Ji Minghui looked very confident this time, then looked at Zhou Yan and said, "It's your turn, don't be afraid anymore."

Before signing the contract, the other party could still regret it. Ji Minghui was extremely confident in his hero and naturally did not want Zhou Yan to back down.

Hearing Ji Minghui's excited tone, he smiled and replied: "Brother, don't cry later."

"Cry!" Ji Minghui heard this and replied angrily: "How could I, Ji Minghui, cry? I'm just waiting to be tortured!"

"Okay, I'm waiting to be tortured." Zhou Yan nodded and tortured his hero in the next life.

After Zhou Yan saw the strength of this hero, he then looked at his territory.

He thought about which hero would be the most suitable to send into the battle, and then thought about it. Since the other party sent a tall and powerful hero, he should also send a corresponding hero.

There are so many heroes in the territory, but not many are suitable for fighting. Zhou Yan looked at Grelu and then at Longshan.

"Gelilu, you come to the second game!" Zhou Yan said.

"Yes, Lord, Grelu will not let you down." Grelu was overjoyed, never expecting that the Lord would let him fight.

When Grelu appeared on the ring, everyone was very surprised. He turned out to be an orc.

Grelu is three meters tall, also holds a mace, and is fully armed with only one head exposed.

The key mace was longer and larger than Min Huang's, and it was obviously more powerful.

No one expected that there would be a hero like Orc in Zhou Yan's territory, and he seemed to be very strong, especially his height, which could give people a strong sense of oppression.

Emperor Min looked at the opponent who appeared and was very surprised: "It turned out to be an orc."

"Boy, you look down on us orcs!" Grelu looked at him, this guy should be his opponent, he was much smaller than himself.

But Grelu did not underestimate the opponent. There were many people with similar territory to him. They were all much shorter than him in height, but they were quite powerful.

"Humph, orc, I, Emperor Min, will definitely let you see what strength is." Emperor Min said with his head held high.

"Although I am looking forward to it, you are still far away." Grelu was also not to be outdone.

Before the two started fighting, sparks began to rub against each other.

Ji Minghui looked at the orc's information.

[Hero name: Grelu]

[Level: Level 100]

[Occupation: Beast Sovereign]

[Realm: Forty-Third Layer]

"Forty-Third Layer?" Ji Minghui never thought that this orc's realm would be so much lower than his own hero, a full five realms lower.

But thinking of going into battle, Ji Minghui still said to Emperor Min: "Don't be careless. Although this orc is five levels lower than you, his equipment should be much stronger than yours."

Emperor Min nodded and replied: "Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely knock this orc down. You should have confidence in me."

"Of course I have confidence in you, you are my ace hero." Ji Minghui nodded.

After the two signed the contract, the competition was officially established.

The two walked off the ring again, and Ji Minghui said to Zhou Yan: "I believe you will lose this time."

"Don't say it so early, otherwise you will feel so uncomfortable that you want to cry." Zhou Yan replied.

"Then we'll see." Ji Minghui walked to the side with his hands on his hips, looking very confident.

"I didn't expect that there are other races in your territory, but there shouldn't be many." Leng Yue asked curiously.

Zhou Yan looked at Leng Yue, and then replied: "There are indeed not many other races, only a few hundred thousand."

Leng Yue: “゛(‘◇’)???”

Hundreds of thousands?

Zhou Yan was deceiving himself again.

Zhou Yan: I really don’t.

As the barrier opens, the battle between the two heroes officially begins.

Grelu and Min Huang were very uncooperative as soon as they appeared, like water and fire.

Grelu completely beat his opponent in terms of size, and even his equipment was the same.

After the battle started, Grelu put on his helmet. Only one pair of eyes was exposed, and he was armed to the teeth.

Anyone with a discerning eye has discovered that this is a complete set of diamond-quality equipment. This complete set of diamond equipment has additional attribute bonuses, but it is expensive and cannot be seen by ordinary people. Zhou Yan can obtain it. Very good indeed.

"Huh!" Grelu waved the mace in his hand with both hands, then looked at Emperor Min and said, "Boy, I really want to see how powerful you are."

Emperor Min also took out his mace and responded: "You will definitely regret coming here."

The two roared angrily and then ran towards each other.


Both of them used maces, weapons of astonishing weight. After they collided together, there was a streak of fire and a violent collision sound.

Both of them are extremely powerful, and their fighting is extremely simple, just a simple and crude way of defeating all methods with one force.

"Clang Clang Clang!!!"

The two waved the maces in their hands again and again, and the two weapons kept colliding together. Their fighting was simple, crisp, and direct. It was precisely because of this pure fighting method that countless people felt excited.

The people around him were all excited, and their moods rose with each impact of the mace.

The strength of the two is almost the same. Emperor Min is obviously a hero of extraordinary quality, but his equipment is at a disadvantage, and the bonus of his territory is definitely not as great as that of Grelu. However, Emperor Min's realm is five hours higher than Grelu's. realm.

Every time the two sides attack, the counter-shock force coming from the weapons will cause harm to them, but they are all enduring and bearing it. Whoever cannot bear it first will be the end of failure.

The battle between the two was very fierce and exciting. They didn't have so many tricks or clever moves. They just used their strength to crush each other, and it was a real fight.

The surrounding people kept shouting cheers, and many people were very excited to see it. Such battles were rare. In addition, both sides were evenly matched, so it was hard to say whether the battle would win or lose. This was what they were looking forward to the most.

In a long battle, Gelilu will definitely have the upper hand. His recovery power is several times that of his opponent. Who made Gelilu come to Zhou Yan's territory? The various bonuses the territory has for him are not good-looking. .

After fighting hundreds of moves, Emperor Min was out of breath. On the other hand, Greeru was still very active and even laughed at Emperor Min: "Boy, aren't you crazy? Keep going, I'm just warming up."

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