"I don't know which part of Yunxin City you want to detect. Although our Yunxin City cannot be said to be very big, it is not small either. There are many mountains around it. I can introduce it to you." Zhang Yang said.

"That couldn't be better." Zhou Yan naturally would not directly state his goal.

The other party took out a map and introduced it to Zhou Yan: "This is our Yunxin City, and these are the surrounding mountains..."

Zhou Yan took a look and quickly found the mountain range where his target was located this time, so he clicked on ten mountains, and then said: "Just these ten mountains. It would be best if you find them. If you don't find them, you can only Try your luck in the mountains of other cities.”

"I don't know if there are mines in those mountains. Let's discuss the terms between the two parties." If there were mines, Zhang Yang would have taken action long ago, and it would not be anyone else's turn.

"Okay." Zhou Yan replied.

Both of them made their own conditions. Apart from Zhou Yan talking to many people about the mining personnel, the soldiers did not make many arrangements.

When the other party saw that Zhou Yan was so sincere, they naturally didn't care about it, and then told them their conditions.

The other party gave Zhou Yan several options. The first one was to directly spend a huge price to purchase the mining rights of ten mountain ranges. As long as they are purchased, regardless of whether there is ore in the ten mountain ranges, the mining rights will be within the period of time. Belongs to Zhou Yan.

The second method is to pay taxes, and the cost is the smallest. That is, Zhou Yan devotes manpower and material resources. If the mineral vein is not detected, neither party will suffer much loss. If it is discovered, the other party will charge two layers. taxes, and will send their people to supervise.

The third method is a cooperative method. Both parties send people to explore. If a mineral vein is found, they each send half of the people, and each party gets half of the benefits.

Zhou Yan directly chose the first method without thinking.

Zhou Yan was absolutely sure that he could dig up the ore, and it was also a nine-star Spirit Stone. This was an Apex Level material, and you couldn't buy too much of it even if you had money.

He only spent 100 million points of spiritual coins to buy ten mountain ranges at one time. To Zhou Yan, this was just a small amount of money.

As a result, the two parties began to negotiate the price, and finally Zhou Yan successfully obtained ten years of mining rights for ten mountains at the price of two billion spiritual coins.

The two parties began to sign the contract, pressed fingerprints, and took videos as evidence. Whoever breaks the contract will suffer the corresponding consequences.

After signing the contract, Zhou Yan immediately paid Zhang Yang two billion spiritual coins.

"Happy cooperation." Zhang Yang was very happy and exchanged ten useless mountains for two billion spiritual coins.

"It's a pleasure to cooperate." Zhou Yan was also very happy. Two billion spiritual coins were just a drop of money for Zhou Yan.

Both of them were very happy, laughing at each other's stupidity in their hearts.

City Lord Zhang Yang gave Zhou Yan a coordinate, which was outside the scope of their country's territory.

Zhou Yan can directly teleport to a place near these coordinates based on these coordinates, and generally there will not be much difference.

But before leaving Zhou Yan's territory, he can take the lead in sending out the miners and soldiers in the territory, so that he doesn't need to walk a long distance.

There were a total of 3,000 miners and 100 soldiers. This was the maximum concession offered by City Lord Zhang Yang, and Zhou Yan did not waste any time here.

These miners are the most Apex Level miners in the territory, and even these soldiers are carefully selected soldiers.

Zhang Yang would naturally send people to keep an eye on the people sent by Zhou Yan, but only to prevent them from harming the nearby villagers. However, Zhang Yang's people would not interfere with any of Zhou Yan's actions, but would also provide help.

After the two parties reached a cooperation, Zhou Yan handed over the excavation work to one of them and told the other person that he would be back soon. This matter was very important. Zhou Yan naturally needed to arrange everything before he would feel relieved.

Zhou Yan returned to the territory. Only twenty reconnaissance planes were sent out, and the others flew back to the territory.

Zhou Yan began to transfer the territory to the coordinates given by the opponent.

After a burst of light, the territory arrived at a new place in the blink of an eye.

Standing at a high place, you can see that there are many territories not far away.

These people were all lords who came to the Xuanfeng Dynasty to travel and do business.

Zhou Yan asked the soldiers in the territory to take precautions, and then the remaining soldiers returned to their normal lives.

And he handed over all matters concerning the territory to them.

Then, Zhou Yan himself teleported to Yunxin City again.

Seeing Zhou Yan teleporting here using props, Zhang Yang was obviously not surprised, and then asked: "Then I will arrange for someone to send you there now. If you need anything, you can contact my subordinates directly."


A group of people, escorted by Zhang Yang's guards, began to move towards the nearest mountain range.

A complete set was required for the show, so Zhou Yan naturally arranged for professional personnel to detect the mineral veins.

But there was nothing gained along the way, and Zhou Yan deliberately acted disappointed.

Because of the large number of people, the detection speed was very fast. The first mountain range was quickly detected, followed by the second and third mountains.

After Zhang Yang heard the news, he obviously smiled knowingly. He had known for a long time that there were no valuable mineral veins in these places, otherwise he would have cooperated with others to mine them.

But he was not completely sure. After all, his detectorists were not very strong.

One day passed, and Zhou Yan did not obtain any useful mineral veins, so he asked people to camp and rest. Zhou Yan told them to notify him as soon as possible if there was any situation.

Zhou Yan took out the Stone of Return to the City and returned to the territory. After completing his training, he returned to the mountains and began to continue detecting.

Finally, in the afternoon, we arrived at the target location, and had people surround it to prevent outsiders from approaching. After all, this place had been bought by Zhou Yan, and naturally it belonged to Zhou Yan's mining scope.

The people sent by Zhang Yang were not easy to get close to, so they left here immediately.

Zhang Yang also received the news immediately. Although it was a bit unexpected, he didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, Zhou Yan spent two billion spiritual coins, and if he got a little bit of it, it probably wouldn't be a very good mine.

Zhang Yang told his men to ignore them as long as the other party was not causing trouble.

This is what Zhou Yan hopes to see.

Three thousand miners are all the most Apex Level talents in the territory. They dig as fast as machines. Even the equipment they carry is gold or above mining equipment. Thousands of people work together and dig quickly. Out of a mine.

Zhou Yan waited here for a long time. After a few hours, they finally dug up the Spirit Stone, but it was not from Jiuxing.

The nine-star Spirit Stone must be at the bottom. Zhou Yan asked people to continue digging. After digging, he could just put it directly into the territory.

Seeing that everything was fine, Zhou Yan was relieved, but he asked people to pay attention to safety. After all, they were on other people's territory, so don't make trouble.

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