After the explanation, Zhou Yan returned to the territory and came to the [Heavenly Emperor's Palace], where he saw Cai Yan and Wei Zifu still wandering in the garden.

"Lord." After the two women saw Zhou Yan, they walked up with smiles.

"I heard from Sister Diao Chan that the lord has reached a cooperation with a city lord in Yunxin City." Cai Yan, with a bulging front and back and a very charming figure, came to Zhou Yan and said.

Zhou Yan held Cai Yan with one arm and Wei Zifu with the other.

The two women were so shy that they quickly said: "Don't let anyone see it."

"What are you afraid of? You are both my women and the mistress of the territory. There is nothing to worry about." Zhou Yan hugged the two women and came to sit on the pavilion.

"The cooperation has been finalized and the mining has stabilized. Everything is going well now. I don't need to go there anymore," Zhou Yan said.

Wei Zifu picked up the grapes on the stone table and peeled them open, handed them to Zhou Yan's mouth, and then asked: "The lord spent a lot of time to dig there. It shouldn't be ordinary materials there."

Scratching Wei Zifu's cute nose, Zhou Yan replied: "That's for sure. I will definitely ignore the ordinary materials. The ones produced there are Spirit Stones, and there are many nine-star Spirit Stones. Although it has just started now." Digging, but the information won’t be wrong.”

"Why don't the people of the Xuanfeng Dynasty dig it themselves?" Cai Yan was very curious.

"Those countries are different from our territory. Although the territory of those countries is very large, their number is also limited. Coupled with various talent reasons, it is difficult to conduct large-scale mineral exploration."

"But our lords are different. We have professional talents in life occupations, and our exploration of those minerals is also more professional."

"So those city lords are willing to cooperate with our lords. Anyway, both parties will sign a contract, and there is a time limit. As long as the time is up, even if the contents of the mine have not been excavated, it will still belong to them in the end. So, no matter what, they No one will suffer."

Zhou Yan roughly explained that this kind of cooperative relationship is applicable to many countries. After all, one country cannot cover everything. Each country has its own set of cooperation methods.

"I heard from some sisters that they want to go to Xuanfeng Dynasty to have a look." Wei Zifu looked at Zhou Yan expectantly.

"You want me to take you there." Zhou Yan understood what Wei Zifu was thinking at a glance.

"I just happened to see the lord like this. Even if I don't tell you, Sister Diaochan will tell you tomorrow." Wei Zifu replied with a smile, which was very charming.

"I don't know when the ore there will be mined. I can really have some fun in the Xuanfeng Dynasty during this time."

Zhou Yan nodded, this was a chance to experience the exotic scenery.

"That's great. There are so many sisters, so the lord should keep an eye on them." Wei Zifu joked.

"If you dare to tease me, let's see how I treat you!" After Zhou Yan finished speaking, he directly pulled the two women into the room.

The next day, Diao Chan found Zhou Yan with several women and told her that she wanted to visit the Xuanfeng Dynasty.

"Of course, I'm not restricting your freedom, but you must bring a few generals with you." Zhou Yan said.

"Everything follows the lord's arrangement." Diao Chan and others were very happy, cheering like a flock of larks.

There were not many people playing, including Diao Chan, Cai Yan, Zhao Min, Xiao Zhao, and Wei Zifu, but Diao Chan also pulled Chang'e along, which made Zhou Yan very happy. Diao Chan was really a roundworm in his heart.

After confirming, Zhou Yan called out a few people. Originally, Zhou Yan wanted to call out Li Yuanba and Lu Bu, but they just came to the territory and their level was too low. Their current strength was not very strong, so he didn't call out.

Zhou Yan certainly couldn't call the generals of each legion, and could only choose from the remaining generals.

Dian Wei, the idiot, can do it, then Meng Tian, ​​Meng Wu can also be called in.

Next up are Zhang Xiu and Wenpin. Zhang Wuji is also pretty good. By the way, Wei Yixiao and Yang Xiao will also be brought along.

So there are seven people. Zhou Yan thinks Wu Song can also be called, and then there are Hou Junji and Yang Zaixing.

Just a few of them will be fine. As for Jin Ye, I won't take him with him now and let him practice well in the territory. He is about to fall asleep anyway.

But Zhou Yan must also bring the two bodyguards Antian and Liuli with him.

Zhou Yan wanted to take Nangong Pushe with him, but she was not interested in fun activities, so Zhou Yan let it go.

All matters concerning General Zhou Yan’s territory have been explained.

After making sure, they started to prepare.

However, Zhou Yan saw that Zhao Min was still dressed as a man, dressed in white and holding a folding fan.

Zhou Yan was a little surprised. He hadn't seen her dressed up like this for a long time.

"Why do you think of going out like this?" Zhou Yan asked.

"Isn't this the scene when we first met? I can't miss it." Zhao Min said with a smile. She was not only beautiful, but also very charming.

"Of course." Zhou Yan nodded.

The others also quickly changed their outfits. When they saw Zhao Min, they all felt very interesting. Xiao Zhao quickly said: "I'll change into men's clothes too."

"I'll go too." Diao Chan also went.

The other women did not move and were still dressed in women's clothing.

Zhou Yan looked at Chang'e. She was still so pure and refined, like a fairy, and this time she wore a veil, hazy, which made people feel a strange sense of beauty.

Nineteen people mounted their mounts and headed towards the border of Xuanfeng Dynasty.

There are not many of them, but there are many people coming and going here, including various lords and soldiers. They are not very far from the border cities, and they are all within a range of about a hundred kilometers.

After paying the entry fee, they put away their mounts and started shopping.

The city is very large and prosperous, with a large number of people. There are many races of people, such as orcs, elves, dwarves, centaurs, catwomen, Demon Race, Monster Race, ghosts... It's like a Myriad Races city. generally.

They also wore a variety of clothes, including suits, cheongsams, Hanfu-like clothes, and modern casual clothes. There were also many clothes that Zhou Yan had never seen before, and there were also people who hid their faces.

In this border city, you can buy all kinds of dazzling things. Diao Chan and others saw a lot of strange things and bought a lot along the way.

Zhou Yan took everyone around, tasting various delicacies and visiting various scenery.

They soon saw a very lively arena, filled with arenas, and then challengers stepped forward to challenge. The winner would receive a reward.

As for the rewards, they were all put into jars. No one could tell what was inside, but each item was worth more than 100,000 spirit coins.

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