Zhou Yanli ignored Ning Shuiqing, which puzzled her.

"Sit down, little girl, Monster has nothing to be nervous about." Zhao Min said.

"It's okay, it will disappear soon." Xiao Zhao also said.

Although Zhou Yan did not move, Zhang Xiu and other generals had already left their place.

There was a sound of fighting, pieces of light from energy attacks lit up, and screams sounded out.

Ten minutes later, the battle was over, and even the smell of blood around him had completely disappeared.

Only then did Ning Shuiqing realize that the people around her were also very powerful. She had ignored those people before.

Ning Shuiqing looked at Li Chungang and asked, "You are not old at all, why do you call yourself an old man?"

When Li Chungang heard this, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and replied: "I am almost ninety years old, so naturally I am old."

If he were still in the original world, Li Chungang would naturally have white hair, but in this world, ninety is not very old at all, it can even be said to be very young.

"Ninety years old shouldn't be too old. I've seen many strong people who are over 200 years old and still marry teenage women."

When Ning Shuiqing said this, he asked Zhou Yan again and said, "You must be sixty or seventy years old."

"There's something wrong with your eyes. I'm obviously only nineteen years old!" Zhou Yan replied.

"Then you're not much older than me." When Ning Shuiqing heard this, her smart eyes blinked, looking very surprised. She didn't expect that Zhou Yan was only seven years older than her.

"It's too big. What I have, you don't have."

Zhou Yan said something that Ning Shuiqing didn't understand.

"Is your strength really that of a demigod?"

Ning Shuiqing still found it a little hard to believe that Li Chungang next to him turned out to be a strong man in the demigod realm.

"I've heard that strong men in the demigod realm are all worldly masters. They can easily destroy the world with just a move of their hands and feet, and they generally need to practice for hundreds of years or more."

"But you are only over ninety years old, and you are already a strong man in the demigod realm. It is indeed doubtful. I have never heard of anyone who can become a strong demigod at such a young age."

Ning Shuiqing looked at Li Chungang and expressed his opinion.


Li Chungang smiled and did not explain anything. He, Li Chungang, was so strong that there was no need to explain.

The next day, they continued on their way, but Zhou Yan looked around, motioned for everyone to stop, and then said: "There are friends coming from afar, and there are traps waiting for them. Come out, these tricks are really childish."


A group of people appeared around, some holding bows and arrows, some holding magic wands, and some even holding firearms. There were about two hundred people in total. It looked like they were coming with bad intentions.

Three people fell from the sky, and their strength was above the Seventieth Layer sky. They were all fierce and gangster-like. They looked at Zhou Yan and others and said:

"We are bandits. We only seek wealth, not murder. Each of us has 10 million spiritual coins. We will let you pass after paying the money."

When Zhou Yan heard this, he immediately laughed, rolled up his sleeves, took a few steps forward, and then said, "What a coincidence, it seems we are traveling together."

"I'm also a very particular person. As long as you pay 10 million spiritual coins each, I will let you go. I only seek wealth, not murder."

After the three of them heard Zhou Yan's words, they were stunned for a moment. The fat man on the left said to the person in the middle: "Brother, this kid wants to learn from you!"

The thin man on the right also said: "Brother, they are also bandits, or we can recruit them into the gang."

The big brother in the middle glared at the thin man, and then said: "Can you use some wisdom!"

"If he says he's our colleague, he's our colleague. If he says he's your dad, why would you still call him dad?"

"No, no, no, I don't have such an old son. In layman's terms, he just doesn't deserve it!" Zhou Yan said quickly.

The eldest brother in the middle, with a sinister face, raised the big knife in his hand viciously, then thrust it into the ground, and then shouted angrily: "Boy, our Bomb Gang only seeks wealth and does not hurt anyone, you'd better be smarter!"

"Zhao Di Gang!" Zhou Yan was stunned when he heard this, and then asked curiously: "What is your relationship with Zha Tian Gang?"

"How the hell do I know about the Zhatian Gang? Are you the guy from the Zhatian Gang? Stop trying to make connections with me. If you don't give me money, don't even think about leaving today!"

The boss in the middle looked at Zhou Yan angrily.

"That's right. I'm just a person who doesn't eat or drink fine wine. Come on, everyone depends on their ability. If you can defeat us, let alone ten million spiritual coins for each person, I will give you one billion spiritual coins for each person. You!" Zhou Yan said.

"Brother, this is a rich owner. Our previous quotation was too low." Upon hearing this, the fat man quickly said to the eldest brother in the middle.

"Stop talking nonsense, brothers, come on!" The eldest brother in the middle immediately ordered.

"Yes, boss!"

The surrounding bandits immediately fired bows, arrows, magic and guns at Zhou Yan and the others, and these attacks were not low. The strength of each bandit was not lower than that of Fortieth Layer.

This is still a strong group of bandits, so it's no wonder they dare to rob.

Zhou Yan did not take action. With these people, it was not his turn to take action.

As a lord, with so many subordinates, if you can avoid taking action, try not to take action unless you can't help but want to beat someone.

An Tian and Liuli stood at the front.

An Tian released a piece of black energy and turned into a black dragon head. All the magic was swallowed by the black dragon.

Liuli released an emerald-like flame, forming a fire dragon that burned all bows, arrows and bullets.

"Big artillery! Second artillery! Follow me!" The boss raised the weapon in his hand and killed An Tian.

"Yes, boss." The fat man and the thin man also took out their weapons and rushed forward.


Ten generals including Dian Wei, Zhang Xiu, and Wenpin took up their weapons one after another, walked up to Zhou Yan, and started fighting the bandits around him.

The three bandit leaders are very strong and can actually fight against An Tian and others.

"Three powerful men from the Nineteenth Layer have turned into bandits." Zhou Yan was very surprised after sensing their strength.

He never expected that the realm of the three people would be so strong, reaching the Ninetieth Layer. But he judged people by their appearance and thought they were just a group of ordinary bandits.

After fighting for a while, Tubao realized that An Tian and Liuli were too strong, and the people around them were also very strong, so he immediately said: "It's a tough idea, brothers, retreat!"

The three of them were very decisive and threw something towards An Tian.


A smoke appeared, making both of them unable to see everything in front of them. By the time the smoke disappeared, the three of them had already run away.

"It's not that easy to run away." Zhou Yan dodged and came to the three bandits, and used gravity spells and space confinement spells to directly imprison the three of them.

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