Zhou Yan was brutally tortured.

Although he resisted, unfortunately, Chu Luoyan's strength was too terrifying, and he struck first and used various props to limit Zhou Yan's strength, spells, and abilities.

Chu Luoyan knew all about Zhou Yan's strength very well, as if he had found out all the details about Zhou Yan. After taking a preemptive strike, Zhou Yan had no ability to resist and could only let himself be slaughtered.

One step away, and he was treated inhumanely.

He wants to report it to the law enforcement team, he wants to file a complaint, the elder is abusing people!

When Zhou Yan appeared alive again, he was already scarred.

He vowed to become stronger and to regain this position sooner or later.

Their bridges are growing bigger.

No news came out from the outside world.

Rather than saying no, it’s better to say I dare not say it.

Damn it, Chu Luoyan doesn’t care who you are, if anyone dares to spread the word, they are looking for death!

It was the first time Zhou Yan was treated like this. What did he do wrong?

Isn't it because his talent is a little too high and his strength is just a little higher than those of the same age group?

People in the same age group: Are you just a little taller?

Zhou Yan is very tolerant. As the saying goes, ten years is too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

Fortunately, he is not a gentleman, so ten years is not needed. One and a half years should be enough.

But the first step is to investigate this Chu Luoyan clearly, so that we can take revenge!

Back at the villa, Zhou Yan directly said to Yang Junming: "I want to ask for leave!"

When Yang Junming saw the news, he finally felt relieved, as long as he didn't die, and quickly replied: "Okay!"

Zhou Yan didn't say how long he would take leave, and Yang Junming didn't ask. No one from the outside could contact Zhou Yan because Zhou Yan had turned off the communication function.

After returning to the territory, Zhou Yan came to the [retreat room] and took the elixir first, and then started to practice, um...he recovered from his injuries at the same time.

This injury is nothing to Zhou Yan. His life is better than that of Xiaoqiang, but he is just too angry.

After completing the training, Zhou Yan came out of the territory again, and then talked to Bai Qi and Zhang Liang.

Then, Zhou Yan teleported Emperor Ling to the place where he was before, and then began to collect wood.

The grade of this piece of wood was so high that Zhou Yan was reluctant to leave.

Zhang Liang once again arranged for the lumberjacks to go out to cut trees, and another 100,000 people to go out to hunt Monsters. As for the others, they practiced and trained in the territory.

Zhou Yan came to the territory and started to build buildings. This time he obtained many powerful buildings. Zhou Yan took out a building casually.

[Building: Lancer Battalion]

[Type: Barracks]

[Quality: SSS]

[Introduction: Can be built in the territory. ]

This building was not built by Zhou Yan, but by Xie Xuan during the trial.

In the trial area of ​​Ziwei Academy, the items placed in the boxes are all fixed, and there is no such thing as good or bad luck. Zhou Yan is naturally very happy that Xie Xuan can open such a High Level barracks.

Territory tip: "Build [Lance Battalion], [Lance Battalion] evolved into [Guanning Iron Cavalry]."

"It turned out to be Guan Ning's cavalry!" Zhou Yan was very surprised that it turned out to be this army.

There is an old saying in the Ming army that the Jurchens cannot fight if they are dissatisfied, but this Mythical saying was broken by a scholar named Yuan Chonghuan.

Because at that time, the Ming Dynasty implemented a mentally retarded system in which civilian officials led the troops, but luckily, they caught up with Yuan Chonghuan, an unprecedented military genius.

The 10,000 remnants of the Ningyuan battle defeated the 130,000 Eight Banners cavalry, but it was an offensive and defensive battle, and many people did not take it seriously. However, in the Ningjin battle, Guan Ning cavalry actually defeated the Eight Banners of Manchuria in a field battle.

The Liaodong Army only had 70,000 men, but it created a Ningjin defense line that left the Manchus helpless. Later, the Manchus invaded Beijing via Mongolia, and Guan Ning cavalry rushed to the rescue at starry night. The 9,000 cavalry stopped the 100,000 Eight Banners Army outside Beijing. Although the victory of this battle was a fluke, it was enough to demonstrate the strong combat effectiveness of Guan Ning's cavalry. If Emperor Chongzhen trusted his people, it would not be impossible to restore Liao in five years.

At that time, if the Ming Dynasty could really give Yuan Chonghuan enough time to expand the army, it would surely create an invincible army.

What is ridiculous is that this loyal general ended up being executed by Ling Chi, completely ruining the last wise and brave general in the Ming Dynasty.

Moreover, this army is very unique. It is an army that can use modern thermal weapons and equipment.

Zhou Yan had seen the power of the enemy's spearmen before, just because the power of thermal weapons in Canglan Continent was not very great, it was no more than the special archers.

Compared with items on the technological side, items on the fantasy, immortality, magic, Martial Artist, and magic types are actually equally powerful. It just depends on the specific direction in which the territory is going to develop.

Each territory will be developed based on personal preferences or the addition of certain types of buildings, but there is no such problem in Zhou Yan's territory.

Zhou Yan's territory can increase everything in the territory. Regardless of race or various buildings, the effect of the increase is the same.

It seems that Zhou Yan's territory is very complicated, but for Zhou Yan, this is actually a characteristic of the territory. After all, his territory is very unique. Myriad Races coexist. There is no distinction between high and low races. Every race can be peaceful. get along.

Because, as long as it is summoned by Zhou Yan, the loyalty is 100%, and no one has second thoughts, which is the most rare thing.

Zhou Yan looked at the barracks. This barracks also had its own characteristics.

Zhou Yan came directly to the barracks and began to upgrade the barracks.

[Guan Ning Iron Cavalry] The first twenty levels are all ordinary wood, stone, and spiritual coins. After level twenty, you need black iron stone, and this material is available in Zhou Yan's territory even for eight stars. So Zhou Yan will The level of this territory was directly upgraded to level 80.

After the upgrade, the entire barracks has become much larger. After all, it is a level 80 barracks, so it is naturally very extraordinary.

[Building: Guan Ning Cavalry]

[Level: Level 80 (required for upgrade)]

[Quality: RRR]

[Attribute: Every time 3000 soul coins are consumed, a Guan Ning cavalry can be summoned. Current maximum number of people (0/100000)]

[Special Attribute 1: Increased Cavalry Speed]

[Special Attribute 2: Increase overall combat effectiveness]

[Special Attribute Three: Increase all attributes]

[Special attribute four: Increase overall damage]

[Special attribute five: Increase overall defense]

[Special attribute six: Increase thermal weapon damage]

[Special attribute seven: Increase the range of thermal weapons]

[Special Attribute Eight: Reduce the damage suffered by soldiers]

Zhou Yan was very happy after seeing the attributes of this barracks. Zhou Yan would definitely build this cavalry into a special army suitable for both near and far.

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