Hearing Zhou Yan's arrogant words, the people around him wanted to press him to the ground and rub him, but they finally chose to let him go. If they took the initiative, the people in the arena would not let them go.

They very much hoped that someone could restrain Zhou Yan's arrogance, but unfortunately, they all looked around, but no one came forward.

Then, more people stepped forward to challenge one after another, but unfortunately, they lost to Zhou Yan's heroes in the end. Zhou Yan's reputation as undefeated Mythical suddenly spread.

"Oh my God, what on earth did you do? When I heard you setting up five arenas, I thought I heard it wrong."

Leng Yue finally came to look for Zhou Yan in the afternoon, and was shocked by Zhou Yan's behavior. He actually set up five arenas, and never failed once. The news spread throughout the entire arena.

"Nonsense, I clearly have eight arenas behind me, but now there are very few people challenging them." Zhou Yan corrected.

Leng Yue: "I(#`n´)..."

Zhou Yan decided to stay here for a few days, since there was a hotel nearby anyway.

"How many days do you plan to stay?" Leng Yue asked.

"Let's stay for three days first." Zhou Yan replied.

Leng Yue nodded. She had nothing to do anyway, so she stayed next to the arena with Zhou Yan.

At night, Zhou Yan returned to his territory and took out the rewards he received from today's competition.

[Architecture: Alien Space]

[Type: copy type]

[Quality: SSS]

[Introduction: Can be built in the territory. ]

Territory prompt: "Build [Alien Space], [Alien Space] evolves into [Alien Space]."

The building turned into a portal to the dungeon space. Zhou Yan had acquired several dungeon-type buildings like this before.

Therefore, Zhou Yan began to directly upgrade this building. This building also requires space stones to upgrade. Zhou Yan upgraded it to Level 60.

After the upgrade was completed, Zhou Yan looked at the building curiously, and then checked the building's information.

[Architecture: Alien Space]

[Level: Level 60 (required for upgrade)]

[Quality: RRR]

[Special Attribute 1: You can actively refresh an alien copy every thirty days. It is currently the "Desert Battlefield" copy space, with a daily limit of 600 people. ]

[Special attribute two: You can actively refresh an alien copy every forty days. It is currently the copy space of "Buried Dragon Ridge" and has a daily limit of 500 people. ]

[Special attribute three: You can actively refresh an alien copy every fifty days. It is currently the "Endless Underground Palace" copy space, with a daily limit of 400 people. ]

[Special attribute four: You can actively refresh an alien copy every sixty days. It is currently the "Tiandu Mountain" copy space, with a daily limit of 300 people. ]

[Special Attribute Five: You can actively refresh an alien copy every seventy days. It is currently the copy space of "Primordial Tower" and has a daily limit of 200 people. ]

[Special Attribute 6: You can actively refresh an alien copy every eighty days. It is currently the "Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes" copy space, with a daily limit of 100 people. ]

[Introduction: In the space leading to another world, there will be many unimaginable things to discover. ]

After Zhou Yan built this building, although he was very curious about these alien dungeons, he did not have time to download the dungeons himself now.

Therefore, Zhou Yan immediately informed Guo Jia and asked him to send soldiers to explore these dungeons. This dungeon should not be wasted, and asked him to record relevant information about these dungeons.

After that, Zhou Yan took out another building again.

[Architecture: Shanlin]

[Type: Material type]

[Quality: A]

[Introduction: Can be built in the territory. ]

Territory prompt: "Build [Mountain Forest], [Mountain Forest] evolved into [Godwood Forest]."

"The sacred forest, isn't it a sacred tree?" Zhou Yan was very surprised. The sacred tree is a good thing. Many buildings in his territory need this wood.

After looking at the quality of this building, he found that it was only an SSS quality building, but Zhou Yan didn't care. He upgraded it, and he also had the materials to upgrade the building. After upgrading it to Level 70, Zhou Yan looked at this building. data of.

[Building: Godswood]

[Level: Level 70 (required for upgrade)]

[Quality: SSS (required for upgrade)]

[Special Attribute 1: Increase the probability of High Level sacred trees appearing. ]

[Special Attribute 2: Improve the lumberjack’s logging efficiency. ]

[Special attribute three: Improve the skills and experience of the woodcutter. ]

[Special attribute four: Increase the wood refresh speed. ]

[Special Attribute Five: Reduce the physical consumption of the lumberjack. ]

[Special Attribute Six: Every 12 hours, a batch of six-star or above sacred trees will be refreshed, and the number will be random. ]

[Special Attribute 7: Every 12 hours, a batch of seven-star or above sacred trees will be refreshed, and the number will be random. ]

After Zhou Yan completed the construction of the building, he notified Xun Yu and asked him to arrange for the corresponding manpower to go in and cut it down to see if the wood production and efficiency inside was high.

After completing the construction of the two buildings obtained today, Zhou Yan began to enter the [retreat room] to practice.

The next day, I continued to pick up other people's treasures in the arena.

But today's harvest was much less than yesterday, and he didn't get a single building, which made Zhou Yan very disappointed. The only good thing was a Spirit Weapon.

After Zhou Yan won, he rewarded the Spirit Weapon to Huo Qubing in the territory.

As for other heroes, they will come sooner or later. Ou Yezi later successfully refined two Spirit Weapons. The speed was quite fast, and he could successfully refine one in about half a month.

But Ou Yezi was obviously not satisfied. He obviously still wanted to refine Saint Weapon, but Zhou Yan told him not to worry. Saint Weapon could not be refined just because he wanted to.

Every success of Saint Weapon can trigger visions in the world, just like the first time.

As for the others, except for Jerry who can refine the Spirit Weapon, the others' forging level has not yet reached the requirements, but they are all working hard and believe that they will also be able to refine the Spirit Weapon in the near future.

As for materials, there is really no shortage in the territory now. Jin Sanyi is collecting all kinds of ores all the time. No matter what kind of materials they need, they can basically find them in the territory.

Even if he can't find it, as long as he reports it, someone will ask Jin Sanyi to go out and buy it.

Zhou Yan stayed in the arena for another day and did not leave until the third day.

Mainly because his heroes were too strong, and no one competed with him in the end, and he didn't have heroes who were too high-level, so Zhou Yan felt that it was almost done. He knew this place anyway, so why not come here again after a while? .

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