She pricked her hand with a dagger, and then the little girl pressed the broken finger on Zhou Yan's wound.

A strange feeling came to Zhou Yan's mind, which surprised Zhou Yan. He really didn't expect that this little girl had such a method.

"Swear quickly, I can't hold on for long." The little girl's face turned red, obviously she lacked strength.

So, Zhou Yan said the oath according to the previous request.

After finishing speaking, a strange feeling told Zhou Yan that if he broke the contract, it would have a great impact on him, but it would not hurt his life.

Zhou Yan was very curious about who this little girl was and that she had such weird means.

"Let's go." The little girl wiped her sweat and looked at Zhou Yan.

"I'll take you away." Zhou Yan took the little girl's hand, then broke through the space and came directly to the barrier outside Xiao Mansion.

The little girl opened her eyes and found that she was outside. She was very surprised and said: "It's amazing. What kind of method is this?"

"It's just a small trick." Zhou Yan answered casually.

A magic spell broke the barrier, and Zhou Yan quietly took the little girl out of the Xiao Mansion and returned to the inn.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Zhou Yan came back so quickly and brought a little girl back with him.

"Lord, is it going well?" they asked.

"It went very well, those people didn't find anything at all." Zhou Yan replied.

When the little girl saw the people around her, she immediately said, "I remember you. I met you at the inn before."

"Of course, if you hadn't said you had a secret, we wouldn't have cared about you." Zhou Yan told a very cruel fact.

The little girl seemed to understand that the world was so cruel. If she was of no use, who would save her?

"Okay, now that you're here, don't say such things." Diao Chan came to the little girl.

"Let's leave first and let her take a bath and change first," Zhou Yan said.

Everyone left, and only Diao Chan stayed with the little girl in the room, asking the little girl many things.

After a long time, the little girl looked brand new. Not only was she dressed neatly, like a little princess, but she was also well fed.

Zhou Yan and others walked in again and looked at the little girl.

"Is this the little beggar from before?" Dian Wei asked in surprise.

"Dianwei, please stop saying a word." Hou Junji said quickly.

"What a big change." Others were surprised.

Zhou Yan sat opposite the little girl and looked at the little girl. After changing her clothes, the little girl was indeed quite cute, but she was thin and had obviously suffered a lot.

"My name is Ning Shuiqing..." The little girl began to briefly introduce her family. Zhou Yan and others did not disturb her and just listened.

The thing is very simple. The Ning family used to be a big family, but now it has declined. It also holds a big secret, but the Ning family no longer has the strength to find it.

Xiao Yan knew about this, so he took people to the Ning family to question him. Unexpectedly, the Ning family would rather die than obey, which made Xiao Yan furious. The two sides fought. The Ning family tried their best to find a way out, allowing Ning Shuiqing to escape, and then the whole family Die in battle.

Ning Shuiqing escaped for three years, but was still discovered by Xiao Yan. He was arrested a few days ago and escaped today, and wanted to ask about the secret.

"What is that secret?" Zhou Yan asked.

Everyone is very curious.

Ning Shuiqing looked at the people around him, a little hesitant.

"Don't worry, they are all people I can trust, but it doesn't matter." Zhou Yan said.

"I only know that it should be a fake Divine Weapon, and I also know the location. Only the blood of our Ning family can take it out, but my parents also said that the place is very dangerous."

"And our Ning family's ancient motto warns us that to suppress an evil beast there, it's best not to try to take it out." Ning Shuiqing told the secret.

"Fake Divine Weapon!" Zhou Yan was indeed surprised.

"It turns out to be an existence that surpasses Saint Weapon. No wonder Xiao Yan tried so hard to get it. This thing is indeed a treasure. If ordinary people know this news, it is impossible not to be tempted."

After everyone listened, they understood why Xiao Yan wanted to destroy the Ning family.

A single Saint Weapon is very powerful, let alone one that surpasses Saint Weapon, which is enough to cause competition among countless lords.

"I'm telling you, the ferocious beasts there are really strong. My ancestors said that if you don't reach the realm of demigods, it's best not to go there. There are many mechanisms there and it's very dangerous."

Ning Shuiqing was very worried that Zhou Yan and the others would go there casually. Although there was a fake Divine Weapon there, it was not easy to get, especially the ferocious beast that was being suppressed. Once it appeared, all living beings would be devastated.

"The ferocious beast that can be suppressed by the pseudo-Divine Weapon should be very strong, but a strong man in the demigod realm should be able to deal with it." Zhou Yan thought of Li Chungang and Zhao Xuansu.

"Have you already reached the demigod state?" Ning Shuiqing looked at Zhou Yan in surprise, then thought about it and said, "It shouldn't be possible. You probably haven't reached that state yet."

"It's true that I haven't reached that level, but I am a person of that level." Zhou Yan said.

Everyone thought of the two people in the territory and laughed at this.

"This way you can go for a trip, but I only know the place, not the institutions there, so you have to be mentally prepared." Ning Shuiqing said again.

"Don't worry, I won't take action casually." Zhou Yan replied.

"You must remember to promise me to kill Xiao Yan and avenge my family." Ning Shuiqing reminded.

"Don't worry, I promise you, he won't survive tonight." Zhou Yan answered confidently.

"So fast!" Ning Shuiqing was indeed surprised.

Afterwards, Zhou Yan turned on the communicator, looked at the picture on it, and said, "That Xiao Yan is in Mingyan Pavilion now. It seems I have to make a trip."

"Mingyan Pavilion, isn't that a brothel!" Ning Shuiqing blurted out.

Immediately, Diao Chan and others looked at Zhou Yan, and Zhou Yan said: "It's enough for me to have you. How can you go there? I will come after I kill people."

"I didn't tell you where you were going to play. Why are you so nervous, Lord?" Zhao Min said angrily.

"That's right, the lord is worried about our sisters." Xiao Zhao also smiled.

"How dare you tease me, please be careful with your family's rules." Zhou Yan said quickly.

"Lord, if it's okay, I'll leave first." After hearing this, Hou Junji hurriedly left.

"Lord, I'm leaving too." Zhang Xiu and Wenpin also left.

"Why are you all leaving? Lord, do you need to take me with you this time?" Dian Wei didn't understand why they were leaving.

"Let's go, let's not cause trouble!"

Meng Tian pulled Dian Wei and confused Wu Song away.

Meng Wu also took Yang Zaixing away.

In the room, only Zhou Yan's woman and Ning Shuiqing were left.

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