Zhou Yan decided to move in groups with Jin Ye. Zhou Yan led a group of people to the east, and asked Antian and Liuli to take Jin Ye and the others to the west, so that they could collect all the treasures in this forest.

Under Zhou Yan's strong mental power, he collected everything, whether it was on the trees, underground, or in the jungle.

There are many types of these things, including equipment, blueprints, elixirs, martial arts, exercises... Unfortunately, there is no special building he wants.

Zhou Yan also knew that special buildings were very rare, and he didn’t know if the college had ever taken them out.

Although the things he was looking for were different, Zhou Yan was still very satisfied.

Sometimes there will even be a lot of materials. Although the amount is not very large, for Zhou Yan, he enjoys the process of searching for treasures.

Zhou Yan also discovered that not every treasure is guarded by a monster, and some things are not guarded by a monster.

People outside were very envious as they watched Zhou Yan continue to receive various rewards.

Zhou Yan gained a lot. As for the others, even if they found the treasures, it would take a long time to defeat the monsters.

But these monsters are too simple for Zhou Yan, and there is no pressure at all. This is why he can continue to harvest so many treasures.

"Lord, we found a cave ahead." A soldier reported.

"Is it a cave? Go in and have a look." Generally, there must be treasures hidden in places like this, and Zhou Yan would definitely not miss these places.

So, Zhou Yan led the soldiers and released the suspended lighting orb, illuminating the entire cave.


A monster appeared from the heart of darkness and rushed towards Zhou Yan, but unfortunately Wu Song blocked it and he fought with the monster.

"You have some strength. You can actually fight Wu Song for so long." Zhou Yan checked the monster's attributes.

[Monster: Black Monster]

[Quality: Dark Gold]

[Race: Monster]

[Level: Level 70]

[Special: black claws, dark attributes, fangs, rage, demonization]

[Introduction: Likes to live in dark places and enjoy night activities. ]

The Dark Gold BOSS at Level 70, no wonder he was able to fight Wu Song for so long. Unfortunately, in the face of a group fight, the Black Demonic Beast began to retreat step by step. Being beaten by the crowd, it lost its temper and began to unleash a series of attacks.

The black monster launched black energy from its mouth and attacked everyone.

"Look at my tiger coming out of the mountain!" Wu Song transformed into a tiger, tore apart the energy, and then pounced on the black monster, holding it down.

Finally, the soldiers fired a series of arrows, killing the black monster directly.

The black monster struggled for a while, but was still killed. It also exploded a gold treasure chest, which was collected by the soldiers.

"Be careful, this cave is very deep and there should be many monsters inside." Zhou Yan said.


They moved slowly forward. Under the powerful spiritual induction, Zhou Yan sensed a lot of life fluctuations inside. Not long after, a lot of light appeared in the darkness.

These are the monster's eyes. Their eyes are very bright in the dark, like pearls in the night.

The monsters made whining sounds, which was a precursor to attack and a way to show their strength.


Zhou Yan shouted, and the soldiers took out their bows and arrows and pointed them at the monster. Following Zhou Yan's order, countless arrows attacked the monster.


The vitality of the monsters is very strong and tenacious. After these arrows penetrated their bodies, they did not destroy them immediately. In addition, there were a lot of them. After shooting the monsters in front, the black monsters behind them rushed towards the soldiers. .

"It's up to me." Yan Chixia used a series of Taoist techniques and launched powerful attacks, knocking away the monsters that were rushing towards her.

Zhang Wuji also used powerful skills. After coming to the territory, he not only learned higher level exercises, but also learned more skills. In addition, he switched to an Apex level profession, which allowed him to explode. More powerful.

Streams of spiritual power the size of fists appeared from Zhang Wuji's hands, knocking away the charging black monsters, making it impossible for them to charge over.

Wu Song also stood at the front, kicking and kicking the black monsters away.

The black monsters wanted to get close to the soldiers, but unfortunately they couldn't rush out at all. The size of the hole restricted their movement, so they could only be shot and killed.

The soldiers began to move forward step by step. The dead black monsters would naturally be collected by soldiers.

Zhou Yan exuded strong mental power and already felt that there were stronger monsters inside, and there were indeed fluctuations of treasures inside.

But there are really a lot of monsters. They have been trying hard to rush out, but Wu Song, Yan Chixia, and Zhang Wuji are very powerful. Every time they fly out, they will be beaten again, and then used by the soldiers behind. Shoot with bow and arrow.

Every dead black monster was covered with various arrows, bleeding to death. The strength level of these black monsters was quite strong, and the quality of the treasure chests they exploded was also very good.

Not long after, Zhou Yan heard a huge roar coming from the cave. After hearing the sound, the black monsters all retreated inside.

"I guess there should be a big guy inside." Yan Chixia said.

"It's no use guessing, isn't it obvious?" Wu Song said.

"Haha, okay, let's go in and take a look and we'll find out." Zhang Wuji said.

"Pack up the trophies. Once you're done, go in and take a look. Wu Song, Yan Chixia, and Zhang Wuji, you three should go in front." Zhou Yan began to make arrangements.


Everyone quickly started to clean up. After a while, the surrounding area was cleaned up. Wu Song, Yan Chixia, and Zhang Wuji walked cautiously at the front, ready to take action at any time.

When the Orb of Faces rushed into a huge palace, everyone found that it was very big and there were many monsters inside. They were all crowded together and grinning at the soldiers.

At the very end, they saw a very large black monster. After looking at the opponent's quality, they found that it was still a Level 80 diamond-quality black monster.

"This monster is pretty strong, with Level 80 diamond quality." Yan Chixia said.

"Based on the previous situation, the stronger the monster, the better the treasure it protects. Look, there is a treasure box behind the monster." Zhang Wuji pointed to a box behind the monster.

"After you kill these monsters, you will know what's inside." Wu Song ran the technique, and his whole body was like a tiger.

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