Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 568, Jin Ye Will Fall Asleep Soon

After returning to Ziwei Academy, Zhou Yan also prepared the people in the territory to prepare for the New Year. The entire territory became busy again, and there was a picture of joy everywhere.

"Why hang up red lanterns?" After Jin Ye saw Zhou Yan in the territory, he also ended his practice and ran to Zhou Yan's shoulders.

Antian and Liuli are also around. Their realm is already very high, and they won't see much progress in a short period of time.

"This is prepared for the New Year." Zhou Yan replied.

"What is Chinese New Year?" Jin Ye looked very curious.

Jin Ye, An Tian, ​​and Liuli are all Dragon Races, and their Dragon Races don't have any New Year celebrations. In addition, their Dragon Races' lifespans are very long, and it doesn't make much difference whether they live the New Year or not.

"Celebrating the New Year means saying goodbye to the old year and welcoming the new year, ending one year and starting a new one." Zhou Yan could only explain it this way. In fact, he didn't know if he was right.

"Oh, it seems interesting." Jin Ye said.

Several people walked around the territory, and then a Guanghan fairy found Zhou Yan.

"Lord, Guo Jia and Xun Yu are here to see you." Guanghan female soldier said.

Zhou Yan nodded. He probably knew what the two people were here for. It should be about the construction of the building two days ago.

"Where are they?" Zhou Yan asked.

"In the [Heavenly Emperor's Palace]." Guanghan female soldier replied.

"Yes." Nodding, Zhou Yan took Jin Ye to the [Heavenly Emperor's Palace].

"Lord, this is the information for six copies of [Alien Space]. I have sorted it out." Guo Jia handed a document to Zhou Yan.

This was written with a pen. Zhou Yan smiled and said, "Guo Jia, the writing is good. It seems that you have mastered writing with a pen."

Guo Jia smiled. Although they were not used to it at first, this kind of thing is not too difficult for them. They can learn it after practicing for a while.

"Lord, this is the information of the [Godswood Forest]. As you can imagine, this [Godswood Forest] is full of sacred trees, but the probability of the nine-star Godswood Forest appearing every day is very low." Xun Yu also added his The information was handed to Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan nodded and replied: "The level of [Godswood Forest] is only Level 60. During this period, I will upgrade it to Level 90 as soon as possible, so that the nine-star wood that appears will be much larger."

Xun Yu also thinks so.

"Is there anything else?" Zhou Yan looked at the two of them.

The two told Zhou Yan about the territory again. After Zhou Yan talked with them for a while, the two left with satisfaction.

Although many things in the territory have been left to them, there are still some places that need to be handled by him. After all, they grew up in different environments and have different views on many things.

Zhou Yan also asked the people in the territory to learn more about the modern knowledge of Canglan Continent as soon as possible, and also bought a lot of modern books for them to read.

There are also books on military matters, which are generally read by generals. As for Guo Jia and others, most of them read books that are helpful to them.

After reading the information, Zhou Yan touched Jin Ye's little head and said, "Do you want to download the dungeon?"

"I'm quite curious, let's go and see it." Jin Ye nodded.

Zhou Yan looked at Antian and Liuli and said to them: "You don't have to follow them all the time, and there is no danger. Why don't you go practice."

It's completely wasteful for the two of them to follow him all the time. It's better to let them improve their strength more.

"You can move around freely in the territory. Just follow us when you leave the territory." Jin Ye didn't want to restrict the two of them. Anyway, in the territory, he was not in danger at all.

"Okay." An Tian and Liuli nodded, and then left.

"Let's go too." Jin Ye said.

"No rush, let's go to [Lingxiao Palace] first." Zhou Yan took Jin Ye and flew directly to [Lingxiao Palace].

The infinitely heroic Nangong Pushe was practicing sword skills somewhere in the hall. Next to him, Xuanyuan Qingfeng was also beside him.

"Zhou Yan, you're here." After Xuanyuan Qingfeng saw Zhou Yan, he quickly stepped forward, touched Jin Ye and said, "Little guy, my sister hasn't seen you for a long time."

Jin Ye was very helpless and said: "According to my age, it is not an exaggeration for you to call me ancestor, but you always call me little guy. It is really difficult to be a dragon."

"I just call you little guy, but you won't grow up." Xuanyuan Qingfeng held Jin Ye in his hands and said with a smile.

"It's not my fault. I've already started eating, but I'm helpless if I don't grow taller." Jin Ye replied.

When Zhou Yan heard this, he immediately laughed and said, "It's not because your talent is too strong and your bloodline is too pure, so you need a lot of energy to grow."

"I eat a lot every day, even the elixirs, until I lose my appetite when I see the elixirs." Jin Ye was also helpless.

"Then take some Spirit Medicine. Last time I saw a spiritual delicacy specially made for you. I see you are quite happy eating it." Xuanyuan Qingfeng said.

"It's good, but I'll get tired of eating it every day. Plus, my body can't keep up with my digestion ability after eating these things. But I can feel that I will fall into a deep sleep after a while. I think I should be able to grow a little."

Jin Ye needs to take a lot of Tiancai Dibao and Spirit Pill every day. Even if he is a divine dragon, his body's digestion ability cannot keep up with the speed he eats.

"That should be a good thing. It shouldn't take long for him to sleep." Zhou Yan asked.

"I don't know about this, but I can't say ten days and a half month, or a few months. For us at Dragon Race, even a few years is only a short time." Jin Ye replied.

Dragon Race has a long lifespan. In their eyes, years and decades are only equivalent to a few days of human beings.

Different races naturally have different concepts of time. Just like his White Tiger, he is still sleeping because he has eaten too many natural treasures, and he doesn't know when he will wake up.

"Why are you free to come here today?" Nangong Pushe put away the knife and came to Zhou Yan.

"It's quite interesting to take you to download a few dungeons." Zhou Yan said.

"Copy?" Nangong Pushe heard it, and then asked: "I heard others talk about it, as if I could go to another world."

"If you are bored, you can go watch a movie, stroll around the territory, go to the mysterious supermarket and store, or download some copies."

There are many buildings and activities in the territory. It is not that there are no entertainment programs. Zhou Yan thinks it is good for them to be exposed to more modern things. For example, it is good to be able to wear some clothes worn by modern people.

"Then let's go and have a look." Nangong Pushe nodded.

A group of people are heading towards [alien space].

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