Zhou Yan then began to summon the commander-in-chief.

If he could summon the strongest commanders in his heart, Zhou Yan would definitely be very happy, but this kind of thing is hard to say.

[Hall of Heroes] Prompt: "Soul Coin - One million, summon the commander-in-chief, Sun Wu!"

"Damn it! The ancestors of the military strategists have all been summoned!" Zhou Yan was shocked, and then became happy.

This is Sun Wu!

"The Art of War" was written by Sun Wu, and it has been famous for generations. It laid the foundation for many strategic ideas for future generations. This military book is very useful even in modern times.

This shows how high Sun Wu's intelligence is, how deep his strategy is, and how powerful his understanding of war is. He is definitely the person with the strongest commanding ability.

Sun Wu's force value may not be strong, but his command value is probably even worse than that of Bai Qi.

Bai Qi was one of the four famous generals of the Warring States Period and one of the strongest commanders.

But before the Warring States Period, during the Spring and Autumn Period, Sun Wu was a well-deserved one of the Apex Level commanders.

Even in history, there are only a few people who can rival Sun Wu, and Bai Qi can certainly be counted as one.

"Sun Wu has met the lord." Sun Wu is neither tall nor fat. He has an extraordinary appearance and a calm temperament. At first glance, people will think that he is a man of great wisdom and should not be underestimated.

"Get up." Zhou Yan asked him to get up. This Sun Wu can definitely become a general-like presence in the territory.

Zhang Liang and Bai Qi can become an invincible army.

Zhou Yan already has candidates for this second divine army, namely Sun Wu and Guo Jia. With their commanding abilities and strategies, they are not weaker than Bai Qi and Zhang Liang.

After having Sun Wu, Zhou Yan planned to summon a civil servant who could replace Guo Jia.

[Hall of Heroes] Prompt: "Soul Coin - One million, summon the commander-in-chief, Shang Yang!"

"Shang Yang!" When Zhou Yan heard this, he realized that this was a talent. Qin could become so powerful. To be honest, Shang Yang's ability was definitely the greatest.

It is a pity that such a character ended up being beheaded in the end, which is indeed sad.

Letting Shang Yang become the new Minister of War is the best choice, and there is no need to change.

Zhou Yan first raised Sun Wu's level to full level, then raised Shang Yang's level to Level 50, and then asked them to transfer jobs first. After they come out, they will be of great use.

There are already a lot of soldiers in the territory, and now is the time to divide them into two armies, the east and the west.

After that, Zhou Yan began to draw the shapes of Fang Tian’s painted halberd and the shape of the drum, urn, and golden hammer that he remembered.

After the painting was completed, Zhou Yan found Ou Yezi.

Although it was the New Year, Ou Yezi was not idle. He was still chatting with Gan Jiang about forging weapons. He was a complete forging madman.

"Lord, why do you have time to come here?" After seeing Zhou Yan, the two people stood up quickly.

"Sit down, sit down, I just came to take a look." Zhou Yan sat on the pavilion, and the general quickly poured Zhou Yan a cup of tea.

I chatted with them and asked them what needs they had. Neither of them had any needs. They were very satisfied with their current lives and felt very happy.

After the chat, Zhou Yan took out the drawings he drew, and then said to Ou Yezi: "I drew these two drawings. See if you can make two according to this shape. And, of course, You need a pair of this hammer, and the heavier, the better.”

Ou Yezi and Ganjiang looked at it, and then replied: "It can be made with a few changes. I wonder when the lord will need these two weapons?"

"It's okay. There's no rush. Just tell me when you've finished forging it. Anyway, there are spare weapons in the territory. Just let them get through it first." Zhou Yan replied.

"Okay, in that case, I can build it for you within a month. As for the materials, I have to see which one is more suitable." Ou Yezi replied.

"Yes, but of these two weapons, if possible, we can make more of them. If there are still people who can use them in the future, it is best to change their shapes slightly." Zhou Yan said.

"No problem, it's easy." Ou Yezi nodded.

Zhou Yan chatted with them for a while and then left.

Zhou Yan then held a meeting and studied with eight ministers to see how to divide the army. They all put forward their own opinions, but they did not know who Zhou Yan would appoint as the marshal of the other arm.

Zhou Yan did not reveal it to them.

Today is the first day of the new year, and Zhou Yan did not hold a long meeting.

The soldiers outside returned to the territory one after another.

In addition to Zhou Yan's necessary personnel to patrol the territory, other soldiers have seven days of vacation. Zhou Yan is not too busy and has been playing with Diao Chan and the others.

But the next night, Teacher Lengyue still asked Zhou Yan to have a meal, and it was cooked by Lengyue herself. Although it was not a delicacy, it was still quite good. Zhou Yan praised it, which made Lengyue very happy. satisfy.

Afterwards, Ye Bufan, Lin Tan and others all chatted with Zhou Yan to wish him a happy New Year, and Zhou Yan chatted with them for a long time.

Seven days later.

The vacation for half of the soldiers in the territory is over, and the remaining soldiers still have three days of vacation.

But the important people in the territory have all started working.

Moreover, Lu Bu, Li Yuanba, Sun Wu, and Shang Yang have all successfully transferred jobs and entered the [Heavenly Emperor's Palace].

Zhou Yan started meetings with people from various departments. After all these matters were resolved, Zhou Yan said: "Now I have a few things to announce."

"First, with the expansion of the army, I decided to divide the soldiers in the territory into two armies. The first army is composed of [White-robed Ghost Army], [Falling Camp], [Han Iron Cavalry], [Orc Warrior], [ The Great Qin Black Armor Army], [Wu Dang Fei Army], and [Spartan Heavy Infantry] formed a large army, and Bai Qi was still the supreme marshal."

"As for the other army, it consists of [Beifu Army], [Myriad Monsters Soldiers], [Tiger and Leopard Cavalry], [Tiance Xuanjia Army], [Underworld Ghost Soldiers], [Guanning Iron Army], [Elf Archers] ] formed, supreme commander, now I hand it over to Sun Wu for command."

As soon as this order was issued, many people were surprised because they did not know Sun Wu, but they did not expect that the lord would let a new person serve as marshal.

Even Sun Wu didn't expect that the lord would directly let him serve as marshal. This was a position to command hundreds of thousands of troops. This was too trusting of him.

"Sun Wu!" Zhou Yan shouted.

Sun Wu stood up from his seat, cupped his fists at Zhou Yan and said, "Lord."

"Now I ask you to serve as the second marshal, do you dare to take it?" Zhou Yan asked.

Seeing that the lord valued him so highly, Sun Wu also exuded pride and said: "Sun Wu will definitely go all out and will not let the lord down."

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