most of these soldiers were equipped with money from Os, they were also very distressed because they were all their soldiers.

Hearing this, Aos did sigh. Is it necessary to let the other party go?

(Author: Let me see if I can challenge ten updates today!)

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