Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 540, Library Of Alien Beasts

Zhou Yan looked at where the ownerless building was and soon discovered that it was quite far away from him, but there were coordinates on it. If he wanted to go there and look for it, he would have to teleport the entire territory.

Zhou Yan put it away first, and then sent the coordinates of the spiritual essence to Zhang Liang, asking him to send someone there to take a look.

There was still a library of strange beasts left, but Zhou Yan didn't have any strange beasts he wanted to find, so he ignored it.

After Zhou Yan came out of [Heaven and Earth Library], the monster attack outside the territory had ended. Zhou Yan simply handed over the monster summoning token to Zhang Liang, and used it directly after the monster was over.

Anyway, these are free treasure chests, and you can harvest a lot of soul coins in an hour.

Zhou Yan arrived outside the south city wall and took out the last building.

[Architecture: Moonlight Bridge]

[Type: bridge]

[Quality: S]

[Introduction: Can be built in the territory. ]

Zhou Yan clicked and started building.

Territory tip: "Build [Moonlight Bridge], [Moonlight Bridge] evolved into [Moon Divine Bridge]."

A moon-shaped bridge spans the entire moat, emitting hazy moonlight, which is quite mysterious.

Zhou Yan started to level up. After level 20, he needed moonstone to continue upgrading.

Zhou Yan looked at the territory and saw that it had the highest seven-star moonstone, so there was no problem in upgrading it.

After the upgrade was completed, Zhou Yan checked the properties of Moonlight Bridge.

[Architecture: Moon Divine Bridge]

[Level: Level 80 (required for upgrade)]

[Quality: RRR]

[Special attribute one: People who leave the territory from the bridge can be blessed by the power of the moon god. ]

[Special attribute two: People who leave the territory from the bridge can be blessed by the agility of the moon god. ]

[Special Attribute 3: People who leave the territory from the bridge can receive the physical blessing of the Moon God. ]

[Special attribute four: People who leave the territory from the bridge can receive the spiritual blessing of the moon god. ]

[Special Attribute Five: People who leave the territory from the bridge can receive the defensive blessing of the Moon God. ]

[Special Attribute 6: People who leave the territory from the bridge can receive an additional attack bonus from the Moon God. ]

[Special Attribute 7: People who leave the territory from the bridge can receive an additional defense bonus from the Moon God. ]

[Introduction: Legend has it that this is the bridge to the moon. ]

Each bridge has different attributes. The current territory only needs one bridge building to have four exits.

Zhou Yan controlled the [Great Wall] and set up a city gate at the south gate.

The monsters outside the territory appeared again, but these monsters were still firmly blocked from the territory and had no way to enter the territory.

Zhou Yan later returned to [Heavenly Emperor's Palace] and found Diao Chan and Zhen Mi here, and asked, "Where are you going?"

"I heard that the lord is preparing to form a dragoon, and the [Guanghan Fairies] are all clamoring that they also want mounts." Diao Chan and Zhen Mi replied helplessly.

"It's true that Yalongs are not suitable for them to ride. They are all girls. Why ride those Yalongs? But, since they want mounts, there is nothing they can do about it."

At this time, Zhou Yan thought about the function of the strange beast library in [Heaven and Earth Library]. It was completely a locator for finding monsters.

"Oh, do you have a good mount for [Fairy Guanghan] to use?" Diao Chan asked.

"Let's go, I'll take you to a place to have a look." Zhou Yan held one in his left hand and one in his right hand, and led them to the [Heaven and Earth Library].

"This is a newly built building, right?" The two women were very curious. They looked at the names on it and asked, "Isn't this building full of books?"

"Yes, that's not right. Their functions are much better than ordinary books. As long as we don't understand anything, we can come here to look for it, and if we need anything, we can also come here to ask. But, now Only five questions can be asked, and each question must be different.”

Zhou Yan briefly explained to the two women and then led them inside.

"It turns out that this building also has spatial attributes. I feel like it's so strange here. It's like my mind has calmed down. It's so strange and tight here."

After Diao Chan and Zhen Mi walked in, they immediately felt that this building was unique.

"This building now has five library, namely: Everything Library, Material Library, Spirit Treasure Library, Spiritual Cuisine Library, and Alien Beast Library. You can ask one question in a library every day. Now I only have questions about the Alien Beast Library. Asked."

Zhou Yan took Diao Chan and Zhen Mi all the way to the last library of strange beasts, and then walked in.

"I thought you weren't coming today. Well, you brought two people with you. No matter how many people come, I can only answer one question every day." The strange beast book spirit said floating in the air.

"Is this the Shuling? It looks quite surprising. I don't know how it talks." Diao Chan asked very curiously.

"Can't you turn into a human form?" Zhen Mi asked.

"Why do you want to turn into a human form? I am a book spirit, a book spirit, not a human being. Why do you think the human form is beautiful? In my opinion, you are not as beautiful as a book."

The strange beast book spirit has quite a bad temper, and is actually a little angry.

This made Diao Chan and Zhen Mi curious. They didn't expect that apart from their different appearance, Shu Ling's personality was similar to that of humans.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense to you anymore. I want to ask if there are any flying monsters. The level must be Level 80 or above. It is best to have a mount suitable for women to ride."

"Of course, it would be better if the strength or ability of that kind of mount is pretty good. I only ask about those within the lord's continent."

Zhou Yan expressed his thoughts about his needs and believed that this book spirit should allow him to get a good mount.

"Well, although you have many requests, as long as there are all the strange beasts in this world, there is nothing that I, the strange beast book spirit, don't know about. Just wait."

After the Alien Beast Book Spirit finished speaking, he began to quickly open his own books. The entire Alien Beast Book Pavilion also started to rotate. Finally, a small book appeared in front of Zhou Yan.

It is much better than the previous two bookstores, at least it does not give a piece of paper.

"I'm going to rest. If you have any questions, please ask tomorrow." After the alien beast book spirit finished speaking, he fell into a deep sleep like the other book spirits.

"Is it going to be like this after it searches for what we want to know?" Diao Chan playfully took the book transformed into a book spirit into her hands, then flipped through it and found that it was all filled with wordless heavenly books.

"It seems like it really fell asleep." Zhen Mi said.

"Let's go. There are a lot of coordinates of the mounts we need here, but it's not the time to catch the mounts yet." Zhou Yan left the Alien Beast Library with the books.

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