Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 576: Don’T Talk About Martial Ethics

Several people looked at the battle between An Tian and the divine beast Nian Beast.

After An Tian became his true form, he was very handsome, condescending, and looked very arrogant. As a Dragon Race beast, An Tian did have the capital to be proud of.

"Take my move, Black Dragon Claw!"

An Tian stretched out a claw, turned into a hundred meters in size, enveloped the entire sky, and suppressed the Nian Beast.

The Nian beast was not to be outdone. As a full-level divine beast, its own strength was also very impressive. A piece of terrifying flames condensed in its mouth. After it was sprayed out, it actually formed a Nian beast-shaped flame hundreds of meters in size. It was really shocking. People were very surprised.


The two energies were indistinguishable. After a stalemate for a few seconds, they suddenly turned into an energy storm. But what is strange is that the Nian Beast's flames are very strange. After falling into the forest, not only will they not burn the trees, but they will It also made the forest trees more dazzling.

"What a strange flame. It seems to only hurt enemies. It is quite environmentally friendly. I really want to keep one. It would be nice to have it spit fire and other things in the Spirit Field of the territory every day."

After seeing the peculiarity of Nian Beast's flame, Zhou Yan suddenly had a bold idea. (* ̄︶ ̄)

Zhou Yan said, took out a contract talisman, and then said to Jin Ye: "You go to Liuli's place for a while, and I will try to see if I can catch this Nian beast."

"You dare to even think about the Nian beast. Why are you so obsessed with capturing other races?" Jin Ye was speechless. He moved to Liuli's shoulder, sniffed Liuli's body, and asked, "What's this?" What does it smell like?”ヽ(°▽、°)ノ

"This is perfume. Diao Chan and the others gave it to me. They said girls would be more beautiful if they sprayed it on." Liuli replied.

"Is that what those people in the movie sprayed?" Jin Ye asked. "( ̄(エ) ̄)ゞ

"Yes, I tried it. It smells good. It feels good. It is made from various Spirit Medicines in the territory. It is only useful to people in the palace." Liuli took out a bottle of perfume.

Jin Ye took it and looked at it, then thought of how to use it in the movie, and pressed it.

A piece of perfume was sprayed towards Jin Ye's nose and eyes.


"Breathe!" Jin Ye sneezed quickly and said, "My eyes." (T▽T)

Liuli quickly picked up the perfume that Jin Ye had dropped, and then said, "Young Master, why are you spraying it on your nose and eyes?"

"Isn't this the first time I've used it?" Jin Ye's eyes quickly recovered. They were made with Spirit Medicine and did not contain any toxic ingredients.

Even if it is poisonous, given Jin Ye's Immortal Beast's physique, unless the poison is very strong, it will have no effect on it at all.

They looked at Zhou Yan, wanting to see if Zhou Yan could capture the Nian beast.

The battle between An Tian and the Nian beast was fierce. The strength of the full-level beast was indeed very strong. It was similar to An Tian's current combat power. It would take some time for An Tian to win it.

Zhou Yan came behind Nian Beast and was afraid that one spell would not work, so he took several spells in each hand.

As for whether it can succeed, Zhou Yan is not sure. After all, everything requires experiments and research to know the results.

Thumbs up for scientific exploration!

Nian Beast's perception is quite strong, and he quickly sensed Zhou Yan's presence and began to be wary of him.

In this case, Zhou Yan directly used space magic to hide himself in the space, and then hid his aura. Now, even the Nian beast could not easily find him.

Zhou Yan felt that he could still be an assassin with no emotions.

After Nian Beast couldn't feel Zhou Yan's presence, it really started to deal with An Tian seriously. After all, An Tian still put a lot of pressure on it.

Zhou Yan was waiting for the opportunity, and the opportunity came quickly. An Tian released a powerful dark spell and entered a stalemate with the Nian beast.

"It's now!" Zhou Yan appeared, used the space teleportation spell, came to the head of the Nian beast, and released powerful spiritual power to affect the Nian beast.

Then he took out a big hammer, which was bigger than the Nian beast's head. After Zhou Yan used it, he smashed it down.


Nian Beast's whole head felt bad, he was dizzy, and his whole body quickly fell towards the ground. Then An Tian's attack landed on Nian Beast's body, and he suffered a second critical hit.

But it's not over yet.

Zhou Yan used the scroll again and flew toward the Nian beast one by one.

The scrolls turned into a ray of light and rushed into Nian Beast's body. Nian Beast felt that his whole body was not well. Not only was his head dizzy, but it was also very difficult to move. If it could speak, it would definitely Will yell at MMP! Don't talk about martial ethics.


The Nian beast fell to the ground, crushing countless ancient trees and sending dust flying into the air.

"Now!" Zhou Yan finally used the pet scroll, and then used it towards the Nian beast.

However, the scroll failed.

"It's just a failure. It seems that it can still be captured. It's just a matter of success rate." Zhou Yan thought for a while, how could those who do science lose all their efforts because of a little failure.

So, Zhou Yan swung the huge hammer towards An Tian, ​​and then said: "An Tian, ​​if the beast wakes up this year, just hit its head and knock it out."

Nian Beast: Thank you so much!

An Tian: "彡(-_-;)彡"

Liuli: "(ŎдŎ;)"

Jin Ye: "ヾ(゚д゚)ノ"

"Okay!" An Tian held the hammer, ready to give Nian Beast a hammer at any time.

After the explanation, Zhou Yan took out a stack of scrolls, at least hundreds of them.

Before Zhou Yan could use it, Nian Beast's head came to its senses, and he raised his head in a daze, trying to get up.


An Tian raised his sledgehammer and gave the Nian beast a blow with a roar.

The Nian beast fainted happily. Fortunately, it was a full-level mythical beast with good strength and a hard head. Otherwise, if it was hit by a giant dragon like this, its head would definitely be smashed and sent to a veterinary mental hospital.

Zhou Yan started to use one after another on the Nian beast, but all failed. After dozens of shots, the Nian beast woke up again.


An Tian gave Nian Beast a blow to the head again without hesitation!

Then he saw that Zhou Yan kept failing, and An Tian kept hitting Nian Beast on the head one after another.

As An Tian slapped him, his mouth split open and he started laughing. He obviously liked the taste of tormenting people... Nian Beast.

However, Liuli and Jin Ye, who were standing next to them, were dumbfounded and felt that this Nian beast had been bullied too badly.

Nian Beast: (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)

Zhou Yan did not forget to remind: "Don't beat him to death, just knock him unconscious."

"Okay, I have found the feel now, and my lower claws are measured."

Nian Beast: Thank you so much!

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