Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 592, Entering The Fierce Valley

"Space ability! Gravity technique!" Tu Pao didn't expect Zhou Yan to master these two methods, and was very surprised.

But the strength of the three of them was pretty good. They exploded with powerful spiritual power and broke through Zhou Yan's space and gravity spells.

"It's not a good time to stay here for a long time, let's go!" Tu Pao shouted quickly.

The three of them flew towards the sky.

"Don't run away!"

Zhou Yan released another wind and thunder spell. For a moment, strong winds blew, thunder roared, and streaks of lightning struck the three of them.

"Damn! How many spells does this guy have mastered?" Cannon quickly dodged and a bolt of lightning hit him.

"This guy's spell is so powerful." Xiao Pao also narrowly avoided it.

"Boy, why bother chasing me so hard? I'll just let you go." Tupao said quickly.

At this time, Antian and Liuli also came to the sky and blocked the three people. Facing the siege of the three bandits, the three bandits became even more embarrassed. They were obviously stronger than the other party, but they could not do anything to the three of them.

Especially Zhou Yan's abilities, including gravity, thunder, and flames, made them very embarrassed.

The fat man was ignited by the flames of Liuli and immediately shouted: "Brother, save me, you're burning me to death."

"Cannon!" Tupao quickly stepped forward, trying to extinguish the flames, but he couldn't do it. Seeing that the cannon was about to be burned to death, Tupao quickly knelt down to Zhou Yan in the air and said, "As long as you don't Kill my brother, and I will work as a horse for you!"

"Brother, don't!" Although Da Pao felt very uncomfortable, he still shouted.

"Brother!" Xiao Pao wanted to say something, but seeing that Da Pao was about to be burned to death, he still didn't speak.

Zhou Yan immediately nodded to Liuli, who quickly withdrew the flames from the cannon.

Even so, Cannon was not having a good time. The only clothes left on his body were a pair of shame pants, and he was completely black. His hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes were all gone, and smoke was still coming from his mouth.

Everyone wanted to laugh when they saw this, but they felt that this local cannon was quite loyal.

If the cannon hadn't been powerful, he might have been burned alive. Liuli's flames were no joke.

Seeing that the cannon was fine, both the cannon and the small cannon breathed a sigh of relief.

The fighting below also stopped.

Tu Pao asked directly: "I Tu Pao keeps what he says. Whatever you want us to do, as long as I Tu Pao can do it, I will never refuse."

Zhou Yan nodded and motioned for the three of them to go to the ground to talk.

After they all came to the ground, Zhou Yan asked: "Do you know the Fierce Valley?"

"You want to go inside?" Tu Pao was surprised.

"This should be very close to the Fierce Valley. You must know the way in. As long as you take us in, I won't care about you." Zhou Yan did not embarrass them too much.

"Okay, but it's enough for me to go there alone. Let my other brothers go." Tu Pao replied.

"Brother, no, it's extremely dangerous there. If you go in, you won't be able to get out. In the past, we saw so many people go in, but no one came out. Are you looking for death?"

When Xiaopao heard this, he quickly spoke and entered the evil valley, where he would die without any chance of life.

"Stop talking, you go back with your brothers first. I Tupao promised others that I will definitely do it. As for life or death, it depends on whether God will give me a way to survive." Tupao looked like he was dying heroically.

"Don't worry, we don't want to die either. It's not that easy." Zhou Yan said.

Although Xiaopao really didn't want Tupao to go there, their lives were in Zhou Yan's hands, so they could only leave with the injured Cannon and the remaining brothers.

"Come with me, there is a road very close, you can get there soon." Tu Pao said.

Zhou Yan nodded, and then led everyone towards the front.

Soon after, both Zhou Yan and Li Chungang sensed a very terrifying aura and said, "It's such a fierce aura. No wonder no one who entered could come out alive. This should be emanating from that ferocious beast."

"It's indeed a very strong guy, but I don't know how much strength it has left." Li Chungang sensed it and became interested in the ferocious beast.

If you inhale too much of this breath, it can affect people's sanity and even lead to manipulation.

Zhou Yan took out the elixir, handed it to everyone, and said, "Take this elixir."

Tu Pao looked at the elixir and said with a shocked expression: "This is actually a Ninth Grade elixir!"

Tu Pao never expected that the other party would even be willing to take out such elixirs, and he would take several pills per person. And judging from the other party's appearance, he seemed to feel that the Ninth Grade elixirs were not very valuable in his hands.

This is Ninth Grade elixir!

It's not a Low Level elixir. There are several pills per person. Are you serious?

It can't be fake.


After swallowing it, Tu Pao was shocked. It turned out to be true. He looked at Zhou Yan again. Tu Pao was stunned by the other party's generosity.

"Why are you standing there? Hurry up and lead the way. Don't worry, I will lead the way. You won't die." Zhou Yan urged.

"Oh, okay." Tupao nodded, and then continued towards the Fierce Valley.

"There are a lot of unconscious people and Monsters inside, there are quite a lot of them." Tu Pao reminded.

Zhou Yan nodded, seemingly not paying much attention.

Not long after, a group of delirious people and Monsters all rushed towards Zhou Yan and others.

"These guys are so scary!" Ning Shuiqing stepped back and came to Diao Chan's side, feeling more at ease now.

"A bunch of walking dead, there's nothing to worry about." Diao Chan said.

These delirious people and Monsters have no consciousness. Their souls are already dead, and their bodies are controlled by a strange energy.

Although they can use the power in these guys' bodies to fight, they cannot use their full strength at all.

However, these walking corpses have no pain or fatigue. They kill one after another, and after death, the corpses will directly turn into black smoke and disappear.

However, it was an unexpected surprise that these walking corpses were able to burst out of the treasure chest. Unfortunately, Zhou Yan and the others were not here to hunt them, but to retrieve the fake Divine Weapon inside.

But the treasure chests that exploded were basically put away by Zhou Yan using his space ability.

"Rush over, don't waste time on these monsters." Zhou Yan looked at the monsters, which were almost endless, and ordered.

These walking zombies were not very strong. They quickly carved a path and everyone quickly rushed inside.

The deeper they went, the stronger the ferocious aura inside, and they soon saw a huge skeleton. The bones paved the way, directly connecting to a dark valley in front.

"The real evil valley is ahead, and there will be more walking dead inside, and many of them are strong men of eight or more days, and there are many mechanisms." Tu Pao said.

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