Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 528, This Is Not Consistent With Common Sense At All.

"Orphan!" Leng Yue was shocked when she heard Zhou Yan's background.

It’s even hard to believe, how could Zhou Yan be an orphan this time?

This is not common sense at all!

If he were an orphan, how could Zhou Yan's territory be so powerful?

Leng Yue was full of curiosity now anyway, so she thought it would be better to ask Zhou Yan in person.

None of the mentors believed this to be true; they all felt that this was not the real situation.

"Don't look at me, that's all I found out, and Zhou Yan's situation is like this. Everyone there can testify that Zhou Yan grew up alone, but the neighbors around him still took good care of him. .....”

Yang Junming did go to inquire about Zhou Yan personally. As Zhou Yan's mentor, he could easily obtain this information. When he heard these things, not even he believed it himself, let alone others.

Being able to develop his territory to such a large scale without any background or influence would be a problem for anyone.

And it was unbelievable. They all felt that there must be a mysterious force behind Zhou Yan helping him.

Because it was hidden too deeply, Yang Junming couldn't investigate it.

After listening to the results of Yang Junming's investigation, they all became curious about the mysterious Zhou Yan. It is impossible for a student like this to be without power.

Just developing such a large territory and recruiting so many soldiers, including cavalry, is not a small expense.

"Look at Zhou Yan's men. Are the equipment of these soldiers all diamond-quality equipment?" A mentor had already noticed it, but he was not sure.

"No way, one hundred thousand sets of diamond-quality equipment, are you kidding me?" Many instructors couldn't believe it and looked at Zhou Yan's soldiers.

They checked the situation of other soldiers respectively, and then said: "Damn it, how come these soldiers are so powerful in combat!"

"Look at the strength of these soldiers. They are all so fast. The monsters here are no match for them!"

"They are so powerful. All the treasures around them have been taken away by them, as if they know where the treasures are. This should be some kind of treasure-hunting ability."

"Look at the strength of generals like Zhou Yan. They look extraordinary. It's a pity that we can't see specific information."


The instructors were shocked again. It was true that Zhou Yan's soldiers were not only powerful in combat, but also had great treasure-hunting abilities. Wherever they passed, nothing was missed. No matter what good things they had, they took them away.

These monsters were unable to stop Zhou Yan's soldiers. After the second round of charge, all these monsters were wiped out.

The soldiers began to pack away the loot, taking away all the monster corpses without leaving a single one behind, and cleaned the battlefield very clean.

Zhou Yan, on the other hand, stepped forward and started to open the box. This box was placed by Ziwei Academy and was not the kind of box that exploded in Lord Continent.

"I don't know what treasures will be hidden inside." Zhou Yan was very curious and immediately opened the box.

After a flash of light, Zhou Yan saw that this was a B-quality building, and it was also a barracks building.

"I'm lucky. The academy even places building-type rewards. It really didn't disappoint me." Zhou Yan was very satisfied and started to check the properties of this building.

[Building: Brave Archer]

[Type: Barracks]

[Quality: B]

[Introduction: Can be built in the territory. ]

This is an archer's barracks building. It looks pretty good, but I don't know what kind of building it can evolve into.

Zhou Yan continued to leave towards the next place, but Zhou Yan received a message from other soldiers, asking them if they met other soldiers and wanted to eliminate them.

Upon hearing this, Zhou Yan quickly replied: "We are all students from the Trial Ground. There is no need to attack the other party. Unless the other party attacks us first, then there is no need to be polite."

Zhou Yan issued the order. After all, they were all classmates and there was no conflict between them, so there was no need to take action.

After many generals understood this, they did not conflict with other soldiers, and those students' subordinates were not that stupid to conflict with a group of cavalry, unless they had water in their heads.

Both sides left without any fighting.

Zhou Yan also set off towards the next treasure again and soon arrived in the jungle.

Once here, it's not that easy to find the treasure.

Because many of the treasures here are very hidden and difficult to discover, even a reconnaissance plane would find it difficult to discover too many.

This place is not conducive to cavalry operations, so Zhou Yan asked everyone to put away their mounts.

Zhou Yan ordered everyone to search carefully, but Zhou Yan's mental perception was very strong, and he quickly sensed that there was a treasure on a tree.

But Jin Ye also felt it and said, "There is something on that tree, but there are also monsters hidden there."

"You discovered it too." Zhou Yan was very surprised. He didn't expect Jin Ye to discover it too.

"I can feel the things hidden nearby. I can judge by the faint energy released by those things." Jin Ye replied.

Zhou Yan really didn't expect Jin Ye to have such an ability. This was an unexpected surprise, and he quickly said: "Yes, yes, calling you here is the right choice."

Zhou Yan jumped up and came to the tree. A poisonous snake hidden in the dark quickly attacked Zhou Yan. Unfortunately, Jin Ye turned into a ray of light and rushed towards the opponent, killing him with one claw. The poisonous snake was caught in half.

Jin Ye can still deal with monsters of this level.

Zhou Yan opened the branches and leaves and soon discovered a treasure hidden here. However, the thing was not High Level, just a gold-quality boot.

Jin Ye said: "The academy just came up with something like this. It doesn't seem to be very good. It's not as useful as the Spirit Medicine we obtained before."

"Haha." Zhou Yan smiled and said, "The gold equipment is already pretty good. Of course, it's nothing to us, but these rewards are indeed pretty good."

Zhou Yan is rich, so he naturally has no shortage of equipment below diamond quality, but for other lords, it is already very good for their soldiers to have a set of gold equipment. As for higher level equipment, they don't even think about it. think.

Even Zhou Yan can only equip hundreds of thousands of diamond-quality soldiers now. As for the 140,000 troops summoned later, they can only use platinum-quality equipment.

Diamond-quality equipment is considered to be very High Level. Even many lords can only wear such equipment. However, Zhou Yan can equip more than 300,000 troops, which is already very terrifying.

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