Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 580, Coming To Other Countries In The World Of Lords

"Very good!" Zhou Yan nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "I know many people doubt Sun Wu's ability, but time will prove everything."

"I absolutely believe in the lord's vision." Dian Wei said.

"Hahaha." Everyone couldn't help laughing.

"Why are you laughing? This is what I mean!" Dian Wei said quickly.

Zhou Yan also smiled, and then said: "In that case, I now announce that Sun Wu will be appointed Marshal of the Second Army and conferred the title of Great Emperor!"

After the words fell, a handsome seal appeared in the hall, and a handsome and attractive cloak appeared on Sun Wu.

Sun Wu walked out quickly and said to Zhou Yan: "Thank you, Lord!"

Zhou Yan nodded and continued: "Guo Jia!"

"I'm here!" Guo Jia also stood up.

"Remove his position as Minister of the Ministry of War and change his position to the position of Military Advisor of the Second Army. His status is equal to that of Sun Wu. I hope you two can make the reputation of the Second Army well known!" Zhou Yan said.

"Yes, Lord!" Guo Jia nodded, and the clothes on his body immediately turned into military advisor clothes, and the original things disappeared.

"Shang Yang!" Zhou Yan continued to speak.

"Shang Yang is here!" Shang Yang also stood up.

"I will first appoint you as the Minister of the Ministry of War, with an official position of First Grade, and the title of Lord of Heaven and Douxing." Zhou Yan said.

Shang Yang looked at the official uniform and was very surprised. He did not expect to be appointed to such an official position. He quickly said: "Shang Yang has thanked the lord, and he will not let the lord down."

Zhou Yan nodded and continued: "Lu Bu, Li Yuanba."

"Here!" The two men stood up quickly.

"Sun Wu will be in charge of you two from now on. As for the specific duties, Sun Wu will be in charge." Zhou Yan said.

"Yes." The two of them were not disappointed. They were still very confident in their abilities.

Then, they discussed specific military arrangements.

The meeting lasted for several hours, and everyone had lunch in the [Heavenly Emperor's Palace].

After lunch, everyone left and started doing their own things.

The entire territory became busy again, everyone performed their duties and began to prepare their own things.

The two group armies do not have the [Guanghan Fairy] barracks, because they are used to garrison the territory. Of course, Zhou Yan sometimes sends them out, and they are regarded as Zhou Yan's forbidden army.

As for Chang'e, she is now living in the [Heavenly Emperor's Palace], but Zhou Yan has not made a move yet, and is still approaching slowly, intending to find an opportunity to eat her too.


"Where are you going next?" Diao Chan asked Zhou Yan after lunch.

"Are we leaving here?" Nie Xiaoqian also asked.

The other women also looked at Zhou Yan, eager to know Zhou Yan's next plan.

"We already knew the location of the Nine-Star Spirit Stone from the [Heaven and Earth Library]. Our next goal is to search for various High Level materials until the buildings in the territory reach the full level."

Zhou Yan told the next goal of the territory.

Although the territory can have a building that can mine Spirit Stone, that building will not be able to mine too many High Level materials before it reaches Level 90.

The territory has such a heaven-defying building as the [Heaven and Earth Library], so Zhou Yan will not waste it. He inquires about the whereabouts of a High Level material every day. The next goal is to excavate these High Level materials in the Lord's Continent.

"In this case, wouldn't we have to teleport frequently?" Xiao Zhao said happily.

"If you want to go out, is there anyone stopping you?" Zhao Min said.

"It's all forest outside and there's nothing interesting. Xiao Zhao and I are tired of seeing it," Zhou Zhiruo also said.

"Okay, everyone in the territory is waiting for me to teleport. If you want to go outside, remember to take some [Guanghan Fairy] soldiers out." Zhou Yan said.

"Okay lord." the girls replied.

Zhou Yan flew to the city wall, and the other women also began to disperse. Some were preparing to practice, and some were preparing to go outside the territory. Sun Shangxiang was undoubtedly the most belligerent one.

Some of them agreed to go to the movies, some planned to go to the [Martial Arts Space], and some have been working as reconnaissance planes. Anyway, they are very free and can do whatever they want.

The entire army of the territory was almost assembled and headed towards each city wall.

Zhou Yan had already taken out the coordinate stone and marked all the locations. Zhou Yan took out one of the coordinates with the largest number, and then started to transmit it.

The coordinate stone turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the territory. Then, the entire territory began to teleport towards a fixed place on the Lord's Continent.

The territory began to shuttle rapidly through the space channels. After a few dozen seconds, the light over the entire territory began to change. They had successfully arrived at their destination.

"Boom!" The territory fell on the ground.

After the territory fell, thousands of reconnaissance planes immediately flew out of the territory and began to collect intelligence.

There aren't any monsters around the territory, which is a bit of a pity, it would be great if there were monsters.

"Lord, there is a situation. A territory has been discovered near us. No, this should be a country. We should have arrived in a lord world country."

Yin Lihua reported the detected information to Zhou Yan.

This made Zhou Yan very surprised. If he came to the territory of a country in the world of lords, the other party would probably come to his door soon.

"This is a bit difficult to handle." Zhou Yan never thought that this coordinate would be in such a situation, but now that he is here, he will never leave so easily.

So, Zhou Yan asked: "How far have we deviated from the correct coordinates?"

"The deviation is not very far, only fifty kilometers, but there are many villages and towns nearby. If the territory is moved, with the height that the territory can rise now, those villages and towns may be directly destroyed." Yin Lihua told Zhou the situation Yan.

This made Zhou Yan a little embarrassed. It was naturally impossible for him to do something like destroying innocent people's villages and towns. There were some things he could do, but there were some things he would never do.

"Lord, what are we going to do next?" Qin Qiong standing nearby asked.

"Wait." Zhou Yan said one word.

"Wait? Who are you waiting for?" Not only Qin Qiong was puzzled, but other generals didn't understand either.

Zhou Yan explained: "There is such a big commotion in our territory. I believe this country will definitely send someone to talk to us. It would be best if the conversation can be successful. If we can't reach an agreement, there are only two results, either we leave or Fight until the other party compromises.”

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