"Don't worry, the enemy is still heading there. They will never think that we already know their plan. As long as they rush in, our harvest will begin."

Zhang Liang was very confident. The Apex Level counselors activated the concealment skill. In addition, it was night and they had already mastered the weather. Moreover, there was a large jungle there, which made it very easy to hide. This was the advantage of the location.

The most important thing is that their soldiers are united and have high morale, and the enemy does not know that they have already laid an ambush for everything. This is harmony.

Mastering the right time, location, and people, they will win this battle.

Many military generals are on standby at any time, and they all have their own orders. As long as the time comes, it is time for them to take action.

Tony was getting closer and closer to the enemy, and he could hear the sounds of attacks coming from the defense towers in the Os Territory from a distance.

Tony planned to defeat all the enemies in one go, so he ordered: "Heavy cavalry in front, light cavalry in the back, and then the infantry. Charge for me, leaving no one behind!"

So, Tony asked the soldiers to attack at full speed. This time, the soldiers he arranged were all cavalry and infantry. As for other arms, Tony did not send out because they were not suitable for this kind of battle.

"Come on!"


The charge of hundreds of thousands of troops was so powerful that Tony could even predict the fate of the enemy being defeated by his soldiers.

A dozen team members had already taken out a bottle of champagne, then each poured a glass and said, "I wish us a successful start!"



A dozen people laughed and drank the wine in their glasses.

Wine is good wine, and it is a wine to celebrate, but it is a wine to celebrate their failure.

As a flaming explosion sounded in front of him, Jason even laughed and said, "Then the enemy's military camp should be on fire."

When Tony heard this, he also looked ahead, and then heard the sound of continuous explosions, and then said: "The enemy is attacking now, and there is no way their military camp is stationed outside the Os territory!"

"Then what's going on with this explosion sound?" Okai was also very confused.

"Look, the fire is getting bigger and bigger."

"Send someone to take a look quickly. Oh, my God, I always have a bad feeling." Tony looked at the explosion of fire in front of him and always felt a bad feeling.


When Tony's soldiers rushed toward the forest, they found that there were no enemies along the way. They thought the enemies were all in front, so they kept rushing forward, and then they still didn't see an enemy.

Just when they were doubting, the earth shook, the mountains collapsed, and the earth cracked. The terrifying energy completely destroyed them, and the flames ignited them. The entire mountain forest was swallowed up by the fire.

The enemies were crying and running around, but they were surrounded by flames. They had nowhere to escape. They could only be swallowed up by the flames and burned by the flames.

Outside this forest, Zhang Liang had someone cut down a forest to prevent the fire from burning the entire forest.

In that forest, Zhang Liang had already laid out various traps and sprinkled a kind of fuel that was easy to burn. All they had to do was throw in burning scrolls on the periphery. The enemy's consequences could be imagined.

Three hundred and sixty thousand troops were destroyed in the sea of ​​fire.

These enemies couldn't escape at all, because outside, Bai Qi's army had firmly surrounded this area. Bai Qi's order to the soldiers was not to let any of them go.

Therefore, even if there are many lucky enemies who escape from the sea of ​​fire, they will only end up being shot.

When Tony and others saw that the entire forest was engulfed in fire, Tony and others were stunned and could not believe what they were seeing.

At this time, they were holding champagne in their hands to celebrate their victory, while on the other side, they could only watch as their 360,000 soldiers perished in the sea of ​​fire.


Tony shouted, jumped up in anger, slammed the cup on the ground, and cursed angrily: "Shet! Damn it! Bastard!..."


The other team members did not expect this outcome. They never expected that the enemy would be so terrifying and would plot them to this point.

Tony saw an army rushing towards him and said angrily: "Let's go back to the territory. If I don't avenge this, I, Tony, will never be a human being!"

How could Tony be so angry that an army of 360,000 was destroyed without killing a single enemy?

Tony and others walked very fast, but Zhao Yun did not continue to pursue them, but said: "Don't chase after poor bandits."

A dozen people rode their mounts back to their territories, but none of them spoke. When they were not far from the territories, they suddenly discovered that one of the territories had been attacked.

"Asshole, what's going on!" Jason's face was very ugly. He never expected that the enemy would attack their territory.

Tony looked at it carefully and said with a fierce look on his face: "They don't seem to be those soldiers, they should be someone else. Let's find out first!"

There are quite a lot of these enemies, hundreds of thousands in total. If other territories hadn't sent soldiers to help resist, I'm afraid Jason's territory would really have been defeated.

Jason's face was very ugly and he was extremely angry. Although his lord crystal was not shattered, the territory also suffered serious damage, and he suffered the greatest loss among all the team members.

The other team members quickly returned to the territory and personally commanded the soldiers in the territory to fight back against these enemies.

With the help of other team members, these soldiers quickly began to retreat, but Tony had no intention of letting these people go and began to kill them.

This matter was naturally sent by Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang sent [Spartans] disguised as soldiers who had lost their territory. Because they looked similar to these people, it was easy to sneak in.

Then these Spartan warriors began to gather all the soldiers and began to give speeches. The Spartan warriors told the soldiers that they wanted to establish a territory and a country of their own.

Establish a homeland that belongs only to them, a place where they are not subject to any oppression or bullying. They no longer need to take orders from others and will only fight for their own survival from now on.

After hearing this, the soldiers were naturally greatly encouraged, and then joined in one after another, and expressed their intention to establish a new territory, a country that belonged only to them.

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