Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 541, Forming The Flying Dragon Legion

"What mount is recorded in this book?" Diao Chan came to Zhou Yan curiously and looked at the information on the strange beasts in the book.

Zhen Mi also came to the other side of Zhou Yan and looked at the information above.

"This is a strange beast called Butterfly, and it also introduces all the information about this strange beast, which is quite complete. I didn't expect that there are such strange beasts in so many places throughout the Lord's Continent."

Zhou Yan thought there were many kinds of strange beasts here, but it turned out that there was only one kind, but their coordinates were not in the same place. This was normal. After all, the entire Lord Continent was so big, it was very unusual for them to live in multiple places. Normal things.

"Are we going to catch these butterflies now?" Diao Chan asked.

Zhou Yan shook his head and said: "No, no, no, now is not the time to capture them. The wood here has not been harvested yet, and there are still many soldiers outside. It will take some time."

"Besides, this kind of strange beast may not be suitable for use as a mount. It's just a good time to ask for more information about the mount. After comparing it, it won't be too late for us to make a move."

Zhou Yan also had his own ideas. The abilities of these butterflies were quite good, but their speed was too slow. Once the speed was too slow, they would be easily attacked.

"I think these flowers and butterflies are quite beautiful. Many people must like them," Diao Chan said.

"For me, I quite like it." Zhen Mi also replied.

"Let's talk about it then. It's more important to recruit more lumberjacks now." Zhou Yan took the two women to the [Hall of Heroes] again, and then took out the Hero Summoning Token.

The Hero Summoning Token can summon various talents in a place like this. Zhou Yan is in urgent need of more lumberjacks, so he directly uses it to summon lumberjacks.

Zhou Yan summoned a total of 5,000 SSS-quality lumberjacks, 500 R-quality lumberjacks, 100 RR-quality lumberjacks, and ten RRR-quality lumberjacks.

Then they raised their level to Level 30, and then asked Zhang Liang to escort them out to log wood.

Zhang Liang needed to wait until the time for the monster attack to escort them out, and Zhou Yan naturally agreed.

With these lumberjacks, I believe this large area of ​​wood can be solved soon.

Afterwards, Zhou Yan said: "Would you like to see the current competition between various legions?"

"Okay, let's have a look." The two women naturally agreed.

Now soldiers from all legions are working hard for Yalong mounts. They will be the first batch of soldiers to have flying mounts, so every soldier naturally wants to fight for them.

The way to win is very simple, that is, compete with other soldiers. The five thousand people who win in the end will be qualified to fly mounts.

Zhou Yan took the lead to arrive at the [White Robe Ghost Soldier] where Chen Qingzhi was. The soldiers outside the door saw Zhou Yan coming and said quickly: "Lord, hello two mistresses, I will report to General Chen Qingzhi."

"No, I just came to take a look. It's nothing important." After Zhou Yan said that, he took the two women into the barracks.

In the barracks, scenes of duels were being staged everywhere. The soldiers in the audience kept shouting slogans such as "come on". Their faces were filled with smiles and they kept clapping their hands.

"It's so lively." The two women looked at each of the temporary arenas and smiled at each other, feeling very lively.

"It seems that a lot of people have come to join in the fun." Zhou Yan saw that not only the soldiers, but also other people in the territory came here to watch the soldiers fight.

They have Blacksmiths, people in charge of [Spirit Field], [Fish Ponds], livestock breeding, etc., and there are also quite a few [Guanghan Fairies], and they are all very happy to see it.

Someone seemed to have noticed Zhou Yan and said quickly: "The lord is here too. The lord comes to see us!"

Sure enough, countless soldiers gathered around, making Zhou Yan very helpless. If he had known, he would have changed his appearance.

Seeing the admiring eyes of the soldiers, Zhou Yan said to them: "I'm just here to watch the excitement. You don't need to worry about me. If you should continue to play, you can continue to play."


After the soldiers heard that the lord was coming, they fought harder. They all wanted to leave a good impression on Zhou Yan, and also hoped that they could win and eventually become one of the flying dragon knights.

Not long after, Chen Qingzhi came here and said to Zhou Yan: "Lord, you are here."

Zhou Yan nodded and said, "It seems that the soldiers are very enthusiastic."

"They all want to get flying mounts, so naturally they are working hard. Lord, do you want to go to my camp and have a ride." Chen Qingzhi asked.

"Okay, it's been a long time since I've been here for a tour, so let's take a look around."

Except for coming when summoned, Zhou Yan really has never looked carefully at every barracks. Now that he has time, he will take a look.

While walking, Zhou Yan also asked Chen Qingzhi about the situation in his territory and asked if he had any ideas or requests.

Chen Qingzhi has no other requirements and is very satisfied with everything in the territory.

After Zhou Yan finished shopping, he took Diao Chan and Zhen Mi to visit other camps.

It wasn't until night that Zhou Yan returned to the [Heavenly Emperor's Palace] with the two girls in his arms. As for what he was doing, he could only do it if he turned off the lights.

In the following days, Zhou Yan stayed in the territory every day, and every day he would go to the [Heaven and Earth Library] to ask what he needed.

The selection of the Flying Dragon Legion soon came to an end. Each of the twelve legions selected 5,000 soldiers.

Zhou Yan began to select the commander of this army.

Zhou Yan thought about this matter carefully for a long time, and finally decided that Bai Qi would personally lead it. Anyway, with Meng Ao leading the entire [Great Qin Black Armored Army], he didn't need to do much at all.

In fact, Meng Tian's various abilities are also very powerful, but Zhou Yan currently has no other suitable legion for him to command, but in the future, Meng Tian will definitely have to stand alone.

Zhou Yan would definitely not let such gold gather dust.

Therefore, let Meng Tian serve as Bai Qi's lieutenant. This is the lieutenant of the Flying Dragon Cavalry. Most people would not be able to get in if they wanted to be.

Meng Tian was also very happy. After all, apart from Bai Qi, he was the number two figure in the entire Flying Dragon Cavalry.

In addition to Meng Tian, ​​Zhou Yan sent some people to Bai Qi, namely Wei Yixiao, Xiao Siye, Dian Wei and others.

A total of 5,000 soldiers were selected from the twelve legions. As for the other legions, we will talk about it later. Now these 60,000 soldiers will become a rare force in the territory.

As for the training of the Flying Dragon Legion, Zhou Yan consulted a lot of information and then gave it to Bai Qi and the others to study together to see if there was anything suitable. If there was something suitable, he would start training directly.

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