Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 537, Library Of Heaven And Earth

Territory tip: "Build [Brave Archer], [Brave Archer] evolves into [Elf Archer]."

Zhou Yan looked at the unique tree-shaped barracks in front of him and felt it was very strange. He never expected that such a barracks could evolve.

After looking at this barracks, it was just an S-quality barracks with relatively low quality. However, he still had some barracks left in the past, but he just didn't like them.

So, Zhou Yan took out the barracks that he had despised after evolving before, and then upgraded the quality of this [Elven Archer] to SSS quality.

Elves are a type of soldier that can fly and are natural marksmen, so Zhou Yan will naturally keep them.

[Elf Archer] After the barracks level reaches Level 20, it needs Elf Wood to upgrade. Zhou Yan has a lot of this kind of wood, and he has always been in contact with the people in the Spirit World.

Zhou Yan directly upgraded the level of this barracks to Level 80.

[Building: Elf Archer]

[Level: Level 80 (required for upgrade)]

[Quality: SSS (required for upgrade)]

[Attribute: Every time 1500 soul coins are consumed, an elf archer can be summoned. Current maximum number of people (0/100000)]

[Special Attribute 1: Increase the flying speed of elves]

[Special Attribute 2: Increase the combat power of elves]

[Special Attribute Three: Increase all attributes of the elves]

[Special Attribute Four: Increase Elf Damage]

[Special Attribute Five: Increase Elf Defense]

[Special Attribute Six: Increase Elf Damage]

[Special Attribute Seven: Increase Elf Range]

[Special Attribute Eight: Reduce the damage suffered by the elves]

Zhou Yan then began to summon elf archers.

[Elf Archer] prompt: "Soul Coin -1500, summon [Elf Archer] Elf Queen [Emira]."

Zhou Yan was very surprised. Unexpectedly, he was the first one to summon the Elf Queen.

Looking at the summoning ceremony in front of me, I saw a fruit falling from the book, and then with a flash of light, it turned into a beautiful-looking woman. The woman had a slim figure and a pair of transparent as thin as cicada wings. wing.

Especially her ears, which are pointed, look very cute, and her appearance is also very beautiful, but Zhou Yan has seen many beautiful women.

"Aimila pays homage to the lord." Aimeila said to Zhou Yan.

"From now on, you will command the entire [Elven Archers]." Zhou Yan said.

"Yes." Emerald replied.

Zhou Yan then summoned 100,000 [Elven Archers]. These elves were not only female elves, but also male elves, but female elves accounted for two-thirds.

Looking at a group of warblers and swallows, the delicate-looking elves are still very nice to look at, at least they are very eye-catching.

From now on, with the addition of this group of elves to the territory, the entire territory will become more lively.

The elves have also been upgraded to Level 50, and Zhang Liang will also arrange all their subsequent affairs.

After that, Zhou Yan built many more buildings. These buildings were all owned by the territory, and Zhou Yan ignored them.

Finally, Zhou Yan took out a building again.

[Building: Library Pavilion]

[Type: Library]

[Quality: R]

[Introduction: Can be built in the territory. ]

This building is also the highest quality building he has obtained this time. As for what kind of building this building can evolve into for him, Zhou Yan's concubine is also looking forward to it.

Territory tip: "Build [Book Pavilion], and [Book Pavilion] evolved into [Heaven and Earth Library]."

"Heaven and Earth Library?" Zhou Yan looked at the huge courtyard in front of him. There was a circular tower-shaped building inside. Zhou Yan was very surprised and didn't know what the function of this building was.

This building gave Zhou Yan a very mysterious feeling. It was very transcendent and mysterious, with an ancient atmosphere.

Zhou Yan curiously checked the functions of this building.

[Building: Tiandi Library]

[Level: Level 1 (required for upgrade)]

[quality:? ? ? ]

[Special attribute: Record everything that happened between heaven and earth, and you can check one thing that happened between heaven and earth every day. ]

[Introduction: There is a transcendent library between heaven and earth, which records all the mysteries of heaven and earth. There is no secret that this place does not know. It also has its own hidden ability, transcending the Great Dao of the entire world. No one can detect it. location. (The territory must also be in a territory that no one can explore) ]

"I'll go, it's so powerful!" After Zhou Yan saw the power of this building, he was very shocked. He could actually check everything that happened in the world. How powerful this is!

This first attribute completely shocked Zhou Yan.

In addition, this building is also a Great Dao with similar hidden skills, and it also has hidden abilities, transcending the world, which is very scary.

His territory itself has several buildings that hide various types of exploration, and now another one has arrived, and it seems that the situation is even more powerful than the previous ones.

It felt like all the architectural masters had come to Zhou Yan's territory, and there was a feeling that the major mysterious buildings were fighting each other.

However, the properties of this building are really awesome!

Doesn’t it mean that as long as there is something you don’t understand, you can find the answer here? Doesn’t it mean that you know everything?

Zhou Yan looked at what was needed to upgrade this building, but he found that this building actually required luck to upgrade.

This was the first time he had seen such a weird upgrade material.

Spending luck to upgrade is enough to prove how unique this building is.

The more peculiar the building, the greater the surprise it will bring him after it is upgraded.

Zhou Yan looked at his [Ziwei Emperor Star] level. Unexpectedly, the current level of this building had reached Level 53.

This building is where luck is condensed, and after he consumes luck now, he doesn't know if it will have any impact on this building.

It's hard to say the specific role of luck. You may say it doesn't have it, but Zhou Yan feels that many things have an impact. You may say it does, but this kind of thing is really invisible and intangible.

Zhou Yan decided to upgrade the [Heaven and Earth Library].

Territory prompt: "Consume 20 points of luck to raise the level of [Heaven and Earth Library] to Level 2."

Territory prompt: "Consume 30 points of luck to raise the level of [Heaven and Earth Library] to Level 3."

Territory prompt: "Consume 40 points of luck to raise the level of [Heaven and Earth Library] to Level 4."


Zhou Yan looked at the changes in [Ziwei Emperor Star] while upgrading, and found that [Ziwei Emperor Star] had not changed.

Zhou Yan still vaguely felt that it was not that [Ziwei Emperor Star] had not changed, but that the luck consumed now was too little, not enough to affect the level of [Ziwei Emperor Star].

Zhou Yan continued to upgrade and found that the further you go to the [Heaven and Earth Library], the more luck you need.

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