With the death of Os, the entire territory was quickly destroyed.

Bai Qi asked the soldiers to take away everything in the entire territory. Not to mention anything else, after destroying the Os Alliance, Zhou Yan obtained a lot of wood. After all, the other party did not know how long they had harvested wood here. Now all this has Cheap for him.

In the Aos territory, except for the people with professional life, all other soldiers were killed by Bai Qi. As for the soldiers with professional life, they were left behind by Zhang Liang, otherwise Bai Qi would definitely deal with them all.

These professional people are naturally useful and their territory is in great need. Zhang Liang will naturally not let Bai Qi kill them.

The next day, Zhang Liang reported everything about the territory to Zhou Yan. Zhou Yan was very satisfied. This battle was another complete victory.

After having so much High Level wood, Zhou Yan once again began to upgrade the buildings in the territory and began to build new buildings.

"The harvest this time is indeed great. We harvested more than a thousand buildings alone." Zhou Yan was very satisfied.

A lot of buildings were demolished in more than a dozen territories, which allowed Zhou Yan's territory to obtain many buildings, especially several more bridges.

Zhou Yan finally installed a bridge leading to the outside of the city on all four gates of the territory, and there were two more, so Zhou Yan built a bridge in the southeast and northeast.

There are more than a thousand buildings. There are not many buildings with S quality or above. There are only ten buildings, including three barracks. However, these barracks are all foreign troops. Zhou Yan doesn't like it, so he uses them to improve the quality of the existing barracks. .

Including other barracks with quality below S, there are more than thirty. After Zhou Yan built them, he also used them to improve the quality of the existing barracks.

The previous quality of [White Robe Ghost Soldier] and [Trapped Camp] were only RR quality. Now, they can finally be upgraded to Apex Level barracks.

As for other buildings, Zhou Yan also improved the quality of the buildings that could be improved.

After improving the quality of the buildings, Zhou Yan began to upgrade each building. This time he harvested a lot of materials, allowing Zhou Yan to make major upgrades to the buildings in his territory.

The previous [Han Iron Cavalry] was only Level 60, but Zhou Yan upgraded it to Level 80. This barracks once again has two more attributes, and the number that can be summoned has also been increased to one hundred thousand.

[Building: Han Dynasty Iron Cavalry]

[Level: Level 80 (required for upgrade)]

[Quality: RRR]

[Attribute: Every time 3000 soul coins are consumed, a Han cavalry can be summoned. The current maximum number of people that can be summoned (20000/100000) ]

[Special Attribute 1: Riding Speed ​​+160%]

[Special attribute two: Cavalry combat effectiveness +160%]

[Special attribute three: Cavalry mobility +160%]

[Special attribute four: Cavalry impact +160%]

[Special attribute five: Cavalry all attributes +80%]

[Special attribute six: Cavalry recovery +160%]

[Special attribute seven: Cavalry physical strength +160%]

[Special attribute eight: Cavalry defense +160%]

[Introduction: The Han cavalry, famous far and wide, swept across the barbarians and recovered the mountains and rivers! ]

Zhou Yan then summoned the remaining 80,000 [Han Cavalry] soldiers, and then handed them over to Guo Jia to handle.

In order to build these buildings, Zhou Yan spent a full day on them.

And after Zhou Yan upgraded each building, Zhou Yan found that his territory could be upgraded again.

As a result, Zhou Yan began to upgrade his territory.

Territory prompt: "Your territory has been upgraded to Level 65."


Territory prompt: "Your territory has been upgraded to Level 75."


Territory prompt: "Your territory has been upgraded to Level 80."

After the territory was upgraded to Level 80, Zhou Yan was only at the last twenty levels away from reaching the full level of the territory.

The entire territory has undergone great changes, with the area more than tripling.

[Territory name: Heaven (Diao Chan·Hidden)]

[Lord: Zhou Yan (details)]

[Quality: White (Color·Hidden)]

[Territory Talent: Special item probability +80%]

[Territory level: Level 80]

[Required for upgrade: 81 Level 81 buildings, including 8 buildings of R quality or above and 16 buildings of S quality or above. The territory has 50,000 people, including 8 heroes with R quality or above, 16 heroes with S quality or above, 8 billion soul coins, and 800 million soul coins. ]

[Area: 300 million square meters]

[Special Attribute 1: All attributes of the territorial human race +80%]

[Special Attribute 2: Attributes of all clans in the territory +80%]

[Special attribute three: All building attributes in the territory +80%]

[Special attribute four: Defense of all races in the territory +80%]

[Special Attribute 5: Attack of all races in the territory +80%]

[Special attribute six: Speed ​​of all races in the territory +80%]

[Special attribute seven: Cultivation speed of all races in the territory +80%]

[Special attribute eight: Recovery speed of all races in the territory +80]

[Building: (Details)]

[Number of people in the territory: 942368]

[Source: (Details)]

Unconsciously, the number of people in the territory was approaching one million.

Moreover, the area of ​​the territory has reached 300 million square meters, which is equivalent to 300 square kilometers.

This was already very large, but the territory Zhou Yan really needed did not need to be so large, so Zhou Yan collected the unnecessary territory again.

War is indeed a way to get rich. Zhou Yan gained a lot from more than a dozen territories this time, but what gained him the most was the crystals of the territories. Because he obtained the lord crystal, he could improve the quality.

[Building: King Crystal]

[Level: 80 (required for upgrade)]

[Quality: SSS (required for upgrade)]

[Special Attribute 1: Thunder Attack]

[Special Attribute 2: Within the territory, the attack and defense of all Essence Building elements are greatly improved]

[Special Attribute Three: Chain Lightning]

[Special Attribute Four: Flame Attack]

[Special Attribute Five: Ice Attack]

[Special Attribute Six: Storm Attack]

[Special Attribute 7: Greatly improve crystal defense]

[Special attribute eight: Damage immunity (after being attacked, you will be invincible for eight minutes)]

[Introduction: The core hub of Lord Space, the evolved crystal, integrates offense and defense. It will actively attack all malicious creatures within a range of 800 meters. When using the same type of crystal to upgrade, there is a certain probability of obtaining the attack bonus of that attribute. ]

To upgrade the quality of [King Crystal] to R quality, thirty lord crystal fragments are required.

Zhou Yan will not attack others casually unless the other party takes the initiative to attack. After all, he does not like to actively provoke wars, but he is definitely not afraid of wars.

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