Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 525, Where There Is Oppression, There Is Resistance

As Chu Luoyan continued to increase the strength of the monsters for the two of them, even Ye Bufan's territory could no longer hold up. He couldn't help but curse. This trial was so perverted that he didn't believe that a few people could resist it. .

As Ye Bufan guessed, this was a level test, and only he and Zhou Yan were still resisting.

But Ye Bufan's territory will eventually be unable to hold on, and the walls of the territory are already crumbling.

Chu Luoyan gave up the pressure on Ye Bufan's territory and removed all the monsters.

After seeing the monster disappear, Ye Bufan breathed a sigh of relief, then lay on his wall and began to breathe, and cursed: "What the hell, it's finally over."

Everyone also knows very well that among all the disciples, Zhou Yan's territory is the strongest and the most difficult to break. The monsters outside have been upgraded to Level 80 by Chu Luoyan.

Moreover, the monster's strength has reached silver quality, but Zhou Yan's territory is still impregnable, and it is still difficult for monsters to get too close to the territory.

Everyone was speechless.

"No, no one can break Zhou Yan's territory?"

"It is indeed very strong. The strength of this monster has reached Level 80 silver quality. But look at these monsters. They can't even get within a few hundred meters of Zhou Yan's territory. This is really too strong."

"I estimate that few people in the Lord's Continent can break Zhou Yan's territory."

"I don't know how long Elder Chu Luoyan will persist."

Chu Luoyan did not disappoint everyone. She once again improved the strength of the monsters. However, this time she did not send so many monsters, but the monsters were very powerful.

The monsters dispatched this time are all BO SS Level monsters, and their levels have directly reached Level 90. The key is that these monsters are monsters with very strong defense.

In the place of trial, after Zhou Yan heard roars from all directions, he immediately flew to the top of the city. At this time, there were a group of generals on the city wall, and Bai Qi and Zhang Liang were also here.

"Lord, is this really just a trial? Why is the monster's level so high, and the BOSS is dispatched directly this time?" Zhang Liang felt that this was not a simple trial.

"Let me go, how many level 90 bosses are there?" Zhou Yan asked.

"There are one hundred in each place, four hundred in total." Zhang Liang replied.

"It is impossible for such a strong monster to appear in a normal trial. This must be targeted at me deliberately. I didn't expect that I am so hated by people and they would treat me like this deliberately." Zhou Yan was also speechless. He just participated in a trial. , as for targeting me like this?

Zhou Yan didn't know yet that Chu Luoyan was not targeting Zhou Yan alone, but everyone, but he was the one who persisted the longest.

"I think the previous attack was quite good. They gave us so many treasure boxes for nothing. Unfortunately, I'm afraid these bosses will be the ones to follow." After listening to this, Zhang Liang already understood what the other party meant.

"Ignore him, I don't believe they can still break through my territory. I want to see if they have the strength to break through my territory."

Zhou Yan also became very confident. The territory's defense tower was so powerful that he didn't believe that the other party could really send a bunch of king-level monsters to attack his territory.

A king-level monster is naturally impossible, but Chu Luoyan was really stunned by the power of Zhou Yan's territory.

This was the first time she met such a capable student. He wanted to know how strong the opponent's territory was. She had the urge to not give up until Zhou Yan's territory was broken.

More than a hundred Level 90 Silver BOSSs, all of which had strong defensive capabilities, ran towards the territory and released their defensive skills.

Waves of defense tower attacks fell, and the monster persisted for a few seconds before dying.

Chu Luoyan: " [●´Å`●] "

Everyone: "(ノ ̄ー ̄)ノノ(º_ºノ)(。-ω-)-ω-)-ω-)"

"I really don't believe it. If you can resist this wave, I, Chu Luoyan, will lose!" It was the first time that Chu Luoyan was made so temperless. This kind of monster could only last a few seconds.

So, Chu Luoyan sent out a full-level defensive monster with a quality reaching Diamond Level, and they only attacked Zhou Yan in one place.

When Zhou Yan saw the level and quality of the monsters that appeared in front of him, he was shocked.

"Holy shit, are you making a mistake! A max-level defensive monster. Did I sleep with your wife or something? Are you targeting me like this?"

Zhou Yan was speechless, and so were his men. They thought this was just a simple trial.

But who would have thought that, for the first time they saw a monster at full level, this was really just a trial?

This is revenge!

When the instructors and students from the outer sect saw the level and quality of these monsters, they were once again stunned by Chu Luoyan's methods.

"Damn it! Did I read that right? This is...a monster at full level..."

"Not only is it a monster at full level, but it is also a BOSS that has reached diamond quality."

"And there are hundreds of them. How did Zhou Yan offend Elder Chu Luoyan? This revenge is too obvious."

"Shh! Keep your voice down, you don't want to hang out in the academy. After Elder Chu hears it, he has to let you lie down for ten days and a half."

Even the instructor was shocked. A maxed-out diamond-quality BOSS. Is this revenge?

Teachers, look at me and I look at you. Everyone was speechless. Yang Junming asked: "Well, who is going to ask Elder Chu Luoyan what this means?"

"I have a headache."

"My eyesight is bad and I watch too many movies recently."

"My back hurts. I was too tired last night."

"What did you say? Can you say it a hundred times again?"

Yang Junming was speechless. Everyone was afraid of Huanye Rakshasa and Chu Luoyan.

Yang Junming thought to himself: "Zhou Yan, don't blame the chief instructor, I can't afford to offend him."

Everyone turned their eyes to the screen and stared with wide eyes.

I am very much looking forward to whether Zhou Yan's territory can be broken this time.

There are hundreds of diamond-quality bosses, and they are all defensive bosses.

Seeing these terrifying behemoths charging toward Zhou Yan's territory, Zhou Yan directly launched the nuclear bomb attack of the [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower] that had not been used for a long time.

"You want to destroy my territory, right? Then I won't let you succeed and launch a nuclear bomb!" Zhou Yan also got angry and directly launched the nuclear bomb attack of the [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower]. It's only 100 million spiritual coins at a time. What a big deal. , isn’t it just a few hundred million?

As the [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower] next to the [King Crystal] was activated, nuclear bombs were launched from it and attacked these monsters.

Zhou Yan had a lot of money, so he fired three missiles at once, as if he was protesting openly.

As the saying goes, where there is oppression, there is resistance.

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