
Territory prompt: "Consumption of 400,000 luck points will raise the level of [Heaven and Earth Library] to Level 43."

Territory prompt: "Consumption of 500,000 luck points will raise the level of [Heaven and Earth Library] to Level 44."

Territory prompt: "Consumption of 600,000 luck points will raise the level of [Heaven and Earth Library] to Level 45."

After Zhou Yan raised the level of [Bookstore of Heaven and Earth] to Level 45, the level of [Ziwei Emperor Star] finally changed, and the level dropped from Level 52 to Level 51.

It can be seen from this that after the luck decreases, [Ziwei Emperor Star] will indeed be affected.

[Ziwei Emperor Star] represents the luck level of the entire territory. The higher the level of this building, the greater the benefit to the territory and Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan might as well raise the level of [Heaven and Earth Library] to Level 50.


Territory prompt: "Consumption of 1.1 million luck points will raise the level of [Heaven and Earth Library] to Level 50."

After Zhou Yan raised the level of [Bookstore of Heaven and Earth] to Level 50, Zhou Yan also discovered that the level of [Ziwei Emperor Star] had also dropped to Level 50.

This is a balance, and Zhou Yan also feels that this is enough, and he does not want to lower the level of [Ziwei Emperor Star] too much.

After the level of [Heaven and Earth Library] was upgraded to Level 50, there were also four more attributes, and the entire building looked unchanged.

Of course, it doesn't look like much change on the outside, but the changes on the inside are huge.

[Heaven and Earth Library] is filled with a very strange atmosphere, which makes people feel in a very peaceful state of mind, that is, they feel that here, there will never be impetuousness or anxiety.

This building must have many unknown attributes, but these attributes will not be revealed.

Because these attributes are just incidental to this building.

There are four more circular tower-shaped buildings inside, and each building has a different function.

[Building: Tiandi Library]

[Level: Level 50 (required for upgrade)]

[quality:? ? ? ]

[Special Attribute 1: Record everything that happened between heaven and earth. You can check one thing that happened between heaven and earth every day. ]

[Special attribute two: You can freely check the specific so-called locations of various materials, and you can check them once a day. ]

[Special attribute three: You can freely check the specific so-called locations of various treasures, and you can check them once a day. ]

[Special attribute four: You can freely check the locations of various heaven and earth spiritual essences, and you can check them once a day. ]

[Special attribute five: You can freely check the specific locations of various strange beasts, and you can check them once a day. ]

[Introduction: There is a transcendent library between heaven and earth, which records all the mysteries of heaven and earth. There is no secret that this place does not know. It also has its own hidden ability, transcending the Great Dao of the entire world. No matter who it is, no one can detect it. location. (The territory must also be in a territory that no one can explore) ]

The functions of this building are indeed very powerful. Although each ability can only be checked once, for Zhou Yan, he does not need to check the sources of so many things every day.

This [Heaven and Earth Library] is just like BUG’s building.

However, there are too many buggy buildings in his territory, and this one is no exception.

Zhou Yan thought for a while, since this building is so awesome, it would be a pity if it was not put to good use.

So, he thought of a material and walked into the [Heaven and Earth Library].

This building also has spatial attributes. It doesn't look big from the outside, but it's very big inside, with independent spaces. Each circular building is very far apart.

Moreover, each circular building has an independent courtyard. Each courtyard has many rooms, gardens, ponds, pavilions, etc., making it look like a mountain villa.

Zhou Yan walked to the second circular building. This building had the name "Material Library" on it, which contained books containing various materials.

Each circular building has its own name, namely: All Things Library, Material Library, Spirit Treasure Library, Spiritual Cuisine Library, and Strange Beast Library.

There will definitely be five more buildings in the future, but I don’t know what kind of library will appear.

Zhou Yan walked into the material library and saw that it was filled with golden light and flying books everywhere.

Zhou Yan was about to speak when a book appeared in front of Zhou Yan and said, "You must be the owner of [Heaven and Earth Library]. If you have anything to ask, just ask me directly."

Zhou Yan was very surprised. He didn't expect that a book could talk. It really surprised him.

"Are you a book?" Zhou Yan asked curiously.

"To be precise, we are all Shu Ling, and we are in charge of different fields of knowledge. As long as it is something that appears in the world, we all know it, how awesome is it!" Shu Ling replied.

"You?" When Zhou Yan heard this, he immediately understood that there were similar book spirits in other buildings.

"We have ten book spirits in total. The boss is the book spirit of all things, and I am the material book spirit. As for the book spirits behind, you will know when you meet them yourself."

The Material Book Spirit "looked" at Zhou Yan while speaking. Although it had no eyes or legs, Zhou Yan just felt that it was looking at him.

"Since you are a book spirit, do you know how long you have been around?" Zhou Yan was very curious.

"Time is just a cloud to us. We exist in the world, and there is no so-called concept of time at all. We do not have living bodies, and we do not have what you humans call birth, old age, illness, death, love, hate, love, and hatred. .”

The material book spirit was floating back and forth in front of Zhou Yan while talking.

"You know quite a lot. Aren't you a master of materials? How come you know so much about us humans?" Zhou Yan was really curious.

"This still needs an explanation, because we live a long time." The material book spirit replied.

Zhou Yan still couldn't refute this, because he did live a long time.

Although they are book spirits, they don’t know how long they have existed.

"There is nothing we, the ten brothers, do not understand, but we also have our principles. You can only ask us one thing every day." The Material Book Spirit said.

Zhou Yan nodded, and then asked: "I want to know the specific location of the Nine Star Spirit Stone."

"Nine-star Spirit Stone, right?" When the material book spirit heard this, he immediately opened the book, and then the books in the entire library began to rotate rapidly.

Not long after, a book appeared in front of Zhou Yan.

"This book records the locations of all the nine-star Spirit Stones. You can search slowly. I have to rest and won't wake up until tomorrow."

After saying that, the material book spirit became silent and just floated in the air, as if it was asleep.

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