As a result, poor Nian Beast fell into an endless cycle of waking up, fainting, waking up, and fainting.

This made Jin Ye even a little scared. He was really worried that he would suffer such treatment.

For half an hour, Zhou Yan still failed to successfully contract the Nian Beast. He had already used hundreds of spells, but unfortunately, he just failed.

"Keep going." An Tianlong's claws gripped the big hammer tightly, already addicted to beating it.

But looking at Nian Beast, Nian Beast was in very bad condition at this time, and you could even see a few tears flowing from the corners of its eyes.

The key head has become swollen and covered with various kinds of bumps, all due to An Tian.

An Tian: No, I didn’t do this. Zhou Yan asked me to do this.

Zhou Yan once again took out a large stack of contract charms, and then said angrily: "I don't believe I can't accept you!"


Nian Beast: Who will save me?


After an hour of torture.

The Nian beast on the ground finally turned into a ray of light and was successfully taken away by Zhou Yan.

After An Tian saw this situation, he was a little surprised and put down the raised dragon claw.

"Ma Dan, I finally took it away. I thought the Nian Beast really couldn't be taken away." Zhou Yan put the Nian Beast away.

He didn't plan to accept one anymore. It was a waste of time and it would cost tens of thousands of spells, which was really not worth it.

"Let's go hunt the Nian beast." Zhou Yan started the hunting operation again.

If they want to hunt down the Nian beast, they can only go farther away, and they will spend more time on the road.

The following Nian beasts are not stronger, and they are all below diamond quality.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, the Nian Beast activity finally ended.

Zhou Yan said to Antian and Liuli, "Do you want to go back to the territory?"

"Of course, go back and practice." The two replied.

So, Zhou Yan quickly flew towards the territory with them.

After returning to the territory, Antian and Liuli took Jin Ye to practice.

Zhou Yan, on the other hand, looked at his points. They were pretty good. With more than 210 million points, he should be able to exchange them for good things.

Opening the redemption list and looking at the general items and rewards, Zhou Yan found that the rewards that could be exchanged for points from each activity were different.

And the point prices for each item are also different.

After roughly looking at these things, Zhou Yan still looked at architectural-type things.

The territory can evolve various buildings, so it is wise to choose the building at the first time.

Zhou Yan ignored ordinary buildings or buildings with lower than S quality. He looked at those special buildings with S quality or above.

After thinking about it again, the most lacking thing in the world of lords is always various materials.

Zhou Yan thought of the [free material copy] type of building last time and started looking for it.

That building is indeed a good thing. Although it has a limit on the number of times, it allows him to freely choose various materials, so Zhou Yan feels that such a building is very good.

Unfortunately, after searching, I found that the same building did not exist. However, similar buildings did exist, but they were all built with a single material.

This is understandable, after all, the activities are different, and the exchange ratios of various building items are definitely different.

Zhou Yan found a lot of good building materials and started checking them out.

The first material building is a building called [Cold Iron Vein]. This building is only an S-quality building and only requires one million points.

This cold iron ore can be used to refine weapons, and it also has ice properties. Whether it is used to refine weapons such as magic wands, or other weapons, it must be very good.

Because he had more points, Zhou Yan redeemed ten buildings made of materials similar to this, and then looked at the other ten buildings made of SS quality materials.

Among these ten materials, some of them are what he needs, and some of them are not.

Among them is a material for rushing stone. This material is very good, whether it is used for artifact refining or upgrading buildings.

He has a building that also needs materials such as emergency stones, but he can buy a lot of this material, but not many above six stars.

Each of these ten SS-quality material buildings required three million points, and Zhou Yan also redeemed them all.

After spending 30 million points, it was all worth it.

There are only eight SSS-quality material buildings, and each building requires five million points.

Zhou Yan also spent 40 million points to redeem it.

Zhou Yan continued to look at R-quality materials for construction.

The first type is an R-quality building called [Spirit Stone Mineral]. This thing is very important to Zhou Yan. Many buildings in the territory need this thing to upgrade.

Although only one type of Spirit Stone vein will appear in this material building, there are quite a few that can be mined every day, which is quite good.

After looking at the redemption price, it was 10 million points, which was quite acceptable to Zhou Yan.

He remembered that during the Mid-Autumn Festival event, only 500,000 points were needed to redeem an R-quality building, but here it required 10 million points. The gap was indeed huge.

Of course, points for Mid-Autumn Festival activities are more difficult to obtain. As long as there are many people, this Nian beast is relatively easy to hunt, and High Level Nian beasts can also earn a lot of points after killing them.

In this way, he has consumed 90 million points, leaving 110 million left.

There are two more R-quality buildings, and the other two are [Jade Vein] and [Gem Sacred Land].

But Zhou Yan was not in a hurry to redeem it, but looked at the highest level material.

That building is called [Place of Spirit Vein].

After Zhou Yan saw this building, he was very surprised. Isn't this Spirit Vein the material he wanted for [Heart of Territory 0 Building]?

In order to find the Spirit Vein, he spent a lot of money to go to the [Great Wilderness Trading Market] and traded the Spirit Vein with the people there.

If the other party hadn't considered that he was so rich, they would never have sold him the Spirit Vein.

This time he had to redeem it no matter what. With this building, his [Heart of the Territory] no longer had to worry about not having the Spirit Vein.

After looking at the price, it was 100 million points each.

Although it is very expensive, this building still has to be redeemed.

Zhou Yan decided to spend 100 million points to redeem this building.

With more than 10 million points left, Zhou Yan redeemed the [Jade Mine]. In this way, his points were almost spent, and he no longer cared about the remaining points.

After the exchange was completed, Zhou Yan was ready to start constructing these buildings.

After having so many buildings, Zhou Yan found that he would have too few miners. After the construction of these buildings, he would probably have to summon some more.

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