After Zhou Yan killed the Behemoth, it was as if he had done something trivial, which was indeed the case. For him, this battle was just a normal operation.

A Level 90 Platinum BOSS looks quite powerful, but to a person like Zhou Yan who has mastered countless skills, it is simply no threat.

The main reason is that Zhou Yan has too many skills that can restrain the Behemoth. As long as he can restrain the Behemoth, fighting it is just like playing. What kind of pressure is there in such a battle?

Having said that, how many people can learn various skills without restrictions like Zhou Yan?

There is only Zhou Yan in the entire Lord Continent.

Zhou Yan walked towards the treasure box. Generally, wherever there is a treasure box, the items are generally not too bad. However, no one knows what can be found in it.

Zhou Yan stood in front of the treasure box, and everyone else looked at the treasure box without blinking. They were all waiting for Zhou Yan to open the treasure box.

Zhou Yan finally opened the treasure box, and then something appeared in front of Zhou Yan.

After Zhou Yan looked at this thing, he was very surprised. He didn't expect to get another building, and the quality of this building was actually an R-quality building!

Although this building is indeed a bit different, it is still a building after all.

Zhou Yan quickly looked at the building's information.

[Building: Library Pavilion]

[Type: Library]

[Quality: R]

[Introduction: Can be built in the territory. ]

This is an estimated type of building. What is its specific function? It is still necessary to wait until Zhou Yan builds and evolves it before he can know specifically what kind of changes his building can have.

Zhou Yan put it away with satisfaction, looking forward to what kind of building he could evolve after the trial was over.

"I'll go! It's an R-quality building!"

"The academy is so generous. It even rewards this kind of building. It's a pity that it doesn't belong to us!"

"Don't be jealous of anyone who is strong. He got it with his true ability."

After seeing this thing, everyone was shocked again. Why is it another building? Zhou Yan must be very lucky this time.

No matter how envious they were, Zhou Yan had obtained such a building, and Zhou Yan had a hundred thousand soldiers!

No one knows how many treasures Zhou Yan's other soldiers have obtained, because the entire trial place is basically Zhou Yan's soldiers. As for the other students, they looked and found that there were a few missing. Up to now, there were actually There were only two people left, Zhou Yan and Ye Bufan.

This surprised them. They didn't expect that the last two remaining people were both entry-level disciples, and all of them, the outer disciples, were eliminated.

"The newcomers this year are too strong." Everyone looked at Zhou Yan and Ye Bufan who were still searching for treasures. They were all helpless.

"This Ye Bufan is a member of the Ye Dragon King family. It is understandable that he is strong. In addition, he is the second place in this new lord trial, which is enough to prove his strength. However, this Zhou Yan really did not expect that , his strength actually surpasses Ye Bufan by so much."

"Zhou Yan's background cannot be found, only superficial information can be found, but this information is too false at first glance."

Zhou Yan: I swear, these are all true.

As the level of the monster reached level 90, even Ye Bufan could no longer hold on because most of his soldiers were dead or injured.

After all, a monster with such a high level, plus High Grade, is so strong that basically killing one monster requires the lives of countless soldiers to fill it up.

Looking at Zhou Yan, although high-level monsters do not pose much of a threat to Zhou Yan, they are still only him.

The soldiers and generals under his command did not have as many means and strength as he did. As the level of monsters increased, the soldiers had to gather together to deal with the monsters.

But the strength of these monsters is indeed very strong, and Zhou Yan's soldiers have also begun to suffer casualties. This is inevitable, and they will be eliminated sooner or later.

Half an hour later, Ye Bufan was also eliminated. After he was eliminated, he looked at everyone and found that everyone looked at him with admiration and respect.

Then Ye Bufan looked at the screen outside. Sure enough, Zhou Yan persisted much longer than him. He had expected this situation.

But after seeing Zhou Yan's ability to deal with those High Level monsters, he was also very surprised.

"Let me go, why is Zhou Yan so strong!"

Ye Bufan looked at Zhou Yan. He didn't expend much strength to deal with these monsters. He killed them so easily and felt very speechless.

"Look, this guy is not a human at all. We are all the same age, but the difference in strength is too big." Luo Yushuang looked at the picture above speechlessly.

"Zhou Yan's strength has indeed exceeded our expectations. His gains this time are really great."

"Fortunately, Zhou Yan is our friend, isn't it? Looking at the envious eyes of the people around me, I feel very proud."

"With Zhou Yan's strength, I wonder why no one accepts him as a true disciple?"

"It's not that there isn't, but that the boy doesn't allow it." Ye Bufan guessed.

During the trial, the monster's quality was maintained at around Level 90 diamond quality.

Such monsters indeed depleted Zhou Yan's soldiers. The number of 100,000 soldiers decreased rapidly, and finally only those generals remained.

However, when the monster's level reached full level, Zhou Yan's generals were wiped out very simply.

Monsters at full level are indeed very strong, not only in terms of level, but also in terms of their strength. Their own strength is very powerful and their quality is good. These monsters are not something that Zhou Yan's soldiers and generals can resist now.

Zhou Yan also encountered a max-level monster, and he was very lucky. He encountered a max-level diamond-quality monster. All the soldiers around him were wiped out by the monster.

Even Wu Song, Yan Chixia, and Zhang Wuji were all killed by the monster's terrifying skills.

This monster is very powerful, and other than Zhou Yan, it is difficult for anyone else to resist it.

The opponent's strength is indeed very strong. Even Zhou Yan's methods can't restrain this monster for too long.

Facing this max-level monster, Zhou Yan finally began to unleash his powerful fighting power.

With his combat power at full strength, even the strongest men from the Ninetieth Layer can deal with him.

The full-level diamond-quality monster in front of him had roughly this level of combat power. Facing Zhou Yan, the monster also showed its full strength.

(Author: The new book has been released on the channel. Please search for "Fantasy: I Can Pick Up Attributes and Become Stronger". I hope you can support it more, or you can click on my author's avatar to see it. I hope you will continue to support it.)

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