Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 542, The Formation Of The Flying Dragon Legion Is Completed (5Th Update)

Zhang Liang, Bai Qi and others all decided to give it a try. Anyway, the territory is so big and there are plenty of places for training.

When the Flying Dragon Legion was being trained, Zhou Yan was also giving guidance.

"Now that the generals and personnel of the Flying Dragon Legion are ready, let's start training directly. The first thing is to choose the flying dragon mounts. Because we have many kinds of flying dragon mounts, I decided to choose six kinds of each of the 60,000 flying dragon mounts. .”

"As for these six kinds of flying dragon mounts, I have also thought about it. They are to build one with the fastest flying speed, one with the strongest endurance, one with the largest load-bearing capacity, one with the strongest defense, and one with the strongest attack. Strong ones, and a reconnaissance team.”

"Such a flying dragon army, working together, will definitely be invincible and become a flying army that is a nightmare for the enemy!" Zhou Yan expressed his thoughts.

Bai Qi and others naturally agreed. They all believed that Zhou Yan's arrangement was very correct. Anyway, they could make subsequent changes based on the real situation.

Based on the characteristics of each legion and the characteristics of the flying dragon, Zhou Yan began to select generals such as Bai Qi, Zhang Liang, and Meng Tian.

There are many kinds of flying dragon mounts they captured. If they were to talk about the fastest flying dragon, it would undoubtedly be the Gale Dragon. This kind of sub-dragon is indeed very fast.

If it hadn't been for the help of Li Chungang and Zhao Xuansu, two people from the realm of land gods, they probably wouldn't have been able to catch them. This shows how fast this kind of sub-dragon is.

Therefore, Zhou Yan decided to use 5,000 soldiers from the original [Han Iron Cavalry] and 5,000 [Wudang Flying Army] to select the fastest Gale Dragon and then form a rapid flying cavalry. As for the general, Meng Tian himself command.

Later, Zhou Yan chose to use 5,000 original [Spartan Heavy Infantry] and 5,000 [Tiance Xuanjia Army] soldiers, and selected the four-winged flying dragon with the strongest endurance to form an endurance flying cavalry. The general was Dian Wei. Serve.

Zhou Yan chose to use 5,000 original [Myriad Monsters Soldiers] and 5,000 [Orc Warriors] soldiers, and choose the strongest heavy-bearing Xiaolong to form a flying cavalry, with Xiao Siye as the general.

Zhou Yan chose to use 5,000 soldiers from the original [Trap Camp] and 5,000 [White-robed Ghost Soldiers], and choose the armored flying dragon with the strongest defense to form a flying cavalry.

As for the generals, Zhou Yan felt that one person was missing, so he directly transferred Zhang Wuji to the Flying Dragon Legion, and Zhang Wuji was appointed as the general.

Zhou Yan chose to use 5,000 original [Tiger and Leopard Cavalry] and 5,000 [Da Qin Black Armored Army] soldiers, and chose lightning dragons with both attack and speed to form an assault flying cavalry. The general was appointed by Bai Qi himself. Serve.

Zhou Yan chose to use 5,000 soldiers from the original [Beifu Army] and 5,000 [Ghost Soldiers from the Underworld] to hide the strongest shadow dragon to form a reconnaissance flying cavalry, with Wei Yixiao as the general.

As for the other flying dragons, they will definitely be used later, but they are just arranged like this for the time being.

The entire flying legion was established in this way, and this legion did not have any building bonuses. It was completely formed by Zhou Yan himself.

This is the beginning of Zhou Yan's formation of the air force. As long as this air force is established, he will definitely form a second and third air force in the future.

As for the naval army, Zhou Yan doesn't have suitable generals and soldiers yet, so he hasn't considered it yet, but it will be a matter of time to form one.

Soldiers in the sea, land, and air need to be prepared to face various environments at all times.

Next, the training officially begins.

Sixty thousand soldiers marched neatly towards [Qingqingling Grassland] to choose their own flying dragon mounts.

"Hey, they are finally going to choose a flying dragon mount. I'm so envious."

"Work hard. I heard that the lord will prepare a second batch of flying dragon legions. I will definitely join in when the time comes."

"Really! That's great, I must work hard!"

"If you fail the first time, you must not miss the second round. Come on, everyone."


Looking at these 60,000 people, the other soldiers were very envious, but they were all inferior in skills and had no jealousy. They could only blame themselves for losing to others in the battle and allowing others to become members of the Flying Dragon Legion. .

Anyway, this is just the first flying dragon army, but they heard that the lord is going to form a second flying dragon army, so many soldiers are working hard.

They have the best resources and the best training environment. They even have no shortage of exercises and martial arts. In addition, their qualifications are not low, and they are all S quality or above. As long as you work hard, it is easy to become strong.

After a long time, countless flying dragon cavalry flew out from [Qingqingling Grassland]. They rode the flying dragons and soared freely over Ziah's territory.

"I'm still very young and can't grow bigger. When I become stronger, I will be able to carry you through the sky." Jin Ye said while standing on Zhou Yan's shoulders.

"It doesn't matter. I don't need you to carry me. I can fly by myself." Zhou Yan touched Jin Ye's little head. The pressure on this little guy was too great. Fortunately, Zhou Yan often helped him guide him, otherwise he would really be able to fly. Become a stuffy oil bottle.

Zhou Yan flew out of the territory, and Bai Qi flew out of the territory in Qiongqi.

Just after flying, there were still many soldiers who were not very used to it, and many soldiers even fell off the flying dragon, which made countless people laugh.

Zhou Yan has already asked the tailor Xue Lingyun to sew some equipment that will allow soldiers to sit on the flying dragon mounts better. He believes that it will be completed soon and then equip the 60,000 flying dragon army.

After arriving outside the territory, Bai Qi began to train formally. His training was also very strict, and he also said that anyone who did not meet the requirements would be kicked out of the Flying Dragon Legion.

They were all selected through level-by-level competitions, and no one wanted to be eliminated. Therefore, every soldier was very serious during training.

Zhou Yan also gave a speech. He stood on top of the soldiers and said, "Each of your soldiers has received a flying dragon mount."

"What I want to say to you here is, don't treat them as mounts, treat them as partners, comrades-in-arms, and your best friends."

"Only when you treat them as your most trustworthy friends will they do their best to help you. They are your eternal friends and your eternal comrades."

"I will accompany you to fight all the way from the Lord's Continent to the God Realm. Do you hear me clearly?"

"Listen clearly!" After hearing Zhou Yan's words, all the soldiers replied loudly, and then they understood something instantly.

In the past, many soldiers did regard the flying dragon mounts as just mounts, but at this moment, their mentality changed. They would treat the flying dragon mounts around them as their partners, relatives, and friends.


These flying dragons are of high level and naturally not low in intelligence. After hearing Zhou Yan's words, they were very moved. They also responded to Zhou Yan and thanked him for his understanding.

(Author: I wish everyone a happy May Day. I can only thank you for your support.)

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