"It looks fun. I want to go up and give it a try." Zhao Min put away the folding fan and winked at Zhou Yan.

"Be careful." Zhou Yan nodded.

"I know." Zhao Min was very happy and jumped up to the ring: "I'll give it a try."

"Okay, another knight comes to the stage to challenge. If the knight is not clear about the rules, please read the rules first. If you are clear, please pay the challenge fee of 10,000 spirit coins."

The referee on the stage was wearing ancient clothes, holding a microphone, and wearing a pair of sunglasses. He looked nondescript.

Many people in the audience began to applaud and shout cheers.

"Sister Zhao Min...brother, come on!" Xiao Zhao almost let it slip and stuck out her tongue, which was very cute.

"Do you think Zhao Min can win?" Wei Zifu asked.

"Of course you can. Sister Zhao Min has learned a lot." Xiao Zhao replied.

"It's just that she has learned too much and I feel like she's stuck. I still think it's good to learn a few handy skills. Practicing those skills more will make her better than anything else," Diao Chan said.

"Leave it to her, she will understand sooner or later." Zhou Yan also advised Zhao Min, but Zhao Min is a strong person, so she will not be obedient.

Zhao Min naturally knew the rules. He first paid 10,000 spirit coins, and then tested his realm. After everything was over, the other party sent a person with the same realm as Zhao Min to start the battle.

The man held a long knife and wore a complete set of armor.

The people who set up the arena and the people who were sent out were all very capable.

This is a competition, so it’s all about reaching the end, but as long as you fall to the ground, you will be considered a loser, and you will be considered a loser if you admit defeat.

"It's time to start." Zhao Min nodded, took out a diamond-quality sword and pointed it at the opponent.

The battle begins!

Everyone in the audience cheered, and the entire arena raised a barrier.

As soon as the battle began, Zhao Min took the lead in launching the attack. She had a graceful figure and a face as beautiful as a crown jewel, which made many girls look overflowing with love.

None of them noticed that Zhao Min was a girl and thought that Zhao Min was really a man.

After all, Zhao Min uses Apex Level swordsmanship, so its power is naturally extraordinary. In addition, she is in the Fiftieth Layer world. After using it, sword energy spread across the arena, making the opponent dare not resist it.

"Take my move!" Zhao Min's speed was also not weak, and his movement skills were at Apex Level. Like a bolt of lightning, he quickly approached his opponent and released a terrifying cyan sword energy.


The opponent evaded in time, and the sword energy slashes fell on the ground, breaking the stone into pieces, which showed how powerful Zhao Min's attack was.

Zhao Min had already pinned down the opponent, and Zhao Min's strikes were fast and accurate, leaving no chance for the opponent to counterattack. The opponent was only defensive and had no time to counterattack.

Zhao Min's strength is indeed not weak, and he uses a set of tricks. Although they are different, Zhao Min has obviously put in a lot of effort to master all these tricks.

Facing Zhao Min's weird and changeable tricks, the opponent was indeed extremely embarrassed and was quickly hurt. However, the opponent was not a simple character. Although he was embarrassed, he did not admit defeat.

Everyone in the audience was surprised that Zhao Min had so many martial arts skills, there were so many, and none of them were the same.

Under Zhao Min's fierce attacks again and again, the opponent was finally knocked away by Zhao Min's powerful martial arts and fell onto the ring.


The audience burst into applause, which made Zhao Min very happy, smiling proudly like a peacock.

Zhao Min won, chose a reward, and opened it on the spot. It was a good jade worth 100,000 spirit coins.

But Zhao Min didn't care about these rewards, but continued: "I haven't fought enough yet, I want to continue to fight."

"Okay, okay, okay!!!"

The audience burst into applause again.

"This is Zhao Min." Zhou Yan was helpless, but didn't say much. If she wanted to play, let her play a few more games.

"I also want to have a fight." Xiao Zhao said.

"There are so many arenas nearby. You can go and play if you want. Don't worry about me." Zhou Yan said to everyone.

"Thank you, Lord. I've wanted to go there for a long time, so I'll go." Dian Wei was the first to look for an empty arena.

"Wait for me!" Yang Zaixing also followed.

"I'll go too." Wu Song also had itchy hands, so he told Zhou Yan and started to go.

As for the others, they did not leave and stayed with Zhou Yan.

The host also laughed and said: "It seems that this young man is very confident in himself, so let's wish him two consecutive wins!"

After paying the money, Zhao Min started to challenge again under the gaze of everyone.

Zhao Min is indeed very strong. He attacks like rain and strikes like wind, leaving his opponent with no chance to counterattack.

In this way, Zhao Min went on to win five games in a row.

The audience in the audience was extremely happy to see it, and the person setting up the ring had a pale face.

They really can't figure it out, why can't this guy consume it?

He actually won five games in a row. When will this continue?

But they have to continue to send people on stage, otherwise they will destroy the sign.

Not only Zhao Min, but other people also started the winning streak mode, which made the organizers look very bad. They wanted to make a little money, but they lost many games in a row.

The more Zhao Min and others win in a row, the more excited the audience becomes and the happier they shout.

"We have won eight games in a row, and I don't know how to restrain myself." Diao Chan sighed and looked at Zhao Min.

"She is getting excited now, and it seems she won't give up until she wins ten games in a row." Wei Zifu said.

"Lord, the faces of the organizers are not very good. Are they going to do something dirty?" Hou Junji observed carefully and looked around.

"With so many people watching, they don't dare to play any dirty tricks. After all, they still need to do business here. If they dare to play tricks, huh!!"

Zhou Yan is not a loser, nor is he afraid of them.

Zhao Min had indeed won ten games in a row, and the opponent didn't play any dirty tricks.

In other words, I dare not play dirty tricks in front of so many people.

Although the opponents they came up with were very good, they still had to compete with someone, the people in Zhou Yan's territory.

Among the heroes in Zhou Yan's territory, there are definitely not many outsiders who can defeat them in the same realm.

After winning ten games in a row, Zhao Min originally wanted to continue, but the rules were clear. Those who had won ten games in a row could no longer challenge in this arena. Zhao Min had no choice but to step down and walk towards another arena.

This left the others speechless. Are they planning to win every arena once?

"Do you want me to call you back?" Diao Chan looked at Zhou Yan.

"We are here to have fun. If they can't afford it, then don't come out to do business." Zhou Yan's answer was simple.

"Then I'll go and have some fun too." After Diao Chan finished speaking, she walked onto one of the stages.

Zhou Yan naturally did not stop him and allowed Diao Chan to play, but he himself was not interested in these arenas.

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