Although Zhou Yan was waiting, he was not idle. Instead, he asked the reconnaissance plane to check the surroundings and began to search for information about this place.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Yan found out the news about this world.

The place he is in is a place called [Xuanfeng Dynasty], which has existed for more than 28,000 years.

I heard that the person who founded this dynasty was just a lord of Canglan Continent at the beginning, but as it developed, it developed into a country. More than 20,000 years later, it has become a huge ancient country.

Many lords will visit this country and even do business with its merchants. The other party also welcomes the lords to spend their lives there. There are even many ordinary people who will find ways to immigrate to this country and enjoy the life of ancient nobles. Life.

But this country does not allow other people's territory to fall within their country's territory.

Zhou Yan asked someone to send a reconnaissance plane to check whether anyone from the Xuanfeng Dynasty was mining at the coordinates of the mine vein, but the news he received was that no one was mining there, so Zhou Yan did not want to give up on that place.

Since this country had cooperated with the lords of Canglan Continent, Zhou Yan felt that there was no need for force between them.

Although he is not afraid that the other party can break into his territory, it will be very uneconomical if he is trapped here by the other party's people.

Zhou Yan didn't want to offend this country. The other party could establish such a country in the Lord's Continent and have existed for more than 28,000 years. Its strength must not be low.

There is no conflict between them, and Zhou Yan will naturally not fight with each other for no reason.

After learning the news about this country, Zhou Yan returned to [Heavenly Emperor's Palace].

About half an hour later, a reconnaissance plane sent back news that a large number of troops were coming here.

Zhou Yan told the people in the territory not to act rashly and put away the attack status of the defense tower.

Zhou Yan turned on the communicator and saw the size of the opponent's army.

There are quite a few people, at least hundreds of thousands, and even the flying corps has 10,000 people. Such a formation is completely to intimidate him.

"Report to the lord, the Xuanfeng Dynasty has sent an envoy to see you." Twenty minutes later, a female soldier came to tell Zhou Yan.

"Have you finally arrived?" Zhou Yan nodded and asked, "Which city gate is the other party at?"

"At the south gate." the soldier replied.

Zhou Yan soared into the sky and headed towards the south gate. He would not invite others into his territory, so he just went out by himself.

However, Zhou Yan took An Tian and Liuli with him, and the three of them came to the city wall.

"Lord, let a team of people follow you out." Chen Qingzhi asked Zhou Yan.

"The momentum cannot be weakened. Okay, let's arrange it." Zhou Yan nodded.

Zhou Yan rode his mount, followed by a group of thousands of soldiers, and slowly left the territory towards the outside.

The other side is coming with ten thousand flying legions. The army has not arrived yet, but the strength of these flying legions is good, but compared with their Yalong flying cavalry, they are definitely not on the same level.

When the two parties came closer, Chen Qingzhi asked people to put the table, wine, and fruits on the table.

The other party was also observing Zhou Yan carefully and found that although there were not many soldiers around Zhou Yan, they were all well-trained soldiers and well-equipped, much better than theirs.

Especially the size of this territory is truly majestic, spectacular, and powerful.

Zhou Yan stepped forward and said: "I am the owner of this territory. My name is Zhou Yan. If you have anything to do, you might as well sit down and talk."

Zhou Yan came to the seat and looked at the other party.

Three people came to the other side. The man in the middle was wearing a long robe and looked elegant. He also sat down opposite Zhou Yan, and then said to Zhou Yan: "My name is Zhang Yang, and I am the lord of Yunxin City. I don't know what you are doing." Do you know where you are now?"

"I just checked the information and found out that this is the location of the Xuanfeng Dynasty." Zhou Yan answered while filling the other party with wine.

Zhang Yang nodded, and then replied: "Since you know that this place belongs to the Xuanfeng Dynasty, it's easy to handle. It's not that our dynasty doesn't welcome you, it just doesn't allow you to transfer your territory to our territory, so , please leave as soon as possible."

"I know this, but I have no ill intentions. I really didn't expect to be teleported to your dynasty this time. However, since we are here, we also want to come here to make a deal with you. I want you to The city lord should not refuse a lord’s transaction demand.”

Zhou Yan checked the country's information and found that these city lords were equivalent to the supreme rulers of each place. They also needed to perform well, otherwise they would be in danger of being removed from their posts.

Moreover, over the past 20,000 years, many lords have accidentally barged in. They would be polite first and then attack. If they refused to leave, they would naturally be attacked by force.

"Of course we are very welcome to do business with you, but I hope you won't make it difficult for me. We must not retreat when it comes to the territory. As long as you are willing to transfer the territory beyond the borders of our country, I very much welcome doing business with you. trade."

Zhang Yang also stated his request. No matter which country, no other lord would be allowed to come to his land.

What's more, Zhou Yan's territory is indeed too big, too majestic, and too powerful. As long as they don't leave this territory for a moment, they will have trouble sleeping and eating.

"Of course, I respect your country's territorial sovereignty very much. Naturally, I will not stay here any longer. As long as we reach an agreement, I will teleport the territory away immediately. After all, none of us want a war."

Zhou Yan also expressed his thoughts in a friendly manner.

After hearing Zhou Yan's words, Zhang Yang was indeed relieved. He definitely didn't want a war.

"I don't know if you have any transaction requirements. You might as well tell them. As long as they are within a reasonable range, I will naturally not refuse." Zhang Yang asked.

"Now that I have come to you, I want to send a mining team to explore the veins in your land. If anything is discovered, I will naturally mine it. Even if I don't find anything, I will naturally leave. Of course, we will give you a certain fee. , as for the price and conditions, it’s easy to say.”

Zhou Yan finally revealed his purpose. Such things existed in the Xuanfeng Dynasty, and it was precisely because of this that Zhou Yan said this.

"There is no problem with this, but since you know that our country has this policy, you also know that we cannot allow you to bring too many soldiers. For miners, the number is also limited."

After Zhang Yang heard this, he naturally would not refuse. Since there were so many mountains under his control, as long as the other party offered a price that satisfied him, he would definitely not refuse the other party to mine.

There are many such cooperations in every place in the Xuanfeng Dynasty. They will look for powerful lords, cooperate with them, and then win each other, which is beneficial to both of them.

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