Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 551: Openly Repairing The Plank Road And Secretly Visiting Chencang

There is even a possibility that these people are not from Aos, but foreign aid he paid to hire, and the two parties are only interested in each other.

Zhang Liang thought about many possibilities. This is something that a military strategist must consider. Judging from the news he read along the way, the opponent should want to rely on the territory's defense towers for defense.

"Military advisor, where do you think we should attack first?" Bai Qi looked at Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang looked at Bai Qi, and then said, "I guess the marshal is pretty much what I thought."

"I still want to hear what the military advisor thinks." Bai Qi smiled.

"If I were the enemy, with insufficient troops, I should concentrate all the troops in one place. As long as they can stop us, they can win." Zhang Liang guessed.

Bai Qi smiled, and then said: "It seems that the military advisor and I have the same idea, hahaha!!!"

In the territory, there are many military generals who are very capable of commanding troops. With their keen perception of war, they already know what to do next.

"Commander, Marshal, I think you can leave this matter to me. My soldiers are fast and they will be able to solve it as soon as possible." Huo Qubing was the first to speak.

"No, this time I plan to fight at night, so you are not suitable." Zhang Liang said.

"I think we can attack in multiple ways." Chen Qingzhi also expressed his opinion.

After hearing the conversations of many generals, many generals were confused and did not know what the military advisor and others meant.

"What are you talking about? I'm confused." Wu Song rubbed his head, curious about what they were talking about.

"I don't know what they mean, but I know that it is right to do what the generals say." Yang Zaixing replied.

"You are self-aware, kid." Yan Chixia looked at Yang Zaixing.

"Then do you know what the military advisors said?" Yang Zaixing asked.

"I don't understand." Yan Chixia shook her head. How could he understand this?

"I would like to hear General Chen's opinion." Zhang Liang looked at Chen Qingzhi.

Chen Qingzhi nodded, and then said: "Since the enemy will choose to concentrate all their troops in one place, then we must naturally follow them. However, I think our marching speed should be slower, not too fast, not too slow. , otherwise it might be discovered.”

When Zhang Liang heard this, he laughed and said, "What General Chen Qingzhi said is absolutely true."

Bai Qi then ordered: "Slow down the speed of the entire army. We only need to get within fifty kilometers of the enemy before dark."

Chen Qingzhi knew that even if he didn't say anything, Bai Qi and Zhang Liang would still do it because of their wisdom. However, they didn't say it. They just wanted him to express his opinions.

"Our purpose this time is simple. Since they have combined their forces, the defenses of other territories must be extremely empty."

"So, we only need to deceive the other party. Our army will attack the place they imagined, and then secretly send soldiers to disintegrate other territories one by one."

"This will definitely make those lords afraid and worried, so they will evacuate the gathered soldiers, and we can ambush those soldiers on their way back, eliminate their effective strength, and then destroy their territory."

"In this way, we can not only disrupt all the enemy's gathered forces, but also shake their military morale. Next, we only need to destroy them in one go."

Chen Qingzhi's idea can actually be summed up in one sentence, that is, "Build plank roads in the open and use them in secret to save Chen Cang."

Chen Qingzhi gave a rough outline of the situation, but the specific implementation still requires some discussion. No plan is that simple and needs to be thought out step by step before it can be acted upon.

Next, Zhang Liang and others began to discuss a specific action plan.

On the other side, when Aos heard that 300,000 troops were coming towards his territory, he was really scared. They had already wiped out more than 400,000 soldiers by Zhou Yan, and they could not resist these 300,000 soldiers in the wild. Ten thousand troops.

Aos was really scared, and he also believed that the 300,000 troops were coming for him, so Aos immediately summoned other members of the alliance and asked them to send all their troops to their own territories for support.

When others heard that they were only defending the city, they naturally would not refuse. Besides, if the Os Territory was really breached, they would also lose a stupid rich man. Therefore, these people sent all their soldiers to support the Os Territory. .

They never thought that Zhang Liang and others had already calculated their thoughts.

Moreover, these lords never thought that Zhang Liang would take the lead in attacking their territory. After all, in their view, the cause of all these battles was Aos, and they also believed that only the elimination of Aos would be the end of all conflicts. .

Unfortunately, they will never know that Zhang Liang not only wants the end of the Os Territory, but also the destruction of their entire alliance.

Oss became confident after seeing the alliance's troops arriving in his territory one after another.

Os felt that in a head-on confrontation, they were indeed no match for each other, but a siege battle was no better than a head-on fight. The two major difficulties of the territory's city walls and defense towers would definitely make the enemy pay a heavy price.

Now the soldiers of the entire alliance are concentrated in his territory. There are nearly half a million troops in total. With so many soldiers, Oss definitely doesn't believe that he can't even defend a territory.

Ao Si even thought that he wanted to give Zhang Liang and the others a show of strength and let them know how powerful he was. Little did he know that Ao Si's idea had been calculated long ago. Poor him was still laughing about how to make Zhang Liang's soldiers do what they wanted. A dismal ending.

Aos has already deployed 500,000 troops at the four city gates. No matter where the attack comes from, hundreds of thousands of soldiers will defend it.

Moreover, Aos also received accurate information that the enemy was heading towards his territory. He believed that they would be able to reach about fifty kilometers of them by evening.

Everything was as Aos expected. In the evening, Zhang Liang and others had arrived about fifty kilometers outside Aos city and stopped.

Aos also received accurate information. Zhang Liang and others did not rush to attack, but stationed themselves in place, preparing to fight again tomorrow.

Although someone suggested attacking the camp at night, Os, who had been beaten for a long time, immediately cursed angrily: "Do you know how we failed a few times before? It was because we attacked the opponent. Do you think the opponent doesn't know that we are going to attack them? a bunch of idiots!"

"We don't need to do anything, just wait for them to attack our territory and consume their soldiers like this!"

Ao Si's idea was indeed correct, but unfortunately, Zhang Liang had already realized that they did not dare to attack the camp, so he did not arrange any means at all. If they really attacked the camp, they might succeed.

It's a pity that Aos didn't dare to do it at all.

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