"They are thanking you for your understanding and saying that you are a good lord." Jin Ye acted as a translator.

"Haha, this is what I should do. It was a bit unethical to capture them by force. Besides, they are just like you, they are our partners who will fight side by side in the future, and they are friends worthy of our trust. .”

Zhou Yan looked at Jin Ye and spoke what was in his heart.

Jin Ye was very moved, and then he flew up and shouted. The roar of the dragon was earth-shattering. It was a five-clawed golden dragon, born Supreme, with pure Dragon Race bloodline.

This dragon roar made all the flying dragon mounts lower their heads as a sign of respect.

At this moment, they are sincerely convinced. It is the dream of all Yalongs to be able to conquer the world with the real Prince of Dragon Race.

Zhou Yan nodded towards Bai Qi, and then said: "General Bai Qi, let's work together to make this flying dragon mount a nightmare for all the lords in the lord continent!"

"I will try my best to fulfill your dream." Bai Qi replied.

"No, it's not my dream, it's the dream of all of us." Zhou Yan said.

Bai Qi and others all laughed. They were lucky to meet a lord like Zhou Yan. Zhou Yan never regarded them as subordinates, but as friends, and never asked them to kneel down in that kind of kneeling ceremony. It's long gone out of date.

Now is the age of lords. Although they are divided into superiors and subordinates, they should all be respected. Everyone, no matter what race or appearance, as long as they are a member of the territory, should be treated equally.

The training has officially begun. First of all, the soldiers need to be familiar with riding flying mounts. Therefore, there are not many training requirements on the first day, which is to let the soldiers become familiar with their flying mounts and the feeling of flying.

Zhou Yan also took out a lot of information, including various videos of training flying mounts, and there were many things to pay attention to.

Zhou Yan, Bai Qi and others have received a lot of inspiration from this. They will not follow other people's training methods, but conditionally select them, and then find a training method suitable for their own legion.

In this way, time passed day after day, and Zhou Yan's flying army was on the right track.

Because the soldiers and mounts cooperated very well, and the soldiers always kept Zhou Yan's words in their hearts, they regarded their mounts as partners and friends every day.

Because of this, the training went very smoothly. Within seven days, very good results were achieved. The soldiers were able to sit on the flying dragon skillfully and use bows and arrows to attack targets on the ground.

Moreover, they can also fly in rows and neat formations in the air, which is a very important improvement.

Not only that, these flying dragons can also understand the flag orders of various commanders. As long as they see the flag orders, they know what to do.

Zhou Yan and others were very happy and began to adjust further training plans.

Because the six flying dragon cavalry have their own characteristics, they will be trained separately during training. This requires a long period of training to be effective.

Zhou Yan was training on his side, but Torsis Ryder Os on the other side had been paying attention from the moment Zhou Yan's territory reappeared.

But Os did not take action, but continued to contact the mercenary lord with whom he had not contacted last time, and they finally made an appointment to meet the next day.

On the day of the meeting, Aos met with the leader of the other party with full confidence. He thought it was a very pleasant transaction, but after the meeting, the other party did not give Aos much face.

"My name is Tony. I think Darl should have told you. I heard that you came to me this time because you encountered a difficult opponent. My request is very simple. As long as you can give me everything on this list." If I find it, I will deal with your opponent for you."

After Tony finished speaking, he handed a list of materials that he had prepared to Oss.

After hearing what Tony said, Ossie seemed a little unhappy, but now he had something to ask for.

In addition, Oskar also asked someone to find out clearly. The Tony in front of him was indeed a powerful character. He was a famous mercenary lord in the Lord Continent.

Moreover, Tony has many strong men, and each one of them is a ruthless character. The probability of completing the task is 95%. Although it is not 100%, this probability is quite good, and it can be ranked among the entire lord mercenaries. of.

However, when Oss saw the list of materials above, his whole expression changed immediately. He stood up immediately and said, "Mr. Tony, are your requirements a bit too high?"

After hearing this, Tony smiled, and then said: "Mr. Os, you are from the Ryder family. The things above should be nothing to a person born like you. Is it possible? It really looks like As rumored, your status in the Ryder family is not very good?"

"You..." When Os heard this, his expression was very unhappy, but Os knew that Tony should also know something about him, so he still swallowed what he wanted to say.

Then he said: "I can give you the things above, but I can only give you half first. I will pay you the other half after you complete the task. I hope you can completely eliminate that damn bastard for me." in this world!"

Tony laughed, and then said: "Believe me, your decision must be the wisest move."

"I will give you the things as soon as possible. I just want to know when you will do it!" Ao Si asked.

"As long as you give me your things, I will take action immediately!" Tony replied.

"Three days, I hope you can take action after three days!" Os said.

"Let's wait until you have your things ready. Tony's reputation is still very secure." Tony smiled and then left the territory.

After Tony left, Oss angrily smashed all the tables and chairs around him and cursed: "Asshole! They all look down on me!"

But it took Aos five days to find half of the materials on Tony's list, and then he immediately contacted Tony. Tony came to Aos' territory the next day and promised to deal with Zhou Yan's territory within three days. .

Three days later, Tony came here with his people and said to Os, "Prepare the other half of the materials, and I will solve the thing that worries you the most."

"Then I look forward to good news from you. Don't worry, as long as you can solve that territory, I will give you the things you need with both hands." Osei also said.

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