Tony has been in the Lord's Continent for so long, and he is still very vigilant. He immediately ordered: "I think the opponent is ready to take action against us. We can't wait any longer, or we must leave this area and explore again from another aspect. , but I feel like this method shouldn’t work.”

"We don't know how the opponent discovered us this time, which proves that the opponent has very strong detection capabilities. We don't know how much preparation the opponent has made or how many people have come, but now that we are here, we can't just leave it like this. Come back empty-handed.”

Jason nodded and then asked: "Then we have to summon the territory, otherwise when the enemy surrounds us, we may not even have time to escape."

Tony nodded, and then said: "I originally planned to find out the specific strength of the target before taking action. Now I can only summon the territory first and let our demon army come to see how many pounds the enemy has."

"Okay, then we'll start summoning!" As mercenary lords, Jason and the others are naturally not afraid. They have regarded destroying other people's territories as a hobby and something that excites them.

"Wait a minute, our main purpose this time is just to test, so just summon the three lords first, and be prepared to retreat at any time." Tony said again.

"Boss, are you too cautious?" said another team member, Okai.

"No, no, no, our enemy this time is not simple. Being able to destroy hundreds of thousands of alliance troops in Os is enough to prove that the opponent's strength is not simple. I think the price I want is still too low."

Tony's ability to live for so long and become a famous mercenary lord has a lot to do with his caution, otherwise he would have been destroyed long ago.

"Boss, how many territories are we planning to summon this time?" Jason asked.

Tony looked at the dozen team members, and then said: "Let's just have three this time. Just the territories of Jason, Okay, and Diana. Take this one by the way."

Tony waved the light in his hand and took out a dozen scrolls and handed them to his team members.

Jason took a look and said, "Boss, you've even prepared this. Are you too careful?"

Others also think this is the case, is it necessary to be so safe?

"My intuition tells me that the enemy we face this time is very powerful. Now we don't even have any knowledge of the opponent's national power, specific military strength, and territory, and we were discovered by the opponent first. Believe me, this is a very interesting encounter. fighting."

Tony is a very smart and cautious opponent. The team he leads can have such a high completion rate basically because of his command.

When the other team members heard what the boss said, they naturally chose to believe it.

Later, Jason, Okai, and Diana took out a prop and then summoned the territory.

After the three territories fell from the sky, Zhang Liang got the news immediately.

He knew that his feeling was right, so Zhang Liang gave orders to the major legions in the territory and began to gather towards the territory outside.

Zhou Yan naturally knew about this and said: "Bai Qi, our flying dragon army will not participate in this battle. We have to wait until necessary before taking action. I don't want to expose the flying dragon army in the territory yet."

Bai Dian nodded, and then said, "Will you take charge personally this time?"

Shaking his head, Zhou Yan said: "This kind of thing can be left to you. I just need to know the result."

Bai Dian nodded, and then said to Meng Tian: "Meng Tian, ​​let you command the flying dragon army for the time being, and don't appear on the battlefield. I will let Wei Yixiao's Shadow Flying Rider come back."

"Yes!" Meng Tian nodded.

Afterwards, Zhou Yan flew back to his territory, and Bai Qi rode his Taotie to join the army.

On the other side, Tony's demon mercenary army also summoned three territories. Tony asked the three territories to start dispatching 20,000 legions each.

Jason's territory is filled with a group of heavily armored cavalry, and their mounts are also mounts with very strong defense, physical strength, and load-bearing capacity. Ordinary arrows cannot cause any harm to them at all.

They all wore uniform dark gold suits, and even their mounts were protected. Moreover, the level of their cavalry was all at Level 80, and the realm of each soldier was around the Fortieth Layer level.

More importantly, the quality of their cavalry is an SSS-quality cavalry. Both the territory bonus and the building bonus are not low.

Another point is that the race of this cavalry is a group of evil Demon Race warriors. The evil Demon Race cavalry are stronger than ordinary human cavalry.

Okay's territory is filled with a group of infantry. Their race is also a demon race, and they are also wearing a complete set of dark gold suits.

However, 10,000 of the soldiers dispatched by Okai are heavy armored infantry, which are very lethal. The quality of this barracks, an R-quality barracks, should not be underestimated.

As for the other 10,000 soldiers, they are leather infantry who move quickly and can effectively pursue the enemy. This barracks is only an S-quality barracks, but few people in the entire Lord Continent can afford to equip such an army.

As for Diana's territory, she is a female lord. In her territory, there are all long-range demon soldiers, and they are all a group of shamans.

But these shamans of hers are all Apex LevelRRR quality barracks, and they are also the most destructive. This group of shamans can explode with very terrifying power.

Their weapons are all of platinum quality, and as for their armor, they are only of bronze quality.

For a group of troops attacking from a distance, these shamans only need to maintain sufficient attack power, and nothing else is needed at all.

The levels of this group of shamans are all soldiers above Level 80, and their realms are all around the Fiftieth Layer level.

Each of Tony's men develops a type of military unit individually. Although they are single, when they are combined, they are very powerful.

How could Tony become a mercenary lord without any strength.

This is only the territory of his three men, and there are other territories that have not been summoned.

But Tony was really careful. This time he just wanted to see the strength of Zhou Yan's territory, and had no intention of defeating Zhou Yan's soldiers in one fell swoop.

After these soldiers gathered, they formed a military formation and stood ready. They quickly formed a defensive formation three kilometers away from the front of the territory, as if waiting for Zhou Yan to attack them.

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