Others' guesses were indeed good. Perhaps bridge buildings were not of much use to others, but in Zhou Yan's territory, bridge-like buildings were very useful.

The territory outside the city is so large, but there are only two bridges. This has always been something that left Zhou Yan speechless.

But bridge-type buildings are very unpopular, so he only has two of them now, and they can't be bought.

Zhou Yan became even more passionate about the other treasures in the trial, and began to take the initiative, attacking the surrounding monsters.

Zhou Yan is very powerful and very fast. As soon as he takes action, he will knock the monster away directly and hit the stone wall to kill him with one move. This is only if he holds back his hand. Otherwise, if he takes action with all his strength, the monster's entire body may be damaged. It had to be blown away by his powerful power.

After all, the attributes he possesses now are really terrifying, and cannot be possessed by ordinary people at all. With his attributes, if he uses all his strength, he can really be described as a humanoid beast.

Seeing that these monsters were like toys in Zhou Yan's hands, everyone once again understood how powerful he was.

A few minutes later, all the monsters in the cave were eliminated by Zhou Yan.

Moreover, their record was that they eliminated all the monsters without losing any of them.

This kind of strength once again left them speechless.

Compared with other students, Zhou Yan and the others can only be described as crushing them all the way.

As time went by, many students encountered monsters that were too strong because they went out to explore, and were directly killed by the monsters.

When they die, it means the trial is over.

And as time goes by, the monsters inside the trial become more and more powerful.

It also means that if they want to explore more treasures, they will encounter more powerful monsters.

Zhou Yan came to a place again and saw a token floating in the air in front of him, but he felt that the surroundings were full of danger, so he raised his hand and said: "Stop!"

Everyone stopped, Zhou Yan took out a sword, and then controlled the flying sword to fly forward.

In an instant, countless hidden weapons flew out from all directions and attacked the sword. If you were not careful, you would definitely be shot into a hornet's nest.

As Feijian continued to move forward, there were more and more hidden weapons around it. After Feijian moved away for a while, the surrounding hidden weapons finally disappeared.

In the wild, there are not only monsters, but also various traps waiting for them. If they don't pay attention at all times, they will definitely be attacked and killed.

Zhou Yan stepped forward, picked up the token, and then looked at the attributes of the token, and was very surprised.

[Item: Monster Summoning Order]

[Quality: A]

[Introduction: Used in the territory, it can summon a group of Level 50 monsters to attack the territory for one hour. ]

"There is such a thing!" Zhou Yan was very surprised. This was the first time he saw such an item.

This thing may not be of much use to other people, but Zhou Yan quickly understood the value of this thing.

This thing is definitely a good thing. It can continuously obtain treasure chests, and the monsters don't even need to search for it, and the monsters can take the initiative to die.

"I don't know if this kind of thing is sold in other worlds. If it is, that would be great." Zhou Yan immediately contacted Jin Sanyi and sent him the information about the token in his hand, asking him to Go and collect.

Although Jin Sanyi was also surprised, he didn't expect such a thing, but he still asked Xiaowei to start searching, but unfortunately, no one was selling this thing Myriad Worlds, but Xiaowei found something with similar functions. After Jin Sanyi heard about it, he immediately arranged for someone to buy it.

Another hour later, more and more students left the trial place. Because the monsters were so powerful, many students were killed by these monsters.

There are fewer and fewer students left in the trial field, but Zhou Yan and the others are not among them. Zhou Yan can kill no matter how powerful the monster he encounters.

His gains were increasing, and from other generals, Zhou Yan also learned that their gains were also great this time. Many people also obtained things like monster summoning tokens.

Zhou Yan thought that other students must have gained a lot from this thing, and he had a bold idea.

Another hour has passed. Every time the monsters appear in the trial land, their level has reached Level 70, and their quality is quite high. When encountering such monsters at High Level, many students have been killed and eliminated.

In the end, there were only a few dozen students left in the entire refining land.

They were also the strongest of all the students, but they all ran into trouble because they discovered that the monsters had reached Level 80, and the lowest quality ones were all Bronze quality.

Countless students began to flee with their soldiers, but they could not escape the pursuit of these monsters.

More than a dozen students were eliminated, leaving only the last eighteen students.

Some students are very stubborn and know to check whether there is any danger before setting off. But after they see the treasure, they can't help but want to go over and see what it is. But with the appearance of monsters, they can't defeat each other at all. That's it. Destroyed by the regiment.

Among the last six students, except for Ye Bufan and Zhou Yan, the other students could not resist the attacks of these monsters. The strength of these monsters was too strong.

If one or two appear, they can still use the human sea tactic to eliminate them, but if there are at least a dozen, how can they resist them.

Although the monsters are becoming stronger and stronger, the quality of things is also getting better and better. Bai Qi even obtained an R-quality treasure, which made Zhou Yan very happy. The subsequent exploration is full of greater information. .

"Lord, there are monsters in front and treasures next to them. They should have been triggered by other soldiers, but the people should have been killed." A soldier told Zhou Yan.

"Go and have a look." Along the way, Zhou Yan also discovered many monsters. They were all triggered by other people, but they were not strong enough, so they were all destroyed by the monsters.

After all, the current monsters are all above Level 80. Unless they encounter a single one or several, it is difficult for students to deal with monsters of this level.

But Zhou Yan was different. He was so powerful that he was confident to deal with even monsters at full level, let alone monsters that did not reach diamond quality.

Zhou Yan looked at the monster information in front of him.

[Monster: Behemoth]

[Quality: Platinum]

[Race: Behemoth]

[Level: Level 90]

[Special: defense, strength, critical strike, madness]

[Introduction: Coming from the Behemoth Continent, it is very powerful and has very strong defense. It will launch terrifying attacks against enemies that break into the territory. ]

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