Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 801, Black Market Businessman

It didn't take long for the whole country of Koryo to mourn and curse the chaebols of Koryo. After they went bankrupt, they actually directed the disaster to ordinary people, letting them, the common people, bear their pain.

For the chaebols of Korea, isn't this a method they often use? As long as they can survive the crisis, it's fine. As for the life and death of others, it has nothing to do with them.

Zhou Yan had just finished trading a batch of materials of astonishing value with dozens of people, and then heard the news that the enemies of Koryo had destroyed their power in Lord Continent.

Well, this matter was indeed done in his territory, but Zhou Yan only learned later that the enemies of Goryeo had been destroyed.

Saturday is a day off.

Ye Bufan found Zhou Yan and said: "I have made an appointment with a force in the Lord Continent to let you sell the "obtained" treasures in your hands."

Zhou Yan nodded and said: "It is not convenient to teleport to my territory now. I will go directly to your territory and then take me there."

When Ye Bufan heard this, he knew that Zhou Yan's territory was still doing "business". He nodded and said, "Then go over now."

"Okay." Ye Bufan invited Zhou Yan to his territory, and Zhou Yan briefly visited Ye Bufan's territory.

Ye Bufan began to teleport and came to a mysterious place.

Ye Bufan introduced: "These people are black market traders in the entire Lord Continent. There is nothing they dare not accept. They have their own channels to sell anything."

"Then their business is quite big." Zhou Yan said.

"There are countless black market traders like this in the Lord's Continent. Next week, I heard that a black market trade fair will be held. Are you interested?" Ye Bufan asked.

"You must be interested, isn't it just a trade fair?" Zhou Yan said.

Ye Bufan smiled and then said: "I know you regard the black market trade fair as an ordinary trade fair. This trade fair is not simple."

Zhou Yan also became interested and asked: "What exactly is not simple?"

Ye Bufan then explained: "In this black market trade fair, if you like what the other party is selling, you first have to come up with something of lower value, and then you have to send one of your subordinates to win over the other party."

"You can only trade with the other party if you win. If you lose, not only can you not trade with the other party, but you will also have to lose your own things."

Zhou Yan was stunned and said in surprise: "Why is there still such a transaction method? This is a very unreasonable transaction method. Wouldn't it be that the person who sells things will become the biggest beneficiary? As long as he keeps winning, he can get countless treasures. Listen I almost want to sell something."

"This is what other people's rules are. When I first heard about this kind of transaction, my expression was the same as yours, but we can't be sellers, we can only be buyers." Ye Bufan didn't give a specific explanation, but I guess it's the same Very complicated thing.

"You don't have to think that this transaction method is unfair. I haven't finished what I'm saying. For example, if the thing you like is an S-quality thing, you only need to bring out a B-quality thing."

"Once you win, the other party's things will be sold at half the market price. If you lose, your things will naturally belong to the other party. It's not fair or unfair, it all depends on whether you have the strength to buy it."

"But one thing we must pay attention to is that no matter what kind of strong person the opponent sends to fight, you must also send strong people of the same level to fight. It can only be lower than the opponent's level, and definitely not higher." Ye Bufan said.

"It's interesting, next week?" Zhou Yan asked.

"It's next week. Before then, we have to buy tickets." Ye Bufan said.

"You mean, the person we met this time has tickets for sale." Zhou Yan had already guessed something.

"Smart, that kind of ticket is only available to those black market merchants, and only those who cooperate with them can buy it from them." Ye Bufan replied.

"These black market merchants are still doing such business. It seems that they have united to form a chamber of commerce, otherwise they would not be able to create such a big battle." Zhou Yan said.

"They are also keeping up with the times. Black marketeers who have not kept up with the times will either not grow big or be swallowed up by other people with ulterior motives. Smart people will join forces. Just like these people, they have succeeded in becoming bigger and stronger. , but they only appear together when there are activities.”

Ye Bufan rode his mount and took several powerful generals with him, ready to set off.

Zhou Yan also summoned the White Tiger, sat on it, and followed Ye Bufan to fly into the distance.

Half an hour later, Zhou Yan saw a hidden formation. Looking from top to bottom, it was exactly the same as the surrounding terrain, but Zhou Yan could not hide it from his eyes. This was a city, hidden under the entire formation.

"We're here." Ye Bufan nodded towards Zhou Yan, landed below, and then sent a message to the other party.

After a long time, the environment in front of them changed. Several soldiers walked out of the formation and said to Ye Bufan: "Come in with us."

They followed each other into the formation and saw a city gate with countless soldiers standing above the city gate.

They walked in. Inside was an ancient city. The soldier led the two of them to a building, then to the third floor and walked into a room.

Inside was a middle-aged man, and he was not a human. According to Zhou Yan's perception, he should be a black Demon Race person.

There was a huge table in front of this person, with nothing on it.

"My name is Weiner. Two friends, let's take a look at some good stuff." Weiner squinted his eyes and looked at the two of them.

When Zhou Yan heard this, he understood why this person placed such a large table. It should be used to place things for people.

Zhou Yan took out all those things and filled the entire table.

After Weiner looked at it, he said: "Some antiques, aren't there anything special?"

"The table is too small. Ten thousand more tables should be able to accommodate it," Zhou Yan said.

Weiner: "..."

"Everyone, follow me." Weiner stood up and opened the door next to him.

Zhou Yan put away the things and followed the other person there. This was a strange space. There was no danger. It was just a simple space with some special functions.

"Okay, feel free to put everything on the ground, and I will estimate the value of these items for you." Weiner said.

Zhou Yan took out all the things and piled them all around. Weiner exuded powerful spiritual power and floated these things in the air.

"Oh, these things are interesting. They seem to be from Canglan Continent..."

Weiner looked at Zhou Yan, then smiled and said, "I heard that something happened in Canglan Continent recently. That's where you got these things."

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