So, Zhou Yan started the competition mode, and after quickly negotiating with Yang Zaixing about the competition items, he signed the contract and started fighting.

Afterwards, Zhou Yan went to the other two arenas again, and after discussing the items with the people there, he summoned Huo Qubing and Qin Qiong.

The people around were speechless. This guy actually opened five games in a row!

The key is that he has so many heroes, and they all look pretty strong.

Soon, Dian Wei won there, letting everyone see how powerful the heroes in Zhou Yan's territory were.

Zhou Yan quickly asked: "Can I still fight?"

"Lord, I haven't warmed up yet." Dian Wei replied quickly.

When Zhou Yan heard this, he quickly said: "No, you need to be weaker now."

When Dian Wei heard this, he didn't quite understand what Zhou Yan meant, but after seeing Zhou Yan's eyes, Dian Wei finally understood, and then said loudly: "Lord, the battle just now consumed a lot of energy, but I I can still fight, don’t let me go back to my territory, I still want to fight!”

Zhou Yan was very satisfied. Although his acting skills still need to be improved, Zhou Yan still said: "Okay, okay, then guard the ring well and don't embarrass me."

"Okay, I won't let you down." Dian Wei said Dao Integration.

Zhou Yan looked around and said, "Is there anyone who challenges you? You have to go fast. Don't wait if you are late!"

"I'll come!" A lord stepped forward and said.

Zhou Yan laughed, and then said: "Okay, okay, take the things out and take a look."

As a result, Zhou Yan became very busy. Five arenas were almost enough. If there were more arenas, he would not have much time to take care of it.

Usually when one side has just finished, someone from the other side has already stepped forward to challenge.

Because Zhou Yan set up five arenas at once, many people came here. The key point was that what Zhou Yan came up with was very good and attracted a lot of people, so Zhou Yan took turns to start the battle back and forth in the five arenas.

But unfortunately, dozens of challengers appeared, but no lord could defeat heroes like Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yanxiong's undefeated Mythical suddenly became a little famous, attracting many people to challenge.

Zhou Yan naturally accepts everyone who comes. Anyway, within the Fiftieth Layer world, Zhou Yan has full confidence that his heroes can win without losing.

Of course, it’s not that heroes above Fiftieth Layer level cannot be dispatched here, it’s just that there are very few.

Zhou Yan will not allow the opponent's hero realm to exceed too much. As long as it is within two or three realms, he will agree. Even so, no lord's hero can win.

Moreover, Zhou Yan has so many heroes. As long as they play three games, Zhou Yan will immediately replace him with another hero.

This surprised many people.

"This guy has too many heroes."

"The most important thing is that these heroes are so strong."

"It is indeed very strong, but what Zhou Yan came up with is so good that even I was tempted. But unfortunately, I dare not send a hero if I am not 50% sure."


Finally, Bai Qi also took the initiative to join the battle in the territory, and Zhou Yan naturally agreed.

Bai Qi took charge and waited for a few minutes. Seeing that no one challenged him, he said arrogantly: "Is there no one left? Who dares to fight with me Bai Qi!"

"How courageous, let my generals fight with you." A lord immediately stepped forward and said.

Zhou Yan quickly stepped forward and checked what the other party took out.

The reward he laid out here was an R-quality job transfer scroll. The other party took out an SS-quality building. Zhou Yan looked at the information on this building.

[Architecture: Alien Space]

[Type: copy type]

[Quality: SSS]

[Introduction: Can be built in the territory. ]

When Zhou Yan saw that it was such a good thing, he liked it very much, but said calmly on the surface: "Although the quality is not as good as my job transfer scroll, I still agreed."

"As long as you agree, I will order your job transfer scroll." Wang Xi was obviously relieved. This building was like worthless to him, but he didn't expect Zhou Yan to agree. This made Wang Xi Very happy.

Zhou Yan naturally agreed. He didn't think there was too much of this kind of thing at all, and even thought it was a good deal.

Both are happy because they both want different things.

Wang Xi summoned a hero. This hero was also Wang Xi's number one general. His realm was not far different from Bai Qi's.

[Hero name: Zhang Tianci]

[Race: Human race]

[Level: Level 100]

[Occupation: Martial Artist]

[Realm: Fiftieth Layer Heaven]

Bai Qi is also in the realm of Fiftieth Layer Heaven, and his profession is the God of Killing, but Zhou Yan is very confident in Bai Qi's combat power, and he doubts whether this hero can last for five minutes.

After the contract was signed, the battle between Bai Qi and Zhang Tianci finally began.

In an instant, Bai Qi burst out with murderous intent, which shocked Zhang Tianci and even felt a sense of fear.

Bai Qiqi started to move, and the blood-colored murderous aura was as real as the substance, especially those eyes, which made Zhang Tianci feel momentarily absent-minded.

In a battle between strong men, the winner can be decided in an instant.

Although Zhang Tianci reacted quickly, it was still too late and his head was beheaded by Bai Qi with a sword.

Everyone was shocked.

It was over too quickly.

It was over in just a few seconds.

It's incredible.

The killing god profession combined with the killing god's eye, the sudden burst of strength is really too strong.

"How is this possible..." Wang Xi looked at all this in disbelief, never expecting such a result.

"I accepted." Zhou Yan was very happy. Bai Qi did not disappoint him. It was a good start.

"Who else!" Zhou Yan looked around.

Many people were silent. People in the same realm could kill him instantly. Damn, this hero's strength is too abnormal.


Zhou Yan set up five arenas, and after several hours, no one was able to win any of them, not even one.

Zhou Yan won a lot of good things, and this is really a good place to prostitute treasures for free.

Not only can the heroes in the territory increase their combat experience, but they can also get rewards. All he spent was a few spiritual coins for the arena, and he had no shortage of these at all.

"Is there anyone else who wants to challenge? Speed ​​up!" Zhou Yan kept tempting others to participate, and the competition rewards were up to them to choose. As long as they could come up with the corresponding treasures, they would be able to start competing.

This move indeed attracted many people.

"When will it be our turn? Sisters can't wait!" Diao Chan saw the generals talking about what happened this time, and they also wanted to go out and fight.

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