Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 527, The Background Is Very Simple

Zhou Yan had already figured out the situation outside the territory through reconnaissance planes. There were indeed many monsters outside, and there were also many opportunities.

This trial of Ziwei Academy has indeed prepared a lot of good things for Zhou Yan and the others. Zhou Yan is now leading a thousand cavalry towards the first destination, which is not very far away from him, only two kilometers away. Just far away.

As for the soldiers under his command, they also set out in teams of a thousand.

Within two kilometers, very close to the territory, it was a Spirit Medicine plant growing on the ground.

However, when they got closer, a Level 50 dark gold quality BOSS suddenly appeared next to them.

"Oh, it turns out that every kind of treasure is protected by monsters." Zhou Yan immediately understood the triggering conditions.

These monsters did not require Zhou Yan to take action at all. After Antian saw the monster, he flew directly over, then burst out with a powerful light, clenched his fist and attacked the monster.


The monster was instantly killed by An Tian. The level 50 Dark Gold BOSS was simply not enough to face a powerful Apex Level player like An Tian.

The soldiers stepped forward to take away the monster's body, and also took away the Spirit Medicine. Zhou Yan moved towards the next place again.

"I'm going to kill him instantly. This is a level 50 dark gold BOSS. He killed it in seconds. This is so powerful."

Everyone was very surprised and looked at the celebrity next to Zhou Yan, but after thinking about it, it was normal for a person like Zhou Yan to have several powerful people.

After all, many people have been arranged by their families to have several powerful bodyguards in their territory for the purpose of protecting themselves. They thought that Zhou Yan was in the same situation.

Everyone saw Zhou Yan's gains so quickly and were very surprised at Zhou Yan's luck.

But little did they know that these places with treasures had already been detected, but who would pay attention to those things as big as mosquitoes?

Zhou Yan sent 100,000 soldiers out, but there was only Zhou Yan on the screen. If they pulled out all the pictures of Zhou Yan's soldiers, they would find that they all went out to explore with purpose.

There were as many as a thousand people and as few as one or two hundred people, looking for treasures everywhere, and soon discovered various things scattered outside.

Every thing is protected by a monster, or even a group of monsters. The better the thing, the stronger the monster guarding the treasure.

These things are different, but their goals are very clear. They fall on the ground with light, waiting for students to find them.

Moreover, some hidden places in the forest can also be harvested. Many people have found many boxes with various treasures placed inside.

Zhou Yan was in a plain, but more than a hundred kilometers away, there was a forest.

There is no obstruction in the plain. It is clear what is there in a place like this. Zhou Yan has already led his men to find several treasures.

They are all Spirit Medicine, and these Spirit Medicines are all good, making other students envious.

They all regretted that they did not build the territory better. Otherwise, they would be able to send soldiers out to search for treasures outside the territory like other students.

Zhou Yan came to a place again. According to the footage from the reconnaissance plane, it was a box. As for what was inside the box, Zhou Yan didn't know.

After a while, Zhou Yan arrived at this place and started to get closer. Just when they were about 300 meters away from the treasure chest, the monster appeared.

And the monsters that appeared were not just one or two, but a group.

"I'll go, there are so many monsters." Zhou Yan looked at the information on these monsters.

[Monster: Purple Yuan Rat Monster]

[Quality: Leader]

[Race: monster]

[Level: Level 54]

[Special: sharp teeth, drilling holes]

[Introduction: The monster summoned by mysterious energy is very angry. ]

Looking at the monsters that appeared, there were actually tens of thousands of them, and they were all boss-level monsters of over fifty levels, including many bronze, silver, and gold bosses.

"Charge!" Zhou Yan ordered to the [Han Cavalry] under his command.


Following the order, the soldiers quickly formed a military formation, and then charged towards these monsters. For a moment, the ground roared, and there was only the scene of iron cavalry running wildly.

Zhou Yan, on the other hand, stood on the spot, pointing the country and watching the soldiers under his command charge.

The strength of the soldiers was very strong. Under the charge of this group of iron cavalry, the monsters were killed, trampled, and completely destroyed by the soldiers. Ten thousand monsters, facing these thousand iron cavalry, had no power to fight back. Beheaded.

After a charge, only a few thousand of these monsters were left. Their terrifying fighting power showed other students what it means to be elite.

"Let me go, these are 10,000 boss monsters above level 50, and we can kill 70% of them in one charge!"

"What a powerful cavalry, but not a single soldier was injured or killed."

"This should be a cavalry of S quality or above."

"I feel like their equipment is better than mine. Damn, how much does it cost?"


After seeing the combat effectiveness of these cavalry, the students all exclaimed in amazement. They were really shocked by the combat effectiveness of this group of soldiers.

This group of soldiers was too powerful, and their combat effectiveness was simply terrifying. Tens of thousands of monsters were almost wiped out by a single charge, and not even a single soldier was harmed. This is very incredible. .

How long have they been lords?

It has only been a few months, but the combat effectiveness of other soldiers is incomparable to Zhou Yan's army!

Even many instructors were very surprised. They did not expect that Zhou Yan had such a powerful cavalry.

"Who is this Zhou Yan? He has only been a lord for a few months, and he has developed the territory so powerfully. It is really unbelievable."

Many instructors looked at Yang Junming, but he also looked confused and said quickly: "What do you think I am doing? How do I know this kind of thing? And this is not something we can ask about. You have all forgotten our college. Is it your style?"

The style of Ziwei Academy is mysterious.

Isn’t Zhou Yan very mysterious?

"This is your student. I don't believe you didn't ask about him." Other tutors thought so.

"Tell me quickly, I'm really curious about his background." The instructors asked one after another.

"You really want to know?" Yang Junming looked at them.

"I think, stop being so impatient."

"Zhou Yan's background is very simple. Both his parents are dead, and there is only one person." Yang Junming replied.

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