Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 589, It’S Completely Over

Ning Shuiqing looked at Zhou Yan with watery eyes and said, "You have so many wives."

"Excellent people will naturally have more wives." Zhou Yan was very proud.

"You guys wait for me in the room. I will be back soon. This Xiao Yan will be killed by me soon." After Zhou Yan finished speaking, he cast the space spell again and left the inn.

"What's so good about this guy is that he can get so many of you to follow her. Moreover, all the sisters are so beautiful. Each one of them looks like a fairy."

Ning Shuiqing looked at Diao Chan and the others and was very puzzled. Diao Chan and the others were all beautiful, so how could they be accepted by Zhou Yan alone.

"Pfft!" All the girls smiled, very satisfied with Ning Shuiqing's praise, and then replied: "Why do you ask so many questions, little girl?"

"Not too young..."


Zhou Yan changed his outfit and dressed like a handsome young man, and came outside Mingyan Pavilion. Well, he came to kill people, not to look for flowers.

Zhou Yan swears!

How could such a serious person like him come here to have fun?

Mingyan Pavilion is the largest fireworks place in the entire Anyang City.

Because it is a border city, business here is very lively no matter day or night.

There were a lot of people coming in and out. What surprised Zhou Yan was that there were not only men, but also women. Zhou Yan was dumbfounded.

"This Mingyan Pavilion is really good at doing business. He even does business with women." Zhou Yan walked into Mingyan Pavilion.

"Hey, young master, do you need me to drink with you to relieve your boredom..." As soon as he walked in, several women dressed in gorgeous clothes came to Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan shook his head and walked directly inside.

That Xiao Yan is on the fifth floor of this building, and there are four guards guarding the outside, while he is looking for flowers and willows inside.

Zhou Yan also called out to a pretty woman and said, "Arrange a room for me, right there."

Zhou Yan pointed to Xiao Yan and pointed to the next room where Xiao Yan was. He knew that no one was there.

"It's not cheap there. Are you sure you want to go there?" the madam said.

"Isn't it just money? I have plenty of it." Zhou Yan waved his hand and took out a bag of spirit coins.

When the madam saw it, he immediately laughed and said, "Xiao Lian, take good care of this young master, and you can't neglect it."

"Yes." Xiaolian said quickly, then took Zhou Yan to the fifth floor, and then asked: "What does the young master need to eat?"

After Zhou Yan entered the room, he immediately cast an illusion spell on Xiaolian.

Then Xiaolian fell into the illusion and started dancing alone.

Zhou Yan sensed the room next door. Although the sound insulation effect here was very good, the movement next door was still difficult to escape Zhou Yan's perception.

"You're really weak. He only has a few skills and is still taking drugs. It's true." Zhou Yan looked down upon him and then disappeared into the room.

In Xiao Yan's room, Xiao Yan said: "!"

The woman felt contempt in her heart, but she still said cooperatively: "Xiao

"That's natural. This young master is extremely talented. How many people in the world can compare with me!" Xiao Yan said very proudly. He had gained a lot of vanity.

"Yes, yes, yes, here, I have seen a man." The girl said this, but she thought in her heart that she had never seen such a weak guy, and he always took drugs.

After a while, ,.

He fell on the woman's back.

The woman cooperated very well and said: "It's bad, my family."

But after a long time, Xiao Yan did not move. The girl was confused and said again: "Master Xiao Yan, what's wrong with you?"

Soon, the woman discovered something was wrong, then touched Xiao Yan's nose, and then shouted in horror: "Ah!"

Soon, news of the death spread throughout Mingyan Pavilion.

"what happened?"

"I heard that Xiao Yan, the young master of the Xiao family, died on the woman's belly."

"The Xiao family, are we the Xiao family, the number one family in Anyang City?"

"That's him. I've long heard that Xiao Yan comes to Mingyan Pavilion every two days. Unexpectedly, he died on a woman's belly."

"Haha, it seems that the Xiao family will become a joke to many people."

"But it's not the first time something like this has happened, so there's nothing surprising about it."


Zhou Yan returned to the inn and said to Ning Shuiqing, "I have fulfilled my oath."

"Thank you." Ning Shuiqing bowed to Zhou Yan to express her gratitude.

"How do you know if I lied to you?" Zhou Yan asked.

"I sense that our oath contract has been eliminated, so next, I will take you to find the fake Divine Weapon of our Ning family as agreed."

Ning Shuiqing answered while thinking: "Father, mother, dear relatives, the guy who killed you is finally dead. You can rest in peace."

"Let's leave tomorrow. My people won't be able to come until tomorrow." Zhou Yan said.

"Okay." Ning Shuiqing said.

Afterwards, Diao Chan took Ning Shuiqing to rest.

Zhou Yan began to contact Li Chungang. As for Zhao Xuansu, Zhou Yan felt that it was safer to leave one person in the territory.

"It's definitely not good for your kid to contact me." Li Chungang replied.

"Li Jianshen, don't say that. I'm not asking you because I'm not sure." Zhou Yan said.

"I can help you, but I have a request." Li Chungang replied.

"Of course it's no problem. Li Jian Shen might as well tell him directly." Zhou Yan asked quickly.

"[Heaven and Earth Library] is good. Zhao Xuansu and I will live there from now on." Li Chungang stated his request.

"What kind of thing is this? Of course it's no problem. Do you want me to ask someone to clean it up for you?" Zhou Yan thought it was a big deal, but it turned out to be such a small matter.

"No, when will we set off?" Li Chungang asked.

"Tomorrow." Zhou Yan replied.

"Okay! Then I will meet you tomorrow." Li Chungang replied.

After finishing the chat, Zhou Yan looked at the sky. It was a long night and he couldn't be alone.

Zhou Yan directly pulled Zhao Min and Xiao Zhao into the room and started family education.

After receiving education, the two women deeply understood their mistakes and kept begging Zhou Yan for mercy.

Only then did Zhou Yan let them go.

The next day, Zhou Yan put on a mask that could change Ning Shuiqing's appearance, and while eating downstairs, he heard everyone talking about the young master of the Xiao family and Xiao Yan dying on the woman's belly.

Everyone looked at Zhou Yan. Although they didn't know how Zhou Yan did it, they still admired Zhou Yan for being able to do it so unnoticed.

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