Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 549, The Counterattack Begins

"Boss, how about I check on the lord forum to see if there is any relevant information about this lord." Jie Na said.

"This is a good idea, I hope you can find something." Tony nodded.

"Boss, are we still retreating?" Okai asked.

"I think it's a good idea to wait until we get to know our opponents first, but after retreating, we can't be discovered by them."


"Marshal, the enemy has disappeared." A demon soldier with wings came to report.

"Oh, it disappeared." Bai Qi looked at Zhang Liang and asked, "I don't think the enemy will give up the attack like this."

"I think the enemy is retreating temporarily. We must take defensive measures at all times to prevent the enemy from finding opportunities, and we must always be prepared to meet the enemy." Zhang Liang said.

"I also think we should be prepared for defense. The enemy's strength is quite good, but we can't let them find opportunities." Bai Qi also thinks so.

Bai Qi and Zhang Liang then began to arrange a series of defensive measures, and then Zhang Liang told Zhou Yan what happened.

After Zhou Yan learned about it, he asked, "Zhang Liang, have you figured out the situation of those enemies?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Liang seemed to have guessed something, so he asked, "Is the lord planning to fight back?"

"It's not my style to be beaten passively. The enemies come to harass me over and over again. If I don't show them some color, they will think I have a good temper and either won't do anything or kill them all!"

Zhou Yan did have a plan. He was too lazy to pay attention to the other party before, but the enemy came to provoke him again and again. Zhou Yan was not a good-tempered person. Since he provoked himself, he had to be prepared to be destroyed.

"We have already investigated the enemy's territory clearly and can send troops to attack at any time!" Zhang Liang was very confident about this.

"Okay! I'll give you one day to prepare and dispatch an army of 300,000. You must completely wipe out those enemy alliances!" Zhou Yan issued the order.

"Yes, Zhang Liang will definitely complete the mission!" Zhang Liang laughed. If he took the initiative, I believe many military officers would be very happy.

Next, Zhou Yan summoned all the generals.

There are currently many soldiers in the territory. Even if 300,000 troops are dispatched, there will still be 400,000 troops left in the territory.

Although these soldiers have just transferred jobs, they can still guard the territory. Even if the enemies attack again, they will definitely be able to fight them.

The meeting for this battle was simple, with the purpose of destroying the enemy's territory.

No matter what power the enemy has or what background he has, if he is provoked over and over again, then there is no need to exist.

In this battle, Zhou Yan also asked one hundred thousand [Guanghan Fairies] to participate. They are a special unit, and they are all long-range attack units. In addition, there are a hundred thousand people, such a powerful unit. , on the battlefield, you will definitely be able to gain something.

This time Zhou Yan removed Zhang Liang from his position as Minister of War and directly appointed him as the army's military advisor, with the same status as Bai Qi.

As for the vacancy of the Minister of War, Zhou Yan transferred Guo Jia back to serve. Guo Jia's talents are not inferior to Zhang Liang's, but he has not yet had a chance to show off.

This time, Guo Jia will be appointed as the Secretary of the Ministry of War. When the time is right, he will be appointed as the military advisor of another group army.

With more and more soldiers in the territory, Zhou Yan is also preparing to form a group army. In the early stage, four group armies were formed, each with a number of more than 200,000.

As for the candidate for marshal, Zhou Yan already had a plan in his mind, but it was not time yet.

The combat arrangements this time are very simple. They are just specific combat arrangements that need to be discussed by everyone.

After a brief discussion, it had been several hours and things had been settled.

The next day, the entire army learned the news of the dispatch, which indeed made many soldiers very excited.

The soldiers organized all their belongings and trained harder. Then the commanders of the major legions issued orders.

After a whole day of arrangements, on the third day, 300,000 troops began to leave the territory.

Tony was surprised when he saw this group of soldiers leaving. He had previously thought that this army was here for him, but he soon discovered that the other party was not for him at all, but was moving in a certain direction. All the way forward.

"This army is not coming for us!" Tony was very surprised, and then said: "It seems that Oss is going to be in trouble."

"Boss, the enemy has left the territory at this time. Isn't this our opportunity? How about we attack his territory now!" Jason said quickly.

Tony looked at Jason, and then said: "Jason, you are really smart. If that's the case, then go and die yourself."

"Hahaha!!!" The other team members laughed.

"Boss, am I right?" Jason was confused.

"Do you know how many troops our enemies have? Do you know how many levels and how big their territory is? Do you think they are not guarding you?"

Tony asked a lot of questions.

When Jason heard this, he quickly shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"So your brain never has a long memory." Tony did not look at Jason again, but said: "Jena, show the information you found to everyone."

"Yes, boss!"

Jie Na turned on the computer and said to everyone: "Our opponent this time is not easy. It should have first appeared during the Mid-Autumn Festival..."

Jina told everyone the information she found. Everyone was shocked when they heard that the other party's territory was not only able to move, but also destroyed so many territories.

"Oh my god, their territory can still be moved, and the defense towers are so powerful. Then boss, wouldn't it be impossible for us to penetrate their territory!"

After hearing the information about this territory, all the team members frowned. This was the first time they encountered such a difficult territory.

"That's why I've been thinking about it these past two days, but now I have an idea." Tony said.

"Boss, think about it, let's go straight to the fight. Let me tell you, there are so many of us, and the combined number of soldiers exceeds one million, I don't believe we can't destroy the other side." Jason said quickly and excitedly.


Tony slapped Jason directly on the head, and then said: "Jason, I really doubt that letting you join our demon mercenary army was a wrong decision."

"Boss, I'm very obedient. I never act alone when you don't ask me to." Jason replied quickly.

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