"I didn't expect it to be a monster like Behemoth, with a level as high as Level 90!" Seeing this, it's not difficult to imagine why those people couldn't resist it.

Even if Zhou Yan encounters such a monster, it will still take a lot of effort.

After all, it is a Level 90 Platinum BOSS, which is not something that ordinary people can deal with.

Fortunately, there was only one monster, and the number of monsters was not very large, so Zhou Yan could still deal with it easily. If there were too many monsters, Zhou Yan would have to find a way to eliminate them one by one.

Zhou Yan and a group of people appeared in front of the Behemoth. After seeing the enemy, the Behemoth roared angrily, and then walked towards Zhou Yan and the others step by step.

The Behemoth is strong and strong, more than ten meters tall, and its skin has strong defense. Every time it runs, the ground trembles and leaves a footprint.

Wu Song, Zhang Wuji, and Yan Chixia took the lead in rushing towards the Behemoth. The three of them attacked the Behemoth in three directions.

Yan Chixia swung out sword energy one after another, and the sword energy attacked the Behemoth beast, but it was all blocked by the powerful defense of the Behemoth beast.


A huge fist fell towards Wu Song. Wu Song transformed into a five to six meter tiger on his body and firmly grasped the fist of the Behemoth beast.


Zhang Wuji jumped up and came to the front of the Behemoth. He released powerful energy, his fists were like wind, and hit the Behemoth's head hard, but it failed to bring any impact to the Behemoth. Go too strong for damage.

The Behemoth's other fist fell towards Zhang Wuji, but Zhang Wuji had already dodged it.


The Behemoth beast roared angrily, looked at Zhou Yan and the others angrily, and kicked Wu Song away. He wanted to step forward, but the soldiers fired a series of armor-piercing arrows, but these armor-piercing arrows fell on the Behemoth beast. , and it cannot be completely pierced.

The Behemoth's defense is so powerful that even these highly penetrating armor-piercing arrows cannot completely pierce its defense.


On the contrary, it angered the Behemoth beast. It ran wildly again and rushed towards the soldiers. Its eyes were bloody and full of cruelty. It jumped up and flew towards Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan smiled coldly, and then released a special wave. He saw the Behemoth beast flying in the air. Before it jumped into the group of soldiers, it hesitated like a boulder and landed hard on the ground.

Zhou Yan released a force of gravity, knocking down the Behemoth from the air and creating a huge crater.

Gravity was still being released, and the Behemoth shook its head, and then stood up forcefully. Although this gravity had a great impact on it, the Behemoth was already in a violent state, and its various strengths had increased several times.

It came towards Zhou Yan step by step, and Yan Chixia, Wu Song, and Zhang Wuji began to attack the Behemoth beast again.

"Just stop it. Your attacks can't break its defense at all." To deal with this kind of monster, ordinary soldiers are no match for it and can only be dealt with by powerful generals like them.

Zhou Yan flew towards the Behemoth beast, condensed a spiritual power, and then turned into a huge fist. A vast aura came towards him, just like the aura from the ancient times rushing towards him.

Everyone felt a huge and supreme pressure, which was fear from the depths of their souls and also a supreme momentum.

Wu Song, Yan Chixia, and Zhang Wuji quickly left the Behemoth and hid aside. Then they saw the fist and rushed towards the Behemoth.


The Behemoth beast suffered a terrifying attack, and its entire body was sent flying by Zhou Yan, hitting dozens of ancient trees before its body came to a stop.

Seeing the power caused by this punch, people outside the trial site couldn't help but swallow their saliva. This is the Level 90 Dark Gold BOSS Behemoth. It is said to be one of the behemoths with a defense that few people can match. One, he was actually hit hundreds of meters away by Zhou Yan!

They were all very surprised at what level Zhou Yan had reached now.

At this time, Zhou Yan did not use his Yin and Yang wings, he just stood proudly in the void, looking at the Behemoth beast below.

He was unparalleled in appearance, and he was covered in gorgeous and powerful armor.

"Seventieth Layer!" Someone shouted, and everyone looked at Zhou Yan in disbelief again.

At this time, Zhou Yan is attracting attention again!

He has actually reached the realm of Seventieth Layer!

This is so unbelievable.

In just a few months, he has reached a level that many people cannot reach in years or even more than ten years.

What a monster!

Just look at Zhou Yan to know what a monster is!

The Behemoth beast on the ground was not dead. It struggled for a moment and stood up again. The madness in its eyes became even more terrifying, and its attacks became more powerful.

Zhou Yan did not move, just stood in the void, with one hand, a terrifying thunder and lightning fell from the sky, turned into an arm-thick lightning, and fell directly towards the Behemoth beast.

A series of vines appeared around it, wrapping directly towards the Behemoth, and a very strong gravity came from the earth again, and the earth began to cover up the legs of the Behemoth.

A dark ball of light attacked the Behemoth's body.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The Behemoth beast suffered an unprecedented destructive attack. It tried attacks from almost all elements before finally falling down.

There was no more sound.

Zhou Yan just stood in the void and launched a series of spell attacks at Behemoth, killing the giant beast.

"What is Zhou Yan's profession? Is it Taoism or Immortal Law? That punch before was a Martial Artist skill..."

"Why is he able to use so many skills?"

"He was too strong. A powerful Behemoth was killed by him just like that."

"It's so amazing. He has actually cultivated to the Seventh Layer. How did he cultivate?"


Countless people are amazed, countless people are surprised, countless people are speculating, and countless people are even more shocked.

The news released by Zhou Yan had a great impact on them. They never thought that Zhou Yan's current strength would be so terrifying.

His territory is so powerful, his soldiers are so terrifying, and his Cultivation Talent is so amazing.

The so-called Son of Destiny may be used to describe people like Zhou Yan.

Looking at Zhou Yan's calm appearance, everyone had very complicated emotions. The gap between them was like the difference between heaven and earth.

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