Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 526, 110,000 Cavalry (9Th Update)

"What is that?" The students outside were surprised when they saw the nuclear bomb falling from the sky.

"It should be a missile. It was sent from Zhou Yan's territory. It looks pretty powerful, but I don't know how powerful it is."

Everyone didn't think too much. Ordinary missiles would have no effect at all against monsters of this level.




At this moment, three mushroom clouds rose up, and the terrifying explosion sound shocked everyone.

The entire screen was filled with images of these three mushroom clouds, and nothing else could be seen.

Everyone's expressions are like this: "┗┃・□・┃┛、L(・o・)", (ŎдŎ;), (/•ิ_•ิ)/, (˘•灬•˘).... ..”

They were shocked again!

Watching all this in disbelief.

What kind of attack is this?

How could the power be so terrifying?

Zhou Yan's territory has such a defensive power, how can anyone break through it?

With such a defense, it won't be a problem to control the entire Lord Continent!

Is this really a new lord?



Everyone's heart is complicated, confused, and shocked.

Even Chu Luoyan was shocked again. She never expected that such a powerful attack was hidden in Zhou Yan's territory, which really shocked her.

No one can see the picture, and they have no idea whether those monsters are dead.

The power of this explosion lasted for several minutes, and then I saw a glimpse of the scene.

When everyone saw the scenes in front of them clearly, they remained silent again.

There are no monsters anywhere in front of Zhou Yan's territory. Even the monster Zhazha has disappeared.

All the monsters disappeared in the explosion, not even the blood foam remained.

The power of those three missiles was really terrifying.

This is a nuclear bomb attack, so it is naturally powerful.

The so-called radiation may be very dangerous in the ordinary world, but in this high-level martial world, there are many things more powerful than radiation, and these radiations cannot affect many things at all.

After Zhou Yan saw that the monster in front of him finally disappeared, he said: "Now you know how powerful I am!"

In the past, Zhou Yan would definitely not have used this kind of attack.

But now, his own realm has reached more than seventy heavens, and the territory has two Apex Level experts. Even the defense of the territory is so strong, what else does he have to be afraid of!

Since he is so powerful, he just needs to show it off!

In the past, it was because I didn’t have enough strength that I could only endure it!

Now that he has the absolute strength to protect himself, there is no need to be secretive.

He is powerful, he is excellent, and he wants everyone to know how powerful he is!

This trial really allowed everyone to see how powerful Zhou Yan's territory was. With the defensive power of his territory, not to mention the invincibility of the Zongheng Lord Continent, they just felt that not many people could break through his territory.

For the first time, Chu Luoyan suffered defeat in the hands of a student.

This was the first time that she felt that she could not help a student, and it was also the first time that her attempt failed, and she failed at the hands of a student.

Suddenly, Chu Luoyan actually laughed.

Huanye Rakshasa, Chu Luoyan can actually laugh!

Fortunately, others couldn't see her expression, otherwise they would be very shocked, because no one had ever seen her smile before, and she smiled so happily.

It can be seen from Chu Luoyan's ruthless actions that she is a ruthless person. She dares to directly summon a ruthless person with full diamond quality when facing a student's territory. It's no wonder that everyone is afraid of her. .

"Interesting, really interesting. I didn't expect you to be so powerful!"

When Chu Luoyan saw that Zhou Yan's territory was so powerful, he immediately knew that Zhou Yan was the hidden number one in this newcomer trial.

There is no one before or since, and the winner of the number one newcomer in the world is definitely this Zhou Yan.

Chu Luoyan put away her smile and returned to her previous cold look, but she had already told Zhou Yan in her heart that she would definitely have more contact with Zhou Yan in the future.

If Zhou Yan is targeted by such a woman, he may have a difficult life in the future.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Yan saw that there were finally no monsters outside the territory, and then he said to Zhang Liang: "This trial is so abnormal, I don't think there will be many people who can pass it. Let's send 100,000 soldiers out to search for it." .”

"Yes." Zhang Liang nodded and replied.

Then Zhou Yan said to Jin Ye: "Let's go out and see what we gain."

"Okay." Jin Ye replied quickly.

So, Zhou Yan said to Diao Chan and the others: "You don't want to go out. This time I will lead the soldiers out myself."


It was just a trial in the academy, and they didn't have much interest, so they returned to the [Retreat Room] to continue training, or went to the [Martial Arts Space] to practice martial arts.

Zhou Yan led a cavalry of a thousand men. Antian and Liuli also came out of the [retreat room], so they would naturally follow Zhou Yan out.

As for the others, Zhou Yan only called Wu Song, Yan Chixia, and Zhang Wuji, and the others just asked them to lead their soldiers out.

As a result, the soldiers in Zhou Yan's territory finally began to explore outside the territory.

However, after seeing the troops coming out of the territory, the students were shocked again.

"Look, the soldiers from Zhou Yan's territory have come out... Damn, there are so many cavalry!"

"Oh no! How many cavalry has Zhou Yan assembled? Look, these mounts are not war horses at all. They are definitely more powerful than war horses!"

"Oh my god, have you noticed that these are all cavalry, and they all have mounts? How much does it cost to build so many cavalry?"

"It's so scary and so rich. Is he really from our generation? Why do I feel like we are on two different levels from him?"

"Hey! It's really our misfortune that such a monster should appear in our generation, hey!"


Even the mentors looked at each other, very shocked. Even with hundreds of thousands of troops, they could accept such a large territory.

But, you have 100,000 cavalry!

A hundred thousand cavalry!

Even if they are ordinary war horses, one hundred thousand war horses is not a small sum of money.

And many of Zhou Yan's soldiers are not ordinary battles, they are all kinds of powerful mounts. They don't know what to do with such financial resources.

With Zhou Yan's strength, he can really make his way directly into the Lord's Continent without any pressure at all.

(Author: I can still do it if I really want to update ten times, but I don’t want to write it anymore, so that’s it for today.)

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