Zhou Yan has many methods at his disposal. He has all the magical abilities in his hands, and he can use them with incredible skills.

Gravity limits the opponent's speed, vines entangle the opponent's movement, and darkness covers the opponent's sight. If the opponent breaks out of the dark light curtain, he will directly give the opponent a light spell to blind the opponent's eyes.

Then there were boulders falling one after another, ice attacks one after another, thunder strikes one after another, and storm attacks one after another. The monsters could not attack Zhou Yan at all and could only be beaten passively.

Zhou Yan also used various combination spells from time to time, such as thunder and fire spells, ice storm spells, and simply created a quagmire with gravity spells to directly drown the monsters. In the end, the monsters could only be seen struggling in the quagmire. The image of being suffocated to death.

After the monster died, Zhou Yan picked up the monster's body from the mire and used water spells to clean it, and then put the monster and the exploded treasure box away.

He came to the box and opened it. A token appeared in front of Zhou Yan. It was an RR quality hero summoning token. Zhou Yan was very satisfied.

Zhou Yan continued to walk towards the next treasure location. Now he was the only one left in the entire trial place. All the soldiers he sent out were killed.

But after seeing Zhou Yan's fighting power, all the students fell silent. They had no idea what Zhou Yan's profession was.

Zhou Yan's melee strength is also very good, but now facing these powerful monsters, he only uses a variety of spells, and they are all-attribute spells. There are all kinds of spells emerging in endlessly, which makes them dumbfounded.

Ordinary people can only transfer one type of elemental spell when changing jobs, but Zhou Yan is powerful in melee combat, and his spells have all attributes. What kind of job is this?

Even the mentors shook their heads. There are millions of professions in the world of lords. How could they know what kind of profession this is?

They looked at Chu Luoyan. If Zhou Yan didn't come out this time, wouldn't this trial never end?

But Chu Luoyan wanted Zhou Yan to die, so how could Zhou Yan live?

Chu Luoyan was determined to kill Zhou Yan, because it was almost time and everyone else was waiting for him.

So, Chu Luoyan started cheating.

Moreover, he cheated openly and did not shy away from everyone.

This is Chu Luoyan, she is cheating, who has any objections?

stand out!

She sent a dazzling object directly in the direction of Zhou Yan's progress to attract Zhou Yan. Zhou Yan must have been attracted. The thing was not simple at first sight, so Zhou Yan walked into the trap.

Then the moment he approached the treasure, Zhou Yan discovered that there were hundreds of full-level diamond-quality monsters surrounding him.

When Zhou Yan saw these monsters, he was stunned. (゜-゜)? ? ?

Zhou Yan immediately started to attack, releasing group spells, and meteorites fell from the sky one after another.

But Zhou Yan had to flee quickly and had no time to attack.

There are hundreds of powerful diamond-quality bosses, each with their own unique abilities and spells with various abilities.

Ice, storm, vines, fire, gravity, this situation is so similar to him.

Zhou Yan also released a spell attack and attacked one of the monsters.

The flames struck the monster, but...

This monster was actually immune to spell attacks, which made Zhou Yan stunned for a moment.

Zhou Yan wanted to use space magic to escape, but found that the space was also imprisoned. Zhou Yan's face turned dark. He had already guessed that this was done deliberately.

Sure enough, he used various spells to target monsters, but now, it was his turn to be restrained and beaten violently by various powerful bosses.

Zhou Yan finally enjoyed the treatment of the monster he had beaten so violently before. For some reason, the students were very happy after seeing Zhou Yan being beaten so violently.

In the end, Zhou Yan was destroyed by the terrifying energy erupted by these monsters.

All the students looked at Chu Luoyan in unison. It would be an idiot if they couldn't see such an obvious target.

However, they supported Chu Luoyan.

Well played!

Well done!

The beating was really croaking!

Zhou Yan appeared outside the trial site with a dark face, and then cursed loudly: "Shadow, shady! The trial site is blatantly engaging in shady practices. I want to report it. I don't accept it. I protest!"

Everyone didn't speak, just remained silent, and just watched Zhou Yan perform alone, nakedly ignoring Zhou Yan's words.

They knew this was aimed at Zhou Yan, but they just thought it was right.

Even Zhou Yan's good friend Ye Bufan felt that Chu Luoyan did a great job in killing Zhou Yan at the trial site!

It makes you proud, makes you persist for so long, makes you so strong.

Chu Luoyan arrived in front of Zhou Yan in an instant. Zhou Yan didn't even react. He turned around and bumped into Chu Luoyan.

Zhou Yan looked at Chu Luoyan like this. They were actually the same height. Moreover, the two of them were so close together that there was only a few millimeters between their lips. Zhou Yan You can even see the... hair between Chu Luoyan's nostrils.

You can also feel Chu Luoyan's breath.

Well, she ate durian.

However, Zhou Yan felt that he touched two soft balls...

Everyone was shocked!

Zhou Yan himself was shocked!

Chu Luoyan herself was shocked!

Then, Chu Luoyan grabbed Zhou Yan's hair at an extremely fast speed. She was about to leave, but suddenly stopped, and then everyone said: "The trial is over!"

Zhou Yan: "The flax falls!"

"Whoa!" Chu Luoyan grabbed Zhou Yan's hair and left.

Everyone: "ヾ(´・・`。)ノ( ̄ー ̄)(ノ ̄ー ̄)ノノ(º_ºノ)......"

"Do you think Zhou Yan can come back alive?" A student asked curiously.

"Probably... he can't die..." Some students were a little doubtful.

"He is so courageous. He even dares to eat Elder Chu Luoyan's tofu, and he also dares to scold her like that!"

"Zhou Yan had no idea whether Chu Luoyan would appear in front of him or not. This was a complete accident."

"But he did eat the tofu of Elder Chu Luoyan."

"We almost kissed."

"The key points have been met, okay?"

"Boy, you are looking for death. Are you afraid of being chopped up by Elder Chu Luoyan and fed to the dogs?"

This scared the student who just now covered his mouth and looked around cautiously. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw no one.

The tutors looked at each other and said, "I don't know anything."

"What just happened?"

"Nothing, the trial is over."

"It's over, it's over. Let's go back to our homes and do whatever we have to do."


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