Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 539, Because I Am The Boss

Zhou Yan's head grew bigger as he looked at this thick book.

"Nima, I'm just asking for some information. Why did you give me such a thick book? How long will it take me to look for it?" Zhou Yan was speechless and began to check.

Turning to the first page, it shows the material location of the Nine Star Spirit Stone. It even has a specific map and coordinates, which is very clear.

This makes Zhou Yan feel that this building is really good. If you want to know more about it, you can find a lot of it directly.

Zhou Yan then took a look and found that the location of each nine-star Spirit Stone was at a certain coordinate on the Lord's Continent. He could find it by digging according to the coordinates.

However, in addition to these coordinates, Zhou Yan later discovered that the location of the nine-star Spirit Stone in other worlds was recorded on it, which made Zhou Yan stunned.

"Let me go, this [Heaven and Earth Library] is too awesome. It shouldn't have marked the coordinates of all the nine-star Spirit Stones in the world."

Zhou Yan also discovered that the places where these coordinates are located are those that have not been excavated, and those that have been excavated are not recorded on it.

Now Zhou Yan can only move in the Lord Continent. As for other worlds, Zhou Yan believes that there is a way to go there. Otherwise, why would this building show the coordinates of so many worlds? Also, his [Myriad Worlds Virtual Mall ] will not exist at all.

Now Zhou Yan has no idea of ​​going to other worlds. He has not even been able to leave the Canglan Continent. There are still so many places in the entire Lord Continent that he has not explored. Why go to other worlds?

Mainly because it's not necessary.

Zhou Yan thought that he couldn't miss the opportunity to ask questions every day. After finally upgrading this building, he must ask some valuable things.

So, Zhou Yan came to the Spirit Treasure library again.

After walking in, I found that it was almost the same building as the material library, and there was also a book spirit who said to Zhou Yan: "You are here, you can ask whatever you want. After you finish asking, I can sleep."

This Spirit Treasure book spirit has a lazy voice, sounding like he hasn't woken up.

"You Shulings also want to sleep?" Zhou Yan was very puzzled.

"You ask a question, and we need to expend a lot of energy to help you find the answer. How can you restore energy without sleeping." Spirit Treasure replied.

"Then you have lived for so long and this is all you have?" Zhou Yan was very puzzled by them.

"We are no better than you. We are just book spirits. We cannot practice and will not die. Unless the [Heaven and Earth Library] is destroyed, we will always be like this and we will never be able to leave here." The Spirit Treasure book spirit replied.

In this way, they are quite pitiful. They can only be here as book spirits for the rest of their lives. Although they will not disappear, they can only help find the answers they know.

"Then don't you want to go out and take a look?" Zhou Yan asked.

"Why should we go out to see it? For us book spirits, we are immersed in heaven and earth all the time. There is nothing between heaven and earth that we don't know. We like this kind of life very much." Spirit Treasure book spirit replied.

It's right to think about it. Zhou Yan is a human, and they are not human at all, just book spirits. This is like asking a pig: Don't you want to eat beef?

Every creature has its own preferred way of life and a different way of survival.

So, Zhou Yan asked: "You are the Spirit Treasure book spirit, so you must know where there are unowned buildings. I only want those buildings with S quality or above."

Spirit Treasure Shuling responded directly: "I have no control over your problems. Buildings are not Spirit Treasure."

"Then who should I ask this question?" Zhou Yan asked.

"You should ask our boss, he is the Book Spirit of Everything." Spirit Treasure Book Spirit replied.

"Then can you tell me the whereabouts of a Spirit Treasure? It's best to be the one closest to me. Of course, the quality should be above Spirit Weapon." Zhou Yan asked.

"Of course, just wait." The Spirit Treasure book spirit also quickly opened his own books, and then the books in the entire building also opened.

Not long after, a piece of paper appeared in front of Zhou Yan.

"I'm going to sleep." After saying that, the Spirit Treasure fell asleep.

Zhou Yan looked at the mark on it. This was the exact coordinate where he was now, and the coordinate where the treasure was located was a thousand kilometers away from him.

It didn't say what this Spirit Treasure was, it just told him where the nearest Spirit Treasure was.

Zhou Yan felt that he needed to send a team of people to check, so Zhou Yan opened the communication and said to Zhang Liang: "Zhang Liang, send a team of people to check this place, maybe you can find something."

"I have gained something. What is the lord looking for?" Zhang Liang asked curiously.

"There should be a treasure above the Spirit Weapon there. This is the information I obtained through the newly built building. There should be no mistake." Zhou Yan replied.

"Okay, then I will send a team over immediately to take a look." Zhang Liang replied.

After that, Zhou Yan came to the Lingcui Library again and asked about the Spirit Treasure closest to the territory, whose quality was above Sixth Grade.

Afterwards, Lingcui Shuling also gave Zhou Yan the coordinates. If it weren't for the fact that he could only ask for one thing, Zhou Yan would have wanted to directly ask all the hidden lingcui in the distant territory.

Unfortunately, one question every day can only ask one thing.

The material book spirit was a little different. He told me all the unowned materials upon asking.

Zhou Yan finally arrived at the Wanshi Library. After walking in, Zhou Yan saw a guy who looked like an elf.

This elf is only the size of a palm, looks like a bad old man, has a gray beard, and has human facial features that look old.

"You're finally here." The little old man said.

"Are you the book spirit of everything?" Zhou Yan asked.

"Yes, I am the Wanshi Shuling." Wanshi Shuling replied.

"Why can't other book spirits transform, but you can?" Zhou Yan asked curiously.

"Because I am the boss." Wanshi Shuling's answer was simple and direct, leaving Zhou Yan speechless.

Zhou Yan didn't waste any time and asked directly: "Do you know where there are unowned buildings with S quality or above? It's best that they haven't been discovered yet."

"Are there any specific requirements? For example, barracks type, defense tower type, auxiliary type?" Wanshi Shuling asked.

"That's not true. Whatever you want is fine." Zhou Yan replied.

"Then I can only tell you one thing." Wanshi Shuling replied.

"Okay." Zhou Yan nodded.

Then, Wan Shi Shu Ling waved his little hand, and a piece of paper fell in front of Zhou Yan, saying: "Okay, you can go."

Zhou Yan took the paper, then looked at the little old man and asked, "You don't need to rest?"

"Because I am the boss and I am different from them." Wan Shi Shu Ling replied.

Well, the boss is more awesome and stronger, so he doesn’t need to rest.

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