Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 556, The Oss Alliance Completely Disappeared

So, the Spartan warriors began to lead them here, and then began to attack the territories, because the Spartan warriors told them that as long as they could occupy these territories, they could rely on these territories to develop and become stronger and open up a new world. Belong to their country.

It is precisely because of this that hundreds of thousands of troops attacked Jason's territory. It's just that the generals in these territories knew that they were an alliance. When Jason's territory was attacked, they would naturally send soldiers out, but they did not. Too many, and this leads to a stalemate.

But the strength of these soldiers is no match for Tony and other territorial soldiers, and defeat will be a matter of time.

The Spartan warriors hiding among them had already run away. Their mission had been completed, so there was no need to stay.

When Tony learned that these people turned out to be the hundreds of thousands of troops from the Aussie Allied Forces, he did not expect that Zhang Liang could still pull this trick. This method really made Tony feel palpitated.

"This enemy is really terrifying!" Although Tony was very angry, Tony had to admit that the opponent they encountered this time was much stronger than the ones they had encountered before.

Tony calculated the losses. The 360,000 troops they dispatched this time were completely wiped out. In addition, during the territorial defense battle, they also lost more than 100,000 troops. In total, the number of soldiers has been reduced by half.

This was undoubtedly a major blow to Tony.

Tony turned on the friend function and immediately received a message from Os: "Damn it, those bastards started to attack my territory, and they attacked from all sides. Where are you people? Didn't you agree to attack the enemy? This bastard cheated on me!"

When Tony heard this, he also became angry and said angrily: "Go to hell, you bastard, if you hadn't called me here, I wouldn't have suffered such serious losses. Half of the soldiers, half a million troops, you just don't care." I can’t afford to pay for it even if I die, Shet!”

After scolding him, Tony directly deleted Os's friend function and didn't care about his life or death.

Oss on the other side became angry after hearing this, and said angrily: "Assholes, bastards! I knew you guys were unreliable!"

But then Ossie fell into trouble. He now has no foreign aid at all, and he seems to have seen his end.

"Boss, should we gather the remaining soldiers? I don't believe that 300,000 of them can withstand the attack of more than 500,000 of our soldiers!" Jason said angrily.

"Boss, we have suffered such a big loss this time. As long as you say a word, I will send all the soldiers!" Dai Nanna also said.

"Me too!" Okai also stood up.

The other team members also responded in the same way. They were still very united, but they suffered such a big loss this time, which made each of them feel very uncomfortable.

Tony originally wanted to be impulsive, but his reason finally defeated his impulsiveness, and then said: "Guys, I want to eliminate those guys more than anyone else now, but our losses this time are too great."

"But I, Tony, said that I will not avenge this revenge and swear not to be a human being, but not now." Tony is still reasonable. He lost half a million troops this time. If all the remaining soldiers are summoned to fight to the death with the enemy, they will There will also be heavy losses, which is really not worth it.

"Then what should we do now?" Although Jason was unwilling, he obeyed Tony's words.

"Don't worry. When we become stronger, we will come back for revenge. And this time we need to find some stronger opponents. That guy offended a lot of people during the Mid-Autumn Festival event last time."

Tony sneered, and he thought of letting others deal with it.

After the discussion, Tony and others left here directly, and more than a dozen territories rose into the sky and disappeared.

Zhang Liang also received the news of the departure of these enemies as soon as possible.

The reason why soldiers were not sent to attack the opponent's territory was mainly because the enemy had twelve territories, and they were all connected together. It was totally useless to attack. It was better to give the opponent a warning.

Those more than 300,000 soldiers were Zhang Liang's warning to the other party. Since the other party retreated in the face of difficulties, Zhang Liang would naturally not take care of it.

Next, is the defeat of Os.

Every lord didn't want to see his territory being breached, especially people like Os. He personally came to the city wall and encouraged all the soldiers: "Hold it to me, as long as you can block the other side." All attacks will be rewarded with 100,000 spirit coins, and every soldier has a woman!"

"For the sake of wealth and women, stand up to me and don't let the enemy attack..."

Under the temptation of money and beauty, the morale of Ao Si's soldiers increased greatly.

Once the territory is shattered, everything he owns will cease to exist. In order to protect the territory, Os is naturally willing to give up everything. At this moment, he is very scared and worried.

He does not want to lose all the existing life of a lord. In the territory, he is the supreme existence, he is the master. He does not want to lose the territory, and he does not want to lose this supreme life of a lord.


Bai Qi looked at the battle, and then said to his soldiers: "The battle must end before dawn!"

"Yes!" Bai Qi's generals personally led the soldiers to attack Os' territory.

There are less than 20,000 soldiers on the four walls of Os, while Bai Qi's soldiers are 300,000. Moreover, the soldiers are very strong and have many methods. They rush through the coverage of defense towers, the attacks of archers, and then come When they reached the city wall, they launched a counterattack against the enemy.

The enemies on the city wall were killed by arrows one after another. Then the soldiers began to take out powerful scrolls, threw them into the enemy's city gate, and then detonated them.


The terrifying scroll directly blew up the enemy's city wall. Qin Qiong cursed angrily: "Which bastard took out such a big scroll? If the city wall is destroyed like this, isn't there another trophy missing!" "

"General, I'm sorry, I took the wrong scroll. I accidentally got a High Level scroll. I promise I won't do it next time." A soldier quickly stepped forward and replied.

"Damn it, don't be confused next time, rush in, only kill people, don't destroy the building!" Qin Qiong yelled.



After the city gate was destroyed, the soldiers rushed into Os' territory and launched a frantic attack on the enemies inside.

After seeing this scene, Oss collapsed on the ground and said with dull eyes: "It's over, it's over, everything is over."


After Oss was killed with an arrow, the entire Oss alliance was completely wiped out.

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