This timber forest now all belongs to Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan asked Bai Qi to continue training the flying dragon army while cutting wood.

During this period, Ye Bufan and others would also ask Zhou Yan what he was doing, because Zhou Yan had not appeared for a long time.

Zhou Yan naturally replied that he was busy with matters in the territory, so he did not go back.

Moreover, Ye Bufan sent the monster summoning order he collected last time to Zhou Yan. Zhou Yan gave the spirit coins to Ye Bufan and said thank you by the way. This thing is indeed a good thing for him at this stage.

Moreover, Zhou Yan has asked Jin Sanyi to collect similar props. Although the effect is not very good, it is still better than nothing.

Ziwei Academy.

The end of the month is coming soon, and Zhou Yan is finally finishing his semester course.

Zhou Yan hasn't appeared in school for a long time. Even Yang Junming didn't expect that Zhou Yan would stay for so long after asking for leave and didn't show up until the holiday.

Many students asked where Zhou Yan had been for so long, but he didn't come to class anymore.

Although they are curious about how Zhou Yan was treated by Chu Luoyan last time, they are not stupid about this kind of thing and will definitely not ask. From the fact that Zhou Yan has been on leave for so long, they can know how powerful the resentment in Zhou Yan's heart is. .

After Yang Junming explained the holiday, he left directly. However, he finally met Zhou Yan alone.

"Are you going home after the holiday?" Yang Junming asked.

Zhou Yan was surprised that Yang Junming would ask this, but he still answered truthfully: "No, I will stay until school starts, just in the territory."

"Well, why don't you go to my house to celebrate the New Year." Yang Junming still expressed his suggestion. He knew that Zhou Yan was an orphan, and also because Zhou Yan was the most outstanding student in this class.

Although Yang Junming felt that Zhou Yan's information was false, he still chose to believe it.

Zhou Yan was very surprised, but still shook his head and said, "No, I'm not alone."

Although he no longer has a home in Canglan Continent, he has a big family in the territory.

Yang Junming didn't force it, said some caring words and left.

The following days were the day for many classmates and friends to say goodbye. Zhou Yan also said goodbye to Ye Bufan and others.

"Zhou Yan, why don't you go to my house to play? There are still many things you can do in Kyoto. You must have never played before." Ye Bufan suggested.

"Boss Ye, can I go?" Lin Tan looked at Ye Bufan eagerly.

"If you really don't want to go home, of course I welcome you." Ye Bufan replied.

Zhou Yan finally rejected Ye Bufan's kindness. Lin Tan wanted to go to Kyoto, just to talk about it. He still felt that it would be better to go home to spend time with his family during the New Year.

"Boy, if you want to come to Kyoto, just call me Luo Yushuang!" Luo Yushuang said carelessly, looking arrogant.

Although this woman does love to play around, after getting along with her, Zhou Yan also found that this woman is not very annoying, but she is really mischievous most of the time. Her chief instructor gets a headache when he sees her.

Zhou Yan waved to the two of them and said goodbye to Li Qingjin, Zhuge Kaiming, Dong Qingyi, Gu Nianyun, Lin Tan and others one by one.

The bustling Ziwei Academy suddenly became a little deserted, but it was not empty, and many students chose to stay in the academy.

Zhou Yan teleported to the territory, and he would spend the next period of time there.

The Overlord Continent holds an event on January 1st every year, and that is the Nian Beast Fighting. This is an event that is held every year, and anyone can participate in it from anywhere in the entire Overlord Continent.

As for the Nian Beast, it will appear in various places in the Lord's Continent. After killing the Nian Beast, you can get a lot of points, which can be exchanged for various rewards.

But this event will only last for eight hours, and eight hours is not a long time, so it is impossible to get high points.

The time when the Nian beast appears is from 8 am to 4 pm on January 1st. At that time, you only need to disperse the soldiers outside the territory in advance. As for how many points you can get, it depends on the number of Nian beasts that are refreshed. too much.

This also depends on luck.

Moreover, there is no ranking in this Nian Beast event. You can redeem it directly after the event. If you don't redeem points on that day, points can be accumulated all the time. However, there is only one day every year when you can redeem things.

There are still seven days until January 1st. During this period, Zhou Yan continues to stay in the territory.

However, a friend reminder suddenly appeared, which surprised Zhou Yan.

"Teacher Lengyue, how come you have time to send me a message?" Zhou Yan was curious.

"Can't I find you if nothing happens?" Leng Yue replied.

"I don't have anything to do without going to the Three Treasures Hall. Tell me, if you need my help with anything," Zhou asked.

"I really have nothing to do with you this time. I just heard from Yang Junming that you are not going home and plan to stay at Ziwei Academy for the New Year." Leng Yue asked.

"Yes, just stay in the academy." Zhou Yan replied.

"What a coincidence. I don't plan to go back, and I just happened to know an interesting place. Are you interested in visiting it?" Leng Yue asked.

Interesting place?

Zhou Yan's curiosity was indeed aroused and she asked: "Why doesn't Teacher Lengyue go home? Is it because the family is urging the marriage?"

Leng Yue was shocked. She didn't expect that Zhou Yan could guess so accurately. She almost thought that the family affairs were leaked, but after thinking about it, Zhou Yan must have told nonsense.

"Are you kidding me? Teacher, I still need to get married. I need a good figure, good looks, and strength. There are as many people chasing me as the sea."

Leng Yue did not lie about this. There were many male teachers chasing her, and even many senior disciples were chasing Leng Yue.

But there has never been any news that Leng Yue has a boyfriend. At least Zhou Yan didn't know that Teacher Leng Yue had a boyfriend.

What Zhou Yan said before about urging marriage was indeed nonsense, but Zhou Yan didn't expect that he was right about it.

"What is that interesting place for?" Zhou Yan asked.

"Have you seen the arena?" Leng Yue asked.

"Arena? I don't know much about it. Can you elaborate on it?" Zhou Yan really didn't know very well.

"That place is similar to an arena, except that it is much more interesting than an ordinary arena. There, you can summon a hero from the territory to come out and fight with others."

"Of course, the realms of both parties must be almost the same. As for the level, I don't care much about it. After all, a person's strength and level are not the most important, and the heroes that can be dispatched are generally at full level. of."

After Zhou Yan heard this, he quickly asked: "It doesn't seem to be very attractive if it's just a simple battle."

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