"If it weren't for this, your head would have fallen to the ground long ago." Tony looked at Jason coldly.

These words made Jason break into a cold sweat. He knew that he had said the wrong thing again.

"Originally, I was thinking about how to solve this problem. This time I decided to save Os's life. As for attacking their territory, I, Tony, am not that stupid. It's just a pity that our success rate in completing the mission will drop again. .”

Tony made the decision, and although it had a certain impact on their completion rate, there was nothing that could be done about it.

After hearing Tony's words, everyone was surprised and asked quickly: "Boss, we actually want to retreat!"

"But we didn't have much of a battle with them. Our chances of winning should be pretty good."

"I also think that territory is not unbreakable!"

"Boss, we should give it a try, otherwise people will laugh at us for being cowardly."

Tony looked at his team members and said: "No, no, no, this is not cowardice, but I don't think it is necessary. Guys, you will not be wrong if you listen to me. This is the best decision."

Tony is the boss of the entire demon mercenary army, and others cannot refute what he decides.

Tony turned on the friend function and sent a message to Oss: "Mr. Oss, I'm afraid there will be trouble in your territory."

Os, who was leaning on a beautiful blonde girl on the bed, immediately stopped when he saw the news, then opened it and asked in confusion: "Tony, I thought you would bring me good news. But you gave me this inexplicable news?"

"Mr. Os, this is not inexplicable news. I now see that the other party's 300,000 troops have come towards your territory. Do you still think this is inexplicable news?" Tony replied.

When Aos heard this, he immediately stood up and said: "Mr. Tony, I asked you to destroy my enemies, but the enemies came to attack my territory. Shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

Aos was indeed very angry. He didn't expect that the enemy had not been destroyed yet, but instead let them attack his territory!

"Mr. Os, first of all, I want to correct you. You don't have the slightest understanding of your enemy. Your enemy is not simple. The information you gave me was too little. I was not prepared at all, and instead suffered losses." There were a lot of soldiers."

"I'm telling you clearly now that I really have no way to break into this person's territory. Not only am I unable to break through, but even the number one skeleton mercenary army will never be able to break into the opponent's territory..."

"Shet! What you mean is that I spent so much money to invite you here, and in the end you told me that I couldn't do anything, right?" Ossie was very angry and angrily pressed down the golden beauty next to him.

"You have to know that you only paid half of the deposit. I'm already treating you very well by telling you this news in advance. However, if you can provide the remaining half of the deposit, I can keep your territory." Tony said. said.

"Asshole! What do you mean, I can't even protect my own territory!" Oss roared angrily.

Tony smiled lightly, and then replied: "You'd better not underestimate these people. Even we have suffered a big loss at their hands. Let me tell you something you don't like to hear. Just those garbage corps of yours really can't stop each other." .”

"You..." Aos was furious, and then said: "Since I have paid, you have to stop these guys, immediately, immediately, do you hear me, this is what you should do!"

"I can think that you are threatening me. In that case, the deal between us is over, bye." Tony stopped replying and stopped the conversation.

Os: "I'm so stupid..."

Other team members asked: "Boss, will this affect our reputation?"

"Guys, you must always remember that facing a territory that is about to be destroyed, this is no threat to us." Tony said.

"Boss is right, we are not good people. That guy can't even protect himself, what impact can he have on us," Okai said.

"No, no, no, this bastard will definitely contact us again, but when the time comes, I will bite a big mouthful of meat from his mouth. Anyone who dares to threaten my Tony, I will not make it easy for him, even if he is Ryder Family members."

Tony's eyes flashed with fierceness, and he was very confident that Ossie would pay a huge price to help him when he was desperate.

"Boss, what should we do next?" Diana asked.

"We don't need to do anything, we just need to wait for the two sides to exchange fire, and then let Os beg us to save him." Tony replied.


This time, Zhang Liang and Bai Qi have made careful arrangements to prevent the enemy from setting up traps in front of them. Not only do they have thousands of reconnaissance planes conducting reconnaissance in various places, but there are also many scouts exploring the surrounding area, just to prevent the enemy from setting up traps in front of them. They made moves along the way.

It is naturally impossible for a idiot like Aos to ambush him on the road, or he has never thought about this problem. However, Zhang Liang is not guarding against this idiot Aos, but another group of people, that is, Aos hired Tony and others. people.

But Zhang Liang didn't know that Tony was hired by Aos, and thought he was a subordinate of Aos, or even a new ally, so Zhang Liang was very careful along the way and was always ready for battle.

"The enemy's alliance has a total of thirteen territories. Last time we wiped out more than 400,000 of their troops, I think they must have suffered heavy losses, but the reinforcements they came later seemed a little different."

Zhang Liang was thinking about countermeasures all the way, but the enemy did not appear, so he could only cope with the changes by remaining unchanged.

"Those people can directly summon territory in a fixed place, which is indeed outstanding. Moreover, the combat effectiveness of their army is also very good. Although it is only a short battle, their strength is indeed very powerful."

The last time Qin Qiong fought directly with the enemy's heavy armored cavalry, he was very aware of the strength of the opponent's cavalry. Although their combat effectiveness was still stronger, they took advantage of their equipment.

"There were twelve of them before, but only three of them summoned the territory, and they were forced by me to summon the territory out of desperation. I guess their initial target should be our territory."

"But they should have seen the overall situation of our territory. As long as they are not too confident in themselves, I believe they should give up their plans to attack the territory. Logically speaking, they should make an ambush on the road, but so far there is no such thing. A sign, are you planning to attack when we attack the territory?"

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