Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 519, Picked Up From The Garbage Dump

However, at this time, a lord spoke up and said: "Leader Os, I have a suggestion that I don't know whether to make or not."

"If you have anything to say, say it quickly." Aos said quickly.

"Actually, we don't necessarily need to do it ourselves. We can hire other people to do it. Of course, we just need to come up with something that satisfies them." The lord quickly expressed his thoughts.

"Hire other lords to help!" When Ao Si heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. This idea was indeed a good one and very suitable. As long as the price and items were negotiated, there was no need to take action himself.

"Who can you contact?" Aos had never thought about this problem, so naturally he had no way out and looked at the other party.

"I know a mercenary lord. They specialize in this. Even though they are very famous all over the world, it's just that what the other party needs is very difficult to find. We have to be mentally prepared." The other party replied.

When Aos heard this, he quickly said: "Make an appointment and let them come to my territory. No matter what the conditions are, we must listen."

Although Os is not popular in the Ryder family, he can still enjoy the family's resources and abilities. Through this, he fully believes that he can get what the other party needs.

"Okay Leader Os, I believe the enemy will pay a heavy price soon." The man replied,


Zhou Yan didn't know that Aos was already planning to hire other lords to deal with him. Even if he knew, Zhou Yan would use soldiers to block him, water and soil to cover him, and he would destroy as many as he came.

Zhang Liang counted the losses in this battle for a long time, and then he calculated everything and told Zhou Yan everything.

Zhou Yan listened to the rough battle damage, then nodded to show that he knew, and then disappeared.

War is nothing more than money, logistics, and consumption.

When Zhou Yan is not short of money, has sufficient logistics, and has abundant reserves, all he needs to do is have a general understanding.

This battle has fully demonstrated Zhang Liang's ability and proved how important it is to have an adviser. If Zhang Liang hadn't used his own strategy, their casualties would have increased a lot.

Bai Qi and the others are indeed excellent commanders, but when it comes to conspiracy, professionals are still better.

Zhang Liang is not suitable to be the Minister of War. Being a military advisor is the most suitable. However, Zhou Yan has not thought of anyone who can replace Zhang Liang for the time being. In addition, the territory currently has not too many soldiers, only a few hundred thousand. This matter Things can be discussed later.

As usual, he resurrected the soldiers who died in battle, and then took care of all matters in the territory. Zhou Yan once again lived a life of two points and one line.

The soldiers can continue to hunt Monsters and obtain treasure chests. They have no time to attack other people's territories now. Firstly, it is unnecessary and secondly, they are not interested. Unless the other party really makes Zhou Yan angry, Zhou Yan will order their elimination. Enemy territory.

As for the Os Alliance, they started to meet the mercenary lords, but they were also very busy and couldn't come at the moment, but they still agreed on a time to meet.

Aos had no choice but to wait for the other party to meet him.

For a while, both parties lived a short and peaceful life.

But Zhou Yan still summoned everyone back to the territory at the end of the month because the school would have a trial at the beginning of next month.

As the territory was summoned back by Zhou Yan, Zhou Yan finally waited for the trial of Ziwei Academy to begin.

As the chief instructor Yang Junming came to the classroom, every student was quietly waiting for the start of this trial.

There are only thirty days left, and the New Year is coming. They hope to get good results and go home during these thirty days.

Yang Junming looked at the many students and said, "They are all curious."

"Yes." the students replied.

"Just be curious, I won't tell you what the trial is." Yang Junming laughed.

"Hush!!!!" The students looked disgusted.

Naturally, Yang Junming would not tell the students. Even he didn't know what the trials were. The school's trials were not something that instructors like them could arrange at all, but they did give some advice.

As for whether it has been adopted, they don't know.

"Let's go, gather together." Yang Junming led the students to the square, and students from other classes also came here.

I was surprised to find that in addition to the entry disciples like them, there were also outer disciples.

The students are very curious, why are there external disciples participating in this trial?

Not to mention that the students were curious, every chief instructor who led the team was also confused, but not only could they not say it, they couldn't show it, and they also had to act like I had known it for a long time.

This is fucked.

But Ziwei Academy has this style, so what can you do?

The one who spoke this time was the elder who could speak without opening his mouth last time. He asked everyone to be quiet, and then said: "This trial core begins. The rules of the trial are very simple. That is, you can live as long as you can." how long."

"After all the disciples enter the teleportation formation, they summon the territory within ten minutes and start the trial. By the way, there are a lot of good things in this trial."

When the disciples heard this, they were speechless. Damn, it was explained in one sentence. It was really simple.

But compared to the trial where they talked a lot of nonsense, the disciples actually found it quite good.

This trial seemed a bit strange. It didn't explain what was inside or how long it would last. It just asked them to live as long as possible. In this way, if they died inside, they would just be teleported out.

Since you won't die, there is nothing to be afraid of.

A teleportation array appeared in front of it. It was so large that as long as you walked into it, it would disappear immediately.

Ye Bufan and others came to Zhou Yan and said, "I don't know if we can meet him this time."

"It's hard to say. After all, the elder didn't explain much. He only said that we should live as long as possible. This proves that after we go in, we should be attacked by many monsters, and there should be many good things inside to tempt us to get them. .”

"This proves that we must not only protect the territory, but also send people out to find treasures. This trial may seem simple, but it can actually produce a lot of things."

Zhou Yan briefly expressed his opinion.

"You have a lot on your mind, kid." When Luo Yushuang heard this, she didn't think so much.

"That's because you are stupid, okay? Normal people can come up with a lot of information." Ye Bufan hit his sister mercilessly.

"If I'm stupid, then why aren't you stupid? Don't forget, we are both born to the same mother." Luo Yushuang refused to accept it.

"I'll ask you later if you picked it up from the trash."

"You are!"


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