Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 564, Setting Up 3 Arenas In A Row

"Don't worry, I, Emperor Min, will not fail so easily!" Emperor Min looked at the other party panting, but his heart was not as simple as it seemed.

Emperor Min was very puzzled as to why the opponent's physical strength was so strong, but he couldn't see much consumption. This was not normal at all, not to mention that his realm was five small realms higher than the opponent's!

Even Ji Minghui saw something was wrong. His expression now became very ugly. That Greeru's physical strength was so strong that he didn't even consume much. If this continues, he might lose this round again.

"No, no, I've already lost once, I can't lose a second time!" Ji Minghui clenched his fists, very unwilling to do so.

Emperor Min also knew that he could not lose, and this battle had to be decided quickly.

A brown energy burst out from Min Huang's body, and he finally began to use his martial arts, wanting to take advantage of his realm to defeat his opponent.

Powerful energy enveloped Min Huang's body, and with the blessing of spiritual power, Min Huang's various strengths were greatly improved.

He speeded up, waving the mace in his hand, and the brown spiritual power formed sharp waves of light. As Emperor Min jumped out, holding the mace in both hands, he violently exploded towards Greeru below for ten minutes. Horrible attack.

Grelu did not show any weakness, and activated the power of Beast Sovereign in his body. This was a powerful power he gained after changing his profession. His whole person became extremely majestic, and a huge orc light appeared behind him.

The huge orc light opened his hands and directly grasped the mace of Emperor Min. The two forces continued to stalemate. Finally, with a bang, the two forces formed a huge impact and knocked both of them out.

But the two men soon attacked each other again. The two figures formed two rays of light and attacked back and forth on the ring. The fight was extremely fierce.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Both forces are very powerful, and every collision is like an explosion. No matter whose attack hits the other, they can directly win the battle.

The power of the two people's attacks was too powerful. If it hit the body, the consequences would be very serious. However, the strength of the two was almost the same and they had rich combat experience, so they did not give each other a chance.

But the longer the time drags on, the more disadvantageous it will be to Emperor Min.

Greelu has been looking for opportunities. As he continued to attack, Greelu finally saw that Emperor Min had a flaw. So Greelu once again released the powerful power of Beast Sovereign, turning all the energy into attacks and integrating into it. into the mace, and then fell towards Emperor Min.


Min Huang's body was directly knocked out by the powerful force and hit the barrier hard. As Min Huang struggled for a few times, he finally disappeared from the ring.

The whole ring appears again [Greru wins! ] subtitles and the barrier disappeared again.

Grelu raised the mace in his hand, and thunderous sounds came from all around. This battle was really thrilling, and it made their blood boil.

Ji Minghui left here in despair. The failure of two battles made him very uncomfortable.

"That's right. This orc's physical strength is really strong. He was able to kill the opponent to death." Leng Yue naturally saw the key point.

In terms of realm, Grelu is five small realms behind his opponent, but in other aspects, Grelu is not weaker than his opponent at all, especially in terms of physical strength, which is more than double that of his opponent.

Zhou Yan smiled. All the heroes in his territory were not only powerful in physical strength, but also very powerful in all aspects.

Zhou Yan came to the ring and said, "That's right, have a good rest next time, and when you come on stage."

"Yes, Lord!" Grelu disappeared from the ring. Zhou Yan simply spent money to set up the ring, and then took out an S-quality skill book as a bargaining chip to attract others to challenge.

This time, Zhou Yan summoned Dian Wei and said, "Don't embarrass me."

"Lord, look what you said, I, Dian Wei, am not in vain. I will definitely guard the ring for you." Dian Wei answered confidently, holding a giant ax in his hand.

Zhou Yan saw so many people and asked, "Do you want to challenge anyone? This is an S-quality skill book. Challenge it at the speed you want."

Leng Yue was speechless when she saw Zhou Yan's appearance, but she didn't say anything.

"I'll look around and tell me when you want to leave." Leng Yue also went to find a suitable challenge in the arena.

"Okay." Zhou Yan replied.

The people around looked at it, and many of them were indeed very excited, so they took out a few things and wanted to challenge it.

Zhou Yan looked at it and finally chose a material, determined the quantity, and then signed the contract and started competing.

Zhou Yan ignored the arena here, but came to the arena next to him, spent money to set up the arena again, and this time summoned Yang Zaixing.

Looking around, everyone was speechless. They didn't expect Zhou Yan to be so eager to set up three arenas at once.

That's not all. Zhou Yan once again came to a ring with people nearby.

Although he didn't like the things on it very much, he still took out something and started competing with the opponent.

The people around him were speechless again. This man actually opened three arenas at the same time. This guy must have too much confidence in himself.

"Boy, you opened three arenas in a row. You seem to be very confident in yourself." Naturally, the lord also saw Zhou Yan's behavior.

"It's okay, mainly because you are relatively close here. If I win this time, how about leaving this arena to me." Zhou Yan asked.

"Yes, as long as your hero can win, it doesn't matter if I give it to you." The other party was not embarrassed at all.

"Don't worry, it will be solved soon." Zhou Yan smiled and then summoned Yan Chixia.

"Lord, is this the arena? It looks very lively." Yan Chixia is a chatty person. After seeing so many people, she even took the initiative to say hello to them.

"Stop talking nonsense. If you fail, you will never come out again." Zhou Yan said.

"No, lord, I, Yan Chixia, will definitely win. How can I lose? If I lose, this old face will no longer be able to hang out in the territory." Yan Chixia said quickly.

Zhou Yan saw that someone had gone to Yang Zaixing to challenge him, so he quickly signed the contract and said, "Then you fight on your own, I'll be busy."

"Don't worry, lord, I won't embarrass you." Yan Chixia replied.

Then, Yan Chixia looked at the other person and said, "Young man, don't worry, I, Yan Chixia, will not be too harsh. Tell me, what kind of death do you want."

"Go to hell!"


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