Territory tip: "Build [Spirit Vein Land], [Spirit Vein Land] evolved into [Spirit Vein Sacred Land]."

Zhou Yan upgraded first, then discovered that this building required two materials: Spirit Stone and Dragon Crystal. These two materials were still available in his territory.

After upgrading it to Level 60, Zhou Yan began to check its attributes.

[Architecture: Spirit Vein Sacred Land]

[Level: Level 60 (required for upgrade)]

[quality:? ? ? ]

[Special Attribute 1: Increase Spirit Vein formation speed]

[Special Attribute 2: Improve Spirit Vein]

[Special attribute three: Improve Spirit Vein growth]

[Special attribute four: Increase the probability of High Level Spirit Vein appearing]

[Special attribute five: Increase the probability of special Spirit Vein]

[Special attribute six: Increase the aura of the entire Spirit Vein Sacred Land]

[Introduction: A special existence that can form the Spirit Vein. This kind of place is extremely rare. Only the children of destiny can have it. ]

Destined child?

What nonsense!

He is a cheater and has something to do with the Son of Destiny. The so-called Son of Destiny, the Son of Destiny, can only call him daddy in front of him.

After that, Zhou Yan started to build other buildings, and each building evolved into a very nice place.

Zhou Yan told Xun Yu about these buildings and then asked him to arrange manpower to dig.

Xun Yu quickly arrived in front of these buildings, and led a group of people to conduct a general inspection of these buildings, and then found Zhou Yan.

"Lord, you have built so many Apex Level buildings at once, and there are simply not enough miners in the territory." Xun Yu complained quickly.

Zhou Yan smiled, and then said: "Don't worry, I won't let those buildings be empty. You can take someone to do a rough calculation to see how many manpower is needed, and then come to [Hall of Heroes] and tell me."

"Okay, Lord, please wait a moment, and then I will tell you through the communicator." After hearing this, Xun Yu hurriedly ran to do the statistics work.

Zhou Yan came to the [Hall of Heroes], and during this time, he had dozens of hero summoning tokens, which just happened to save a lot of soul coins.

Get out all those Hero Summon Tokens and start summoning Miners.

Then Zhou Yan summoned 20,000 S-quality, 5,000 SS-quality, 1,000 SSS-quality, 100 R-quality, 50 RR-quality, and 10 RRR-quality miners.

Raise their level to Level 50, and then have people take these people to those material buildings.

If there are still not enough manpower, he can call again.

Zhou Yan felt that these people should be enough for the time being, so he did not summon more.

Next, Zhou Yan plans to summon others.

There were more soldiers in the territory, and there were not enough Apex Level generals. Zhou Yan decided to summon a few Apex Level heroes again.

[Hall of Heroes] Prompt: "Soul Coin - One million, summon a talented general, Lu Bu!"

It turned out to be Lu Bu. This was the guy with the strongest martial arts in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. But this guy didn't have a good reputation. He was greedy for money and lustful, and he killed two foster fathers.

Anyway, none of them have memories, and Lu Bu won't remember Diao Chan. If he still dares to miss Diao Chan, Zhou Yan won't mind killing him directly.

"Lü Bu has met the lord!" Lu Bu is tall and tall, and his figure is not that burly, but he looks heroic. Looking at his face alone, he is still a good-looking guy.

After all, Lu Bu is known as "Lü Bu among men, and the red rabbit among horses", and his appearance is quite good.

It's just that his character is not very good. To put it bluntly, he has no brains. If he is a general, there is absolutely no problem. But if he is a commander, it will be too different. But his force value can really be achieved in the territory. There are not many people who can surpass him.

"Get up." Zhou Yan nodded. No matter how they were in the past, when they arrived in their own territory, their fate would be different.

"Yes." Lu Bu stood next to Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan knew that Lu Bu used the Fang Tian Painted Halberd, and throughout the entire history of China, there were not many people who could use this weapon, and everyone who used the halberd as a weapon must be a peerless warrior.

For example, Xiang Yu, Xue Rengui and others were all fierce generals of their era.

Zhou Yan looked at Lu Bu's information and found that Lu Bu actually had a title. He had the title of "the most powerful general in the Eastern Han Dynasty", which was quite good. This also meant that Lu Bu's strength was indeed an invincible general at that time.

Zhou Yan decided to summon two fierce generals and two commanders.

[Hall of Heroes] Prompt: "Soul Coin - One million, summon the talented general, Li Yuanba!"

"Damn it! I actually summoned this guy!" Zhou Yan was really shocked.

This Li Yuanba is amazing. It can be said that he is the most Apex Level warrior in Chinese history. It is estimated that only a few people can be his opponents.

"Li Yuanba has met the lord!" Li Yuanba was not tall, and was even thinner. But it happened that such a thin young man, only about 1.7 meters tall, was able to pick up a drum, urn, and golden hammer that weighed astonishingly.

It has been recorded in history that only Ma Yuan and Li Yuanba, the Fubo generals in the early Eastern Han Dynasty, were able to pick it up, but no one knows whether this is true or not.

Moreover, Li Yuanba was the first of the eighteen heroes in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and was known as "the best hero in the world", and Li Yuanba really had such a title.

In that era, Li Yuanba was like a god of war. Basically, few people could go through a few rounds in his hands. Only Yuwen Chengdu, the second most powerful general in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, could go through more than ten rounds in Li Yuanba's hands. As for the others, , basically it’s just a one-shot deal.

In the end, he didn't even take God into consideration, and was killed by thunder in the end.

This can be considered very sad.

There is a saying that describes it this way: In the early Tang Dynasty, there was a general who shook the sky, and in the late Tang Dynasty, there was a general called Earth Shaker.

The former sentence refers to Li Yuanba, and the latter sentence refers to Li Cunxiao.

This is enough to show that both of them are the strongest in an era.

But Li Yuanba's brain is very difficult to use. His IQ is only a few years old. He is easily impulsive and angry. He only listens to the words of his second brother Li Shimin.

Zhou Yan looked at Li Yuanba, and it seemed that his intelligence problem should be solved. Even if it is not solved, there are so many Spirit Pills in the territory, even if they are piled up, his intelligence can be accumulated.

"Very good. Don't worry, you two. I will ask the people in the territory to build a complete set of suitable weapons and armor for you. As for the mounts, you can just choose the Yalong mount you are satisfied with after you transfer and come back."

Both of them are Apex Level warriors, so Zhou Yan will not be stingy with them. They have basic standard equipment: weapons, a complete set of armor, and mounts.

"Thank you, Lord." Both of them were very happy.

After the two of them went through territorial evolution, their strength and talent must have become stronger, so the weapons built for them naturally couldn't be too bad.

Zhou Yan planned to design two drawings himself. He vaguely remembered the shapes of the two weapons. As long as he gave a rough shape and then used Ou Yezi's professionalism to create two Spirit Weapons, it should not be a problem.

Zhou Yan raised the two people's levels to full level, and then asked people to take them to transfer jobs.

Next, Zhou Yan started summoning again.

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