"Okay, okay, I'll replace you right away, but you should all wear your masks and equipment." Zhou Yan said.

Diao Chan and the others are too beautiful. In this kind of arena, it is better to wear masks.

It is better for outsiders to see less of your wife.

"Okay, okay." When Diao Chan and others heard that it was finally their turn, they were all very happy and immediately put on their equipment.

Zhou Yan looked at the ring and finally began to summon Diao Chan, Zhen Mi and Sun Shangxiang to the ring first.

"She's actually a heroine."

"He's just wearing a mask, but judging from his figure and appearance, he shouldn't be a weakling."

"This guy has too many heroes. Now he has even summoned a heroine."

"I have been here all the time. I have seen this Zhou Yan summon at least dozens of heroes, and no one can defeat them. This guy's heroes are too strong."


As soon as Diao Chan appeared, she waited for a long time, but no one came forward to choose, so she said: "Little girl Diao Chan is here, I don't know which hero dares to fight!"

Although I couldn't see Diao Chan's specific appearance, just from this voice, I knew that Diao Chan's appearance was not too bad.

With this provocative tone, a lord immediately stepped forward and said: "Since the beauty has said so, if we don't come up to challenge, wouldn't it prove that we are afraid."

"Brother, I support you, but you can't let women look down on you."

"What's wrong with women? You underestimate women. That girl named Diao Chan, my sister supports you."

"Come on, let's see how strong you are."

Many people in the audience cheered.

Zhou Yan was helpless. He didn't expect Diao Chan to say this, but he didn't stop him. He looked at the lord and took out a Spirit Weapon. Zhou Yan was very surprised and asked: "It seems that what you want this time is not Keep it simple.”

"You said before that as long as we can come up with the corresponding treasures, your treasures are up to us to choose. This sentence should be true." Tang Yu asked.

Zhou Yan nodded, and then replied: "This is natural, tell me what you want this time."

"I want an SSS-quality magician's technique this time. Do you have one?" Tang Yu asked.

"Of course, but what attributes do you want?" Zhou Yan asked.

"It's best to be of the fire element." Tang Yu said after hearing this.

"Okay." Zhou Yan took out an SSS-quality magic book. Tang Yu nodded, and then said: "You really have a lot of treasures, this is it."

Zhou Yan also replaced the items with the magic book. He naturally knew what Tang Yu had in mind. He just felt that Diao Chan was easy to bully.

But is Diao Chan really easy to bully?

Diao Chan is a hero of RRR quality, and he has three Spirit Weapons on his body, and even the weapons in his hands are Saint Weapons. With Diao Chan's strength, how could he still be defeated at the same level?

Tang Yu summoned a hero, shrouded in darkness, holding two swords, and full of a violent aura.

Zhou Yan could feel that this hero was not human, but should be from another race.

Zhou Yan quickly obtained the basic information about this hero.

[Hero name: Ghost Blade]

[Race: Shadow Clan]

[Level: Level 99]

[Occupation: Night Walker]

[Realm: Fifty-Fifth Layer Day]

This hero is from the Shadow Clan and is born with the ability to hide. Judging from his profession, he should be an assassin.

The realm is as high as Diao Chan, and they are both Fifty-Fifth Layer heavenly strength.

Moreover, Zhou Yan could see that the opponent's weapon was also a Spirit Weapon, but other equipment was of diamond quality.

The opponent was indeed prepared for this match, but unfortunately, Diao Chan's strength would definitely exceed Tang Yu's expectations.

After the two signed the contract, they stood in the audience and watched the battle between Diao Chan and Ghost Blade.

Diao Chan is equipped with perfect equipment, three of which are Spirit Weapon, and the weapon is Saint Weapon.

As soon as the battle began, the ghost blade had already begun to hide its traces, completely disappearing from everyone's eyes.

"As expected of the Shadow Clan, a born assassin, he disappeared without a trace." Many people in the audience could not sense the specific location of the ghost blade, and were very surprised by this.

"I don't know what means the woman named Diao Chan will use to force her out. If she gets close, I'm afraid she will lose."

"Assassins are the most annoying. They will die at the hands of these people without knowing it."

"I hate them, but they are indeed very capable."


Diao Chan on the stage opened her powerful senses, then smiled slightly, raised the weapon in her hand, and suddenly burst out with bright rays of light. One after another, delicate and dazzling flowers appeared from Diao Chan's weapon, and then moved towards Past where the enemy is.

The hidden Ghost Blade was very surprised. He could feel the energy carried in those flowers and started to dodge without hesitation.

The ghost blade still didn't show up, and it moved extremely carefully. Most people couldn't sense it, but people with strong mental power could still sense some movement.

But Diao Chan seemed to know where the ghost blade was. Flowers kept chasing after the ghost blade without stopping for a moment. A piece of delicate flowers appeared on the ground, but it did not explode. It was like a flower array on the ground. Like full of flowers.

"She can actually know the specific location of the ghost blade!" Tang Yu became a little worried. He thought that with the hidden talent of the Shadow Clan, he could slowly approach the opponent and then give him a killing blow.

But I never expected that Diao Chan's perception was so powerful, and her methods were so powerful. She kept unleashing attacks to pursue the Ghost Blade. If this continued, she might not be able to escape defeat.

Diao Chan quickly stepped forward and attacked Ghost Blade. Ghost Blade was forced to appear and took out two weapons to resist Diao Chan.

"Ding Ding!!"

But Ghost Blade found that Diao Chan's attack was very powerful, and he was forced to take a few steps back. Then he saw Diao Chan retreating quickly.

Ghost Blade frowned, then looked at his feet and found that he was among countless flowers. Ghost Blade instantly sensed danger.

But it's still too late.


After dozens of explosions sounded, the ghost blade was directly blasted into dregs by Diao Chan.

Diao Chan successfully defeated her opponent and won the battle.

"I agree." Zhou Yan happily put away the opponent's Spirit Weapon.


Tang Yu shook his head and left here.

Zhou Yan continued to look around and asked: ‘Who else is there! ’

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