Zhou Yan and the others didn't pay much attention to this matter. To him, those people were just a group of people seeking their own death.

But the group of people who were fighting soon found that all their men had disappeared, and not even a trace could be found.

"What's going on? No one is missing!"

"Did those people do it?"

"Damn it, I didn't expect that group of people to be so powerful. There are more than a hundred people. I can't swallow this breath!"

"What should we do?"


Zhou Yan and a group of people continued shopping. They went to many places, various markets, teahouses, wine shops, and shops. They were either buying things or on the way to buy things.

Along the way, I did find a lot of things that interested Zhou Yan. In addition, Zhou Yan was not short of money and bought a lot of things.

When they came to the largest auction in the city, they heard that this auction was the largest auction here. Zhou Yan and the others wanted to see if there was anything good.

But they were told that today's auction was over and they should come back next time.

Everyone could only leave disappointed and planned to come back tomorrow. Anyway, they had no intention of leaving immediately.

"Excuse me, when is the next auction?" Xiao Zhao asked.

"Our next auction is in three days, and it is a big auction. If you want to come, you'd better buy tickets in advance." The other party replied.

"Okay, then give us nineteen tickets." Zhou Yan said.

"Okay, one ticket is worth 10,000 spirit coins. Do you really want to buy so many tickets?" the other party asked.

"Buy." It was just a ticket worth 10,000 spirit coins, and Zhou Yan didn't care at all.

"Wait, is there a private room?" Zhou Yan asked.

"Yes, but if it's a private room, it's best..."

"I want the best box, money is not an issue." Zhou Yan said.

"But the best boxes are not open to the public. It would cost one million spirit coins to arrange the best box for you." The other party said.

"It's just one million, I want it." If you can buy something with money, it doesn't matter.

"Okay, this is for you. Come on time in three days." The other party gave nineteen tickets, plus a VIP card.

After Zhou Yan and others left, he asked: "Zhang Wuji, have you booked the hotel?"

"Lord, it's been booked." Zhang Wuji replied.

Zhou Yan nodded and said, "I checked the information and found that there are a few places that are quite lively at night. Let's go there and have a look."

"Okay, okay!" Zhao Min and Xiao Zhao loved watching the fun and said immediately.

After getting on their mounts, they first found a place. There were quite a lot of people in this inn. While they were eating, they heard a lot of interesting things.

"Have you heard? The Azure Dragon Gang and the Tiger Gang started a war again. Many people died. Both groups are now in prison."

"I heard that a group of good girls came to Mingyan Pavilion. They seemed to be transported by other lords."

"Those people must have been captured by those lords. Everyone knows this kind of thing, but we can go and take a look."

"The national examination of the Xuanfeng Dynasty is about to begin. I don't know who this year's top pick will be."


There are various kinds of news, but what interests Zhou Yan the most is the news about the cemetery of a mysterious and powerful man.

Zhou Yan used his powerful spiritual consciousness to search for the source of the news. This news came from a private room on the second floor. Although it was far away, it could not escape Zhou Yan's ears.

Zhou Yan began to listen to the news carefully.

"You can't be wrong. Just five hundred miles outside Dongxing City, there should be the cemetery of a powerful demigod."

"Has it been confirmed?"

"Naturally, it has been determined. Many powerful people have already taken action after hearing the news, but the specific place has not yet appeared. I heard that it is very strange and only appears on a full moon night. Now it is still 100 kilometers away from the full moon night. In seven days, we still have time to get there.”

"All the powerful men from the five major Apex Level sects of the Xuanfeng Dynasty have gone. I heard that a Divine Level technique remains there."

"No way, Divine Level technique!"

"keep your voice down!"


Zhou Yan was also surprised. There was a cemetery of a powerful demigod, and there was also a Divine Level skill. This really aroused his curiosity.

Zhou Yan took out the map and found Dongxing City. It was quite far away from here, but he could go there through the teleportation array.

"What are you doing with the map?" Diao Chan looked at Zhou Yan curiously, her beautiful eyelashes full of confusion.

"We discovered a piece of news. Our next target is here." Zhou Yan pointed to a place above.

"Dongxing City!" Wei Zifu looked at the place above and asked, "Is there anything interesting there?"

"Let's go rob the tomb." Zhou Yan replied.

Zhou Yan told the previous news, and then everyone understood why Zhou Yan went there.

Zhou Yan didn't know if it was true, but he still thought that he should go and take a look. There must be a lot of good things in the cemetery of a powerful demigod.

"Pa!" Damn girl, how dare you run away!


"Catch her!"

After that, an eleven or twelve-year-old girl, dirty all over, with messy hair, and half of her face swollen, ran directly into the inn, and then begged: "Someone help me!"

But the people around her ignored her and even disliked her.

After all, it's none of your business, and besides, when you're out and about, who knows if this is a routine.

There are so many scammers in this world that most people are indifferent to things other than themselves.

Diao Chan and others did not express their love for the girl and expressed their intention to save the girl, because they were not sure what was going on.

The little girl was very helpless, especially after seeing the few people outside coming out, she quickly said: "I have a secret in my hands. They want to arrest me. If anyone saves me, I will tell him the secret. It is a big secret." , I really didn’t lie!”

"Hurry up and take that crazy girl away!" Upon hearing this, the man outside the door immediately changed his face and said, "I'm sorry, everyone, I bought this girl. Because she was disobedient, she talked crazy. Don’t mind it, everyone.”

Several people quickly stepped forward, quickly subdued the little girl, tied her up, and sealed her mouth.


A few people nearby stopped those people and said, "You said you bought this girl. By coincidence, I also said she was bought by our brothers!"

When the man outside the door heard this, he looked at the few people with evil eyes: "A few of them are from out of town. I wonder if they have heard of the Xiao family."

After hearing this, several people asked, "Are you from the Xiao family?"

"If you don't believe me, would you like me to take some of you to Xiao's house for tea?" the man said coldly.

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