At the end of the day, all the dozens of nearby arenas were booked by people around Zhou Yan, and they all won ten games in a row, making the losers almost vomit blood.

The people in the audience watched with great enthusiasm. They were very willing to see such a result and shouted "Okay, okay!!"

In particular, two of the contestants were beaten ten times by five or six people in turns, and their faces turned dark after losing.

Later, the generals felt bored and left here. They really had no opponents and they were too weak.

But those who were holding the ring gathered together and said, "Mad! These bastards are so cruel. They made us lose so much. No, we can't let them leave like this."

"I lost something worth 10 million spiritual coins, I can't let them take it away like this."

"They went too far. They actually caused me to lose so much. Follow them first and see where they end up."

"Those girls are not only powerful, but also very good-looking. We must make them pay a little price when the time comes."


"Lord, there are people following us. It should be those people who were unconvinced and wanted to take revenge on us." An Tian said to Zhou Yan.

"I also discovered that there are quite a few people. Since the other party wants to deal with us, do you think we should give the other party a chance?" Zhou Yan looked at everyone.

"Lord, what do you want to do? I will take the lead and kill them first!" Yang Zaixing stood up.

"I haven't fought enough before, and I haven't played enough in the ring. I want them to know how powerful I, Dian Wei, am!" Dian Wei also said.

"It's just right, I haven't done anything before."

"These guys really can't afford to lose. If you can't afford to lose, then don't set up in the ring."

Zhou Yan saw a small alley and said, "It's hard for them to attack in crowded places. Let's go from here."

"Okay." Everyone followed Zhou Yan into the alley.

"These guys want to escape, hurry up and catch up." The people behind saw Zhou Yan and the others walking into the alley, and thought they were going to escape, so a group of people immediately went back to report, and the rest of the people chased after them.

Zhou Yan deliberately attracted them to a deserted place, and then found a relatively large place with no one around, making it a good place to start.

"We'll wait for them here." Zhou Yan said.

Everyone dispersed, waiting for those people to come.

Those people quickly caught up and when they saw Zhou Yan and his group stopped, they immediately said, "Boy, why don't you run away? Aren't you very powerful before? You caused us so much loss."

"It turns out that you are all a group of guys who can't afford to lose. If you can't afford to lose, why bother setting up a stage? This is how you do business." Zhou Yan said with an indifferent expression.

"Hmph! We are here to compete. How to do business is our business. You should never be so greedy, and you are in a group. I think you are here to mess with us."

"Boy, if you are sensible, you will compensate each of us 100 million spiritual coins, and I will let you go!"

"That's right, lose money."

"Oh, what if I don't give it!" Zhou Yan sneered.

"Hmph! Boy, I don't care who you are. This is the Xuanfeng Dynasty, not your outside world. Even if you die, no one will care about you. You'd better know better, or I'll kill you all!"

"We know you are very powerful, but there are so many of us, do you think they can beat us!"

"Most of your realms are in the Fiftieth Layer world. We have many masters. If you don't want to die, just pay us to make amends."

Unfortunately, Zhou Yan ignored their words.

He even looked at them with a mocking look, as if to say that they were overestimating their abilities.

There was another burst of footsteps, and another group of people came behind them. Judging from the number of people, there were hundreds. This time, they were more confident.

"Hahaha! Boy, why do you think we are talking nonsense to you here? We are just waiting for help."

"That's right, you are dead today, let's all go together."

"Those who are caught alive by women will be killed by the men."

They swarmed forward. Zhou Yan nodded to the generals and said, "Leave no one behind!"

"Yes, Lord!"

Antian and Liuli are the fastest, and their realm is also the strongest. At the realm of more than eighty heavens, it is not easy to deal with people like them who are sixty-seventh layer heavens.

An Tian clenched his hands into claws, and black energy formed a dragon claw, attacking in front of him.

The sound of dragon roar sounded, and the three people in front were hit by this dragon claw. Their bodies were severely injured, and their bodies were pierced by energy on the spot.

Liuli waved a palm, and a strange flame, with terrifying temperature, ignited five or six people.


"Help, what kind of flame is this!"

The flames of colored glaze were so powerful that if they touched even a little bit, they would ignite the whole body. When those people saw the appearance of their companions, they did not dare to step forward and even became a little scared.

But Dian Wei, Yang Zaixing, Wu Song, Meng Tian and other generals all picked up their weapons and rushed towards the remaining people.

"I haven't killed enough before, so I'll send you on your way this time!" Zhao Min was not someone to be trifled with. She held her weapon in hand and killed the enemy.

"A bunch of bastards, really annoying." Xiao Zhao also rushed over.

Diao Chan and Chang'e also took action.

Cai Yan took out the Jiaowei Qin, and then increased the status of everyone, so that their combat power instantly doubled and tripled. This is Cai Yan's current strength.

The war broke out. Although there were more than a hundred people on the other side, and many of them were even above the Sixtieth Layer, the combat effectiveness of the two sides was really very different.

Their strength itself is very strong, and now they have a Transcendent Level wet nurse like Cai Yan to add various states to them. Their strength is as strong as taking medicine.

However, in a short period of time, more than a hundred people were killed by them, leaving half of them dead and injured.


It's a pity that Zhou Yan has restricted this space for a long time. When those people saw that there was an invisible barrier behind, their faces turned pale.

"No, our escape route is blocked. There is no retreat."

"These guys are too strong, we are no match at all."

"Boy, let us go, our previous grudges will end..."


Before the man finished speaking, Meng Wu chopped off his head and said, "There's so much nonsense."


The generals were very motivated to fight, and they killed these desperate enemies even more demoralized.

"Spare your life, uncle!"

"Let us go."

"We don't dare anymore."

After a while, all the enemies were eliminated. Zhou Yan used several spells to burn all the corpses on the ground and purify all traces around them, as if there had never been a war.

"Let's go." Zhou Yan and the others left here as if nothing happened.

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