Tony started to take action, and dispatched a lot of team members, a group of more than a dozen people, heading towards Zhou Yan's territory, but all of this was filmed by a smart reconnaissance aircraft.

The news was immediately notified to Zhang Liang. When Zhang Liang heard it, there were only a dozen people?

It was absolutely impossible to threaten the territory by relying on these dozen people, but Zhang Liang still asked the edge to keep tracking these people to see what they were going to do.

When these dozen people arrived about a hundred kilometers away from the territory, they finally took action. They even took out modern drones, and then began to move towards the territory.

After Zhang Liang saw this situation, he immediately knew what these people wanted to do.

"Then I'll play with you." Zhang Liang told Zhou Yan about this.

After Zhou Yan heard this, he said: "It seems that these people are here well prepared. These people should be from Canglan Continent, and they are also likely to be lords. Let's send a flying dragon army of a hundred people there."

"That's what I have in mind, but I think it's better to destroy their drones first so that they can't see our flying dragon army." Zhang Liang suggested.

"The Flying Dragon Legion is just in the training stage, so let's conduct a comprehensive survey of the air domain. If any birds or drones are found, all will be destroyed." Zhou Yan issued the order.

Therefore, Bai Qi sent groups of flying dragons to start training outside the territory, while also destroying any birds that passed by.

Many of the birds in the Lord's Continent have reconnaissance functions and can become investigation tools for many people. That's why Zhou Yan issued an order to kill all flying birds.

Zhou Yan dare not say that there are no mosquito-sized reconnaissance planes like Zhou Yan in the entire Lord Continent. It is better to be careful in everything.

Zhou Yan had already discovered the actions of Tony and others, and had sent people to deal with them. However, Tony and others thought that they had arrived not far from Zhou Yan's territory without anyone noticing.

They were indeed very careful and did not act haphazardly. Instead, they took out a drone to explore the movement ahead and made sure it was safe before moving forward.

It's a pity that they don't know that all their actions are within the scope of Zhou Yan's territory.

Not long after, a flying dragon passed by in the sky and destroyed Tony's drone with its claws.

After Tony saw that the drone was destroyed, he quickly said: "Wait a minute, guys, our drone has been destroyed."

"Did the flying monsters around here do it?" Team member Jason asked.

"I don't know. I haven't seen any traces of the enemy. They probably destroyed the drone from a high altitude. They probably regarded our drone as prey."

Tony looked at the replay and saw no trace of man-made sabotage, so he guessed.

"Then let's be careful and send out two more drones for reconnaissance, so that we can avoid these flying monsters in advance." Jason suggested.

"Then let's do it like this." Tony then asked his men to release two drones to fly high in the sky.

At this time, they soon saw a huge flying dragon heading towards the drone.

"Damn it, is this a dragon?" Tony was very surprised. He didn't expect such a monster to appear here.

"How could such a monster appear here? Oops, it's coming towards our drone again."

"Fly the drone into the forest quickly so it can't destroy it."

But unfortunately, the speed of the drone was no match for the flying dragon, and it was quickly destroyed by the sharp claws again, turning it into a pile of scrap metal.

"What should we do now? There is that flying dragon nearby. No matter how many drones we release, they are likely to be taken as prey!" Jason looked at Tony.

"Then let's deal with that flying dragon. We can't attack without any understanding of our enemy. We need to be vigilant at all times."

"That bastard Oss thought I didn't know that he used hundreds of thousands of troops to deal with others, only to be wiped out by them all. I won't attack like that stupidly like him."

When Tony accepted the mission, he had already known about the territory where Os had dealt with Zhou Yan. Otherwise, why would he have asked them to take action? It was because they were no match for him that he was asked to take action.

Of course, if people can handle things themselves, it is impossible to ask them to take action. They are a group of mercenary lords who specialize in solving problems that the major lords cannot solve.

Of course, asking them to take action will naturally cost a lot of money. This price is not a matter of money. For people like Tony, money is not the most important thing. They also need very precious materials.

Those materials are hard to find and hard to buy, which is the price they need.

Tony and others are able to make a name for themselves in the Lord's Continent, and naturally they have powerful means. The first thing is to investigate the approximate strength of the enemy before taking action.

They will not take action casually. If they do that, then they are definitely a group of novice mercenaries.

The idea of ​​Tony and others was very correct, but unfortunately they didn't know that they had been monitored for a long time, and the person monitoring them was just a very inconspicuous little mosquito.

Of course, Tony and the others were strong men, so these reconnaissance planes naturally did not dare to approach and would only observe their every move from a distance.

Tony and others released a drone again. They used this drone as bait and wanted to destroy the flying dragon.

They are very confident in their own strength and have prepared everything in ambush.

It was a pity that every move they made was within the range of the reconnaissance plane, and Zhang Liang felt that these people were very strong and might not be easy to deal with. A flying dragon army of a hundred people might not be able to deal with them.

Therefore, Zhang Liang immediately ordered Huo Qubing to lead the [Han Iron Cavalry] and Wei Qing to lead the [Tiger and Leopard Cavalry] to go there together, and also asked Wei Yixiao's Shadow Flying Dragon to rush there.

Although there are only a dozen people on the other side, Zhang Liang feels that they are not that simple and they still need to be more cautious in doing things.

Moreover, Zhang Liang also gathered other legions to prepare for support at any time.

Tony waited for a long time, but the flying dragon didn't come.

"Has the flying dragon flown away?" Jason asked.

"I always feel that this flying dragon came very strangely. I think the enemy has discovered us. That flying dragon must have been sent by the enemy."

Tony thought about it carefully and soon got an idea that surprised him.

"No way, we were very careful all the way. How did the opponent discover us?" Jason and others were very surprised. They didn't expect that this opponent was really capable.

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